Reincarnated in Marvel with The Strength Force

1 Prologue - Wishes and Intimate Relations...with the ground

Slowly opening my eyes, I looked at my surroundings. Well, I would be looking at my surroundings if it weren't for the cocoon I was currently being embraced by.

But nonetheless, I let out a simple laugh, knowing my wishes were coming true as I also felt my body being burned alive. Now, I know most people wouldn't laugh at this but I knew what was causing this, so the pain was much lesser than my joy and excitement.

Now before you go gallivanting about, wondering if you've missed something, let me explain what happened.

I died. Simple, right? Hit by a truck and splat! There was a little bit of me over here and a small puddle of me over there...and you might be wondering how a truck can do that to a person and all I can is...I don't exactly know.

All I do know is that it was painless, was over in a few seconds and then I found myself in a white room, sitting across from an angelic beauty.

Who also happened to be an angel, well, she self-proclaimed she was an angel despite not having any wings. But I let it slide when she said:

"I need a representative in a specific universe. You'll be part of sort of propaganda run for the Angel Faction, so I'm going to gift you some wishes and transmigrate you as a half-Angel to this universe. This is non-negotiable and I won't take no for an answer!"

I remember thinking she was a bit of an idiot. Like seriously, who would give up the opportunity to be reincarnated with the prior chance to get some powers because of wishes? Well, whoever would definitely wasn't me because I took that offer straight away.

Even if I had some restriction placed upon me, even if I was a soldier in a war, I'd still take this offer as it would give me what I wanted, what I deeply desired; Power to live out a life I wanted.

Anyway, let's skip the boring dialogue, okay?

I agreed and found out I had the 6 wishes but if I wished for an especially potent power or ability, I would have to spend multiple wishes to obtain it. I also found out I would be sent to the Marvel Universe. Which one, I didn't know, but that didn't stop the feeling of excitement from bubbling up from within me. But nonetheless, I kept a serious face.

Understanding what she was telling me, I made my first wish - I want the Strength Force from DC. It originally cost 2 wishes as it was the source of a concept but I modified it further so it cost one more wish. What was my modification, you ask?

It was as such: I wish for the Strength Force but I wish for it to not turn me into some grotesquely muscular person and for the rock formations the power gives when activated to look more like plate metal armor than a random cluster of rocks. But I want it to keep all its original powers.

You might be wondering why those small tweaks require an entire wish but all the Angel told me was that she'd have to change the power from the base upward and that alone was worthy of a wish. I understood her point of view and refrained from getting pissed at my literal guardian angel.

My second wish came quickly after my first, and it was to make sure I wasn't purely a muscle-brained idiot in my next life; I wished for the Sage Force. I knew the different forces could co-exist in the same body, so why not capitalize on that goldmine.

You might be wondering why I didn't get the Speed Force, and that would be a valid question but in a world such as the Marvel-version of Earth, mutants like Professor X who were immensely powerful telepaths were incredibly dangerous and I needed some way to protect myself against mind-related powers.

Cue for the Sage Force to enter the fray! This power would not only make me a super-genius but would also give me telepathy and telekinesis to keep myself safe from the same powers. It was a definite must-have for someone who wanted the power to do what he wants. Raw strength isn't always the best solution, albeit being the easiest one, but you'd be hard-pressed to find a situation where super intelligence couldn't figure a way out.

The Angel back then seemed happy with my decisions so far and eagerly awaited my last wish. I saw to it that I didn't keep her waiting as I was just as eager to enter my new life.

I wished for my half-angel bloodline to be from an Angel of War and Combat so my strength wasn't below a pure angel. The Angel's face froze for a second before becoming surprised at my wish, when she asked why I wished for this, I simply replied with: I'll need all the strength I can get and if the bloodline from my Angel side can give me a warrior's instincts, talents, and mentality, I'll survive easier in this world you're sending me to.

She said she couldn't give me the best - I only had a single wish left, after all - but I would get one which would increase my chances of survival while also complimenting my chosen powers.

After this, she brought up a screen and let me customize my future appearance. There were some things that had to stay the same, like me having red hair and eyes due to my bloodline and my age (which would be 15). Other than that and I had free rein.

So I made a body I could proudly be in. I made it perfect in all the right ways, or should I say big in all the right ways?

Anything after that was actually pretty blurry in my mind and now we're back where we started: I'm in a cocoon, a flame/fire burning me alive.

Soon I felt the cocoon fall away but before I could rejoice in my freedom and the power I felt pulsing through my body, I saw the ground approaching incredibly quickly.

Well shit--


My body hit the ground letting out a colossal boom of sound while cracking the surrounding ground, a crater formed around my body which had been buried in an almost comical way as it left a me-shaped hole.

I felt pain and my vision was slowly blackening. I heard a few helicopters but I didn't care, the stars floating around my head and the elation from the fact I survived the fall, clogging up my mind.

With one last thought on my future, my conscience finally slipped from my grasp and everything went black.

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