The tutorial dungeon had a total of 5 levels.

Mochi, a rice cake-shaped monster on the first floor.

Rabbit monsters on the second.

Tree-shaped monsters on the third floor (They don’t move.).

Kukoo, a bird-shaped monster on the 4th floor (baby birds).

Those students that fail this test won’t be allowed to enter the dungeon without an accompanying teacher and will not be permitted to enter the next dungeon.

Although it would be difficult to fail here.

With Mrs. Philis we cleared the dungeon and eventually arrived at the boss room.

“This is the door to the boss room right?”

“Yes. All dungeons have a boss room on the final floor. If you don’t open the door the boss won’t come out and no other monsters will come here. So in front of the door is considered the last sage rest area.”

Hannah was listening intently, what was common knowledge for me was completely unknown to her and as such she was trying to absorb as much as possible.

“Zephyrus, do you have any questions for the teacher? ”

“Oh right, uhm, do you have a boyfriend?”

“No, about the dungeon. Although it looks like you cane prepared so, I guess you don’t have any questions.”

It was a serious question but that was the response I got back. I’d found out that she had just graduated and was only 19. A beautiful 19 year old teacher! I’m pretty sure that out of 100 people all 100 would agree with me that the answer to that question is important information.

While I was thinking this [intuition] went off.


“!H- Hannah, what’s wrong?”

When Hannah called my name a chill ran down my spine and my heart rate sped up.

“You were rude to the teacher.”

“You’re right. I apologize.”

I immediately bowed my head in apology. The light in Hannah’s eyes was gone, she was terrifying.

“So… why don’t we end the joke here. It’s time for the boss fight.”


“Hahahaha, you’re not nervous now thanks to the joke right?”

“I guess?”

I don’t think anyone was nervous to begin with but I clung to the assertion that it was a joke and the light returned to Hannah’s eyes.

“Now, the boss is just a single goblin.”

The boss is just a goblin. Getting used to killing monsters and defeating the last boss ends the dungeon suitability test.

The goblin isn’t a particularly strong enemy and should be able to be defeated easily. Although Hannah should be able to defeat it easily herself, I was afraid she might take damage. So I suggested we use [appeal] so that I can tank while Hannah attacks.

“You can’t pass if you’re afraid of one goblin right?”

“Ok I’ll do my best.”

“Hannah had almost met the criteria to pass already, if you can attack the goblin without fear, you pass.”

“Oh! Did you hear that Hannah!”

“Yeah, this will be easy.”

With that I pushed open the door. Inside the boss room was a dark green goblin that came up to my waist. The moment we stepped inside it bared it’s teeth at us.

“Just like we planned [Appeal]!”

A blue light spread out from around me and the moment it came in contact with the goblin its eyes became fixed on me.

“Alright! Here Gobi, Gobi, Gobi, here boy!”

The goblin jumped at me, it was awkward so I stepped out of the way and it landed face first in front of Hannah.

Without missing a beat Hannah swung her mace and bashed it in the head. She might be a little too good at that….

Now that Hannah passed and the goblin was seeing stars, I attacked as well. When the goblins HP reached 0 it exploded into particles of light.

And just like that the first boss fight was a success.

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