Reincarnated In Testament Of New Devil

Chapter 3 - Saving the Village

A year has passed and now I'm 10 years old. From this year we'll be given missions as heroes. They range from C to SSS Rank. I've already earned enough game to be regarded as the most talented child in the hero clan's history. Everyone believes that I'll surpass my father someday. I'm currently at Yuki and Kurumi's house. We're going for our daily training. I've been thinking of making their mother Kaoru Nonaka my woman. I have already built a friendly relationship with her and Shuuya. She sometimes teases me, but I always turn the tables on her making her fl.u.s.tered. Tomorrow I'll execute my plan. But now let's go for some training.

After we reach our usual spot, all the children start training. As usual I'm fighting with my b.a.r.e hands, overpowering my opponents with overwhelming strength. I only use my sword or magic when I deem

it necessary. After our training all of us play with the elders. Suddenly some villagers started shouting. Immediately all the villagers were panic stricken.

"Emergency! There's an emergency!!" said a villager. The village elders also arrived quickly.

"What happened?" Atsuka asks.

"Seito tried to take Brynhildr. But the S-Rank evil spirit within Brynhildr has possessed him. He's raging havoc in the village, killing everyone in sight."

"Why did this have to happen when Jin is not here?"

Everyone was worried and filled with terror. The children all gathered in one side and the a.d.u.l.ts protecting us. Seito could be seen coming towards us. As some of the a.d.u.l.ts were going to go fight him I stopped them.

"Everyone I have a solution." In response to me, Kumano asks "What is the solution Basara?"

"I can stop Seito. But for my plan to work I need to kill him." As I said that, everyone including the elders started thinking. After all, Seito was also a member of the hero clan. But as Seito was approaching us, with no other options they all came to an agreement. Fuji said "It doesn't matter. He can't be saved anymore. We trust you Basara." At his words everyone present also nodded.

"Alright then, everyone stay here and protect all the villagers."

As I said that, I created a magical barrier around them and ran towards Seito. All the villagers using their powers raised a barrier, with all of them behind me. I stood before him. Noticing me, Seito raised Brynhildr up to strike me. Before the sword struck me, I dodge and punch him in the gut covering my fist in my aura. But he blocked it with his arm, but my strength proved to be too much as his hand was sent. He was bleeding from his hand being severed. Using this opportunity I kicked him in the c.h.e.s.t sending him few meters away. I quickly approach him. Now we're a bit away from the houses as Seito's back was facing a mountain with nothing behind him. Before he attacked me, I unleashed my power.

A green flame appeared in my right eye and I stomped on the ground. A huge yellow Ray of light was released towards Seito. It was Banishing Shift. The light covered him and several kilometers of area behind him. Instantly Seito turned into absolute nothingness as he was sent to the zero dimension. The evil spirit within Brynhildr was also eliminated into nothingness. Brynhildr was also at the verge of elimination, but to save itself it formed a contract with me to refrain from being eliminated. The entire area in front of me got eliminated stretching several kilometers. A huge chunk of the mountain was also eliminated.

"Wow! Basara you defeated him." said Takashi.

"That power just now was Banishing Shift." said Atsuta in awe. They wouldn't fear me and exile me, after all I saved all of them without causing any damage to the village. They all appreciated and praised me. Then the elders began speaking.

"Now what do we do with Brynhildr?" asks Kumano.

"Should we seal it again? The evil spirit has already been eliminated." said Fuji.

"I think we should give it to Basara. It seems it has already accepted him."

""Yes, you're right."" Fuji and Kumano said in unison. They then turned towards me.

"Basara, from now on Brynhildr will belong to you. It'll be your sword. Would you accept it?"

"Yes, I would take it as my sword and partner."

Saying that, I picked up Brynhildr. It's violet aura turned purple as it absorbed my aura. I managed to prevent myself from being exiled from the hero clan. After this, we all went to our homes. As soon as I arrived at home, I closed the door and went to my bedroom. I sat in the lotus position with Brynhildr beside me. I stared circulating my aura in my body and start chaneling it in Brynhildr.

"Are you my master?"

"Yes, I am."

"My name is Bynhildr, the strongest Valkyrie. How did you change me into my human form. I sacrificed my body once to seal an evil spirit."

"I'm not an ordinary boy. Using my powers, I helped you regain your body. My name is Basara Toujou."

"It's nice to meet you master. From today, I shall serve you for all eternity standing by you as your partner and sword."

She returned to her sword form and I went to sleep. But then Brynhildr in her human form also got in the bed with me. She slept beside me hugging my body with her arms around my head and legs wrapped around me. I also wrapped my arm around her. She pulled my head between my b.r.e.a.s.ts as I enjoyed the feeling of my fave being squished by her soft gigantic b.r.e.a.s.ts. She kissed my forehead as I closed my eyes and fell asleep. We both sleeped together with each other.

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