Reincarnated In Testament Of New Devil

Chapter 30 - Submission(18+)(2?)

Mio felt a bit embarrassed at the current situation and sent a look of blame towards both Maria and Basara. Maria just let out a chuckle, while Basara had a wry smile on his face. But Mio couldn't keep glaring for long as she released a sensual m.o.a.n, without even being touched. It should be pretty easy to understand that the effects of the curse are becoming even stronger as time passes.

At this point, her fair skin had a ruddy shade to it, her mouth was open with saliva trickling down as she was trying to take long breaths. Basara looked at Maria, his eyes indicating if he should proceed any further. Maria just nodded her head and gave an encouraging smile, which caused a small smile to appear on Basara's face as he looked back at Mio.

Basara leaned over her body and stole her lips while embracing her tightly with his hands almost instinctively wrapping around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his back and reciprocated his kiss with fervor in her eyes. Both of them engaged in a battle of tongues while exchanging each other's saliva. But the rest of their body didn't remain still as Basara grabbed Mio's a.s.s cheeks somewhat firmly. Her a.s.s was very soft and plump with a 'full' feeling to it.

He spread his fingers here on her a.s.s cheeks and fondled them as Mio released cute m.o.a.ns that tickled Basara's ears. She slowly took off his shirt and when his upper body was b.a.r.e, she marvelled at his lean figure with six pack abs and his toned muscles as she touched them and let her hands roam around his c.h.e.s.t and abdomen. Basara began l.i.c.k.i.n.g her b.r.e.a.s.ts and from their he slowly descended downwards.

He gave small pecks on her stomach as he moved down and reached her garden. He was very aware of the somewhat citrusy smell radiating from her nether region which was covered by her p.a.n.t.i.e.s. Her pink p.a.n.t.i.e.s were soaking wet with her juices. Basara ignored her garden for the time being as he moved to her t.h.i.g.hs. He spread both her legs and started l.i.c.k.i.n.g her inner t.h.i.g.hs and as he planted hickeys on her t.h.i.g.hs.

After being done with her t.h.i.g.hs, Basara looked upwards at her soaked p.a.n.t.i.e.s that covered her most important place. He slowly removed the her p.a.n.t.i.e.s and immediately a citrusy smell permeated througout the entire room. The smell was rather intoxicating as Basara's own breathing became rougher. Maria and Yuki didn't seem any better as their faces became flushed.

Basara brought his face to her garden as he inhaled the smell being released from her v.a.g.i.n.a that was currently overflowing with juices. The smell seemed as if it was trying to invade his mind, but it wasn't really trying to take control over him. Instead it seemed to want to turn him into a l.u.s.tful beast. But Basara wasn't so fragile, because his willpower was something very commendable.

Basara used his hands to spread open her v.a.g.i.n.a and he looked inside it. He could see the walls inside her v.a.g.i.n.a contracting and expanding while they were releasing an almost infinite number of juices. Basara gave her v.a.g.i.n.a a lick as it immediately sent a jolt up his brain. Her juices tasted very citrusy like lemons. It was very refreshing and borderline addictive. He began l.i.c.k.i.n.g all the juices that covered her v.a.g.i.n.a while using his hand to play with her c.l.i.t.o.r.i.s eliciting loud and hearty m.o.a.ns.

He then licked her c.l.i.t as he knew that one of a girl's weak spots can be their c.l.i.t and judging from Mio's 'reactions' it seemed to be true. He enveloped her c.l.i.t with his mouth as he began s.u.c.k.i.n.g on it and at the same time he gently chewed on it. Mio immediately pushed his face with her hands to her crotch as a jolt ran up her spine. Her body began shivering with a large organsm as juices gushed from her v.a.g.i.n.a, that were s.u.c.k.e.d by Basara.

Basara lifted his face from her crotch and used a handkerchief to wipe the juices that covered his face. He looked at the side to see Maria and Yuki's condition. But he didn't expect to see the sight that appeared in front of his eyes. Maria and Yuki were both sitting on the carpet with their legs spread. As they used their hands to comfort themselves due to the amount of l.u.s.t that had compounded within them. Basara was honestly surprised to see a s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s like Maria who should have the situation under control in such state, but again another part of his mind just said since that she was a s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s she was more receptive to l.u.s.t than any other races. But he was most surprised to see Yuki masturbating, because Yuki was strong willed and disciplined, he never thought she would ever do such a thing. This is probably the first time she's masturbating since her movements were quite sheepish and she seemed to try and imitate Maria's actions.

Basara just released a small sigh and looked back at Mio. This time the collar on her neck again changed color. It's color transitioned from violet-blue to violet-red. Her loyalty towards him went up a notch, leaving her only one step away from reaching maximum loyalty. But even now the collar had yet to disappear. Basara became a bit concerned at this point, because the curse seemed do be getting worse by the second.

Maria and Yuki were also intoxicated by l.u.s.t, but it shouldn't be possible for the aphrodisiac effect released by Mio's curse to be strong enough to make women like Yuki and Maria comfort themselves without a care in the world. And no matter what, the curse didn't seem to want to go away as if it had a will of it's own and was adamant to remain.

Basara realised that something must be wrong and as he began thinking he immediately realised the reason. Basara had formed a Master-servant vow with Kaoru. Due to the side effects of the vow, all girls older than him will be attracted to him due to the pheromones released from his body. Seems like his pheromones intermixed with the aphrodisiac effect of Mio's curse and now the curse became even stronger.

Basara already made a guess as to the solution to this matter but he wasn't one to make mere assumptions and believing them to be facts. Since this matter also concerned Mio's life, because as Maria said earlier if the curse continues Mio's brain will get fried and Basara could never forgive himself if something like that ever happned to Mio.

Basara activates his [Transparency] skill and confirmd his theory. He could see that the formations of Mio's curse and his pheromones had intermixed to create a completely new curse entirely. It still had the same aphrodisiac effect but the way to remove the curse had changed. Instead of trying to reign in Mio with s.e.x.u.a.l stimulus, now the curse would only be removed by making a Master-servant vow with her and only has an hour left before the curse activated at full power and completely fries Mio's brain and kills her. Basara release a small sigh as a determined look appeared in his eyes.


A/N: Sorry for not releasing chapters. A close relative of mine passed away recently, so I took break to clan myself. But during this break, I had a lot of time to think and think about the development of this story. In the previous chapters, I changed Basara's personality and I understand why down of you would call it hypocrisy. But one of the important aspects of a story is character development. The MC has to change over time as he adapts and learns new things and that is what makes a story good. Of the MC always remains the same, the story will be one plain and boring at some point. Also I'm going to introduce several new developments to the plot and for that personality change was necessary. I'll be releasing one chapter daily from now on and after I finish my other fanfic, it'll be two chapters per day. Also I've decided that, the MC will not just be staying at this record. But he'll travel to different anime and manga worlds. Please vote in the comments which worlds you want MC to go to. There are some worlds that I've already decided on and I'm sure most of you'll like it. I promised in the past that I would wrote over a thousand chapters for this fanfic and I don't plan to break my world. The chapter count might reach above two or even three thousand since I've most of the things planned out. Take care and stay safe everyone.

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