Reincarnated In Testament Of New Devil

Chapter 34 - Flashback ends

"You pore soul." a voice sounds in Ethan's consciousness. Strangely he was consciousness, even though he was sure that he had definitely died. Ethan opens his eyes and could feel himself floating. He looked around to see that he was a dark void, there was nothing in this place. Only emptiness and darkness. He looked at his own body, but he noticed that he didn't really have a body anymore. He was currently nothing more than a soul.

He tried moving around his hands and feet and relived to find that he could at least move around. He floated in the dark void, but there was no one around. The place was cold and devoid of anything. He roamed in this place for several years until he lost count. Finally tired of searching, he instead spent his time remembering all the novels he had read.

He spent a lot of time alone in this place, with nothing more than the memories of those awesome novels he read. Millions of years had passed until he lost track of how much Ike had gone by. But then one day, he found an orb of light floating in the space. He immediately approached the orb, but he couldn't get near the orb. It felt as if it was getting further away from him. He desperately sought the orb and finally he managed to get near it. He couldn't really hold it since he didn't have a body. But the moment his soul came in contact with the orb, something drastic happened.

The orb flashed in a white light that encompassed the surroundings and then several images began appearing around Ethan. He was surprised by this strange phenomenon but he was also very curious about it. The images began changing one by one as Ethan's entire life flashed right in front of his eyes. He could see a beautiful brown haired woman laying on a hospital bed with a black haired man standing beside her. The woman seemed pregnant.

The doctor took out the child from the woman's w.o.m.b and he along with everyone else on the room had shocked expressions on their faces. The woman then took the child in her arms and named it Ethan. Ethan immediately understood that this woman must be his mother and the man must be his father. He then saw everything that happened including guards appearing in the room and his father throwing him out of the window. But Ethan didn't hate his father for throwing him out of the window, he was instead thankful that his father tried to save him. In all these years of suffering he had tried stop kill himself hundreds of times but always failed. He himself tried to kill himself to escape the totures that'd been forced upon him. His father must've understood this and tried to kill him so hay he would rather die than suffer his entire life. Ethan could see that his parents were planning to kill themselves as well, so that he wouldn't die alone.

He then saw the following event's of him regenerating, his father trying to save him but failing. Ethan couldn't stop tears flowing down his cheeks when he saw his father getting beaten, just because he tried to protect his child. His heart broke down when his father began apologizing to him and how his father had been killed by the guards without any hesitation. Ethan then saw how his mother struggled as she was also on death's door. She cried for him while saying that she would always love him. But then she fell back on the bed as she breathed her last breath.

"Mother! Mother, please don't go!! Please!! Don't leave me be alone!! Mother!!! Father!!"

Ethan broke down as he couldn't stop the tears that kept flowing out of his us like a broken dam and he kept begging for his parents to stay. In his entire life, no one ever loved him or cared about him. But now he saw that his parents cared about him more than anything else in the world. They truly loved him from the bottom of their hearts and especially his mother whose gentle embrace brought solace to his heart. That one moment when he was in his mother's gentle embrace was the most precious thing to him.

Suddenly without any warning the orb began fading away. Ethan began panicking and immediately shielded the orb by covering it with his soul. His soul had started fading away but his will perisst d as he wouldn't let the memories of his parents be destroyed. He covered the orb in a fetal position, protecting it and floating through this space for eons.

After a billions of years passed, one day another light shone in the space. From that light, an old man emerged. He had long white hair and a long white beard, he was wearing a white robe with a wooden stock in his hand. The old man's eyes were also white, but they contained a wisdom that seemed stop surpass everything. His eyes seemed as if they could contain all of existence within them. But his eyes also contained gentle warmth and affection.

"You poor soul. I've seen how you have suffered in your life and even in this place you had to spend such a long time all alone. And when you saw tej memories of your birth, your body started fading away but you still continued to will yourself. You prevented yourslef from being destroyed to preserve the memories of your parents, of your mother."

"I...No one has ever loved me, except for my parents. That's why, I won't let their memories fade away."

"You are incredibly gentle and kind. Even though you've suffered to no ends, you posses no evil."

"Who are you? And what is this place?"

"I am what everyone calls God. I am the creator of everything, living and non-living. This place is a void, where the souls of the dead end up in. Their souls after appearing here, immediately afterwards fade away with a heir memories erased as they are sent to the cycle of reincarnation. But, you seem to be an anomaly that manged to survive in this place and you even stayed here for billions of years. Would you mind telling me your name?"

"My name is Ethan Clark. What will happen to me now, God?"

"Ethan, an excellent name. I have seen that you've always d.e.s.i.r.ed freedom and you are also fond of those light novels that you always read. I can give a chance to reincarnate in those records."

"You mean such worlds exist? But aren't they just fiction?"

"They do exist. You see the exist several other universes and even multiverses and dimensions and above all records. Records are a culmination of several universes, multiverses and dimensions. There exist records regarding different anime, manga, light novels and even video games. You see all of creation had been divided into different ranks. There are twenty ranks in total, from Tier 1 to Tier 20. The records and their inhabitants including the oils of individuals are also a ranked according to these Tiers. There exist mortals, Gods and several different types of beings. All beings can upgrade their soul Tiers through different means and there are very few who are Tier 20."

"What about you, God? Which Tier are you?"

"I am at the peak of Tier 20 and the highest being in a of existence. I am also known as the God of the Void. Ethan, I have decided to appoint you as my sole successor."

Then a vortex began appearing behind God. The vortex was a dark void that seemed to be even darker than the void where Ethan was afloat. That void was emitting chaotic energies as if it would destroy the entire world once it came into contact with it.

"Ethan, I am the owner of this void. This is the void from which everything came into existence even me. I came into existence along with it and I used it's powers to create everything in existence. But from now on, this void will belong to you."

"But, why would you want me as your successor? And why do you need one in the first place?"

"Ethan, I came into existence along with the void to utilize it's power and create the Omniverse but in truth I'm incapable of controlling it. Even calling myself it's owner would be wrong since I've never been able to control it completely. After creating a of existence, I searched for a person who could truly control the void otherwise the void would go out of control and destroy everything. But there was no one who had the qualifications. But you have those qualities. You are very unique and your blood and constitution are unlike anything I've ever seen before. You are an unique existence created by the void to control and sustain it. You also are very kind and gentle. That's why, I select you as my successor. After your birth, my time already began reaching it's end and now I don't have much time left. That's why, before I due I want you to be the owner of the void. For that, you'll have to become a peak Tier 20 being like myself and have to subjugate the void. But you shouldn't worry that much since there are still millions or even trillions of years before I die. So, you have a or of time to get stronger and I'll give you a special gift that'll help you grow very quickly. Ven though your blood gas been exploited it has also been used for the betterment of humanity. I'm certain you're aware of it. In total, you've gained three billion karma for all the loves that were saved due to the help from your blood. I'll use that karma to utilize a great portion of the void's power to make that special gift for you."

"Umm...What is karma and fate?"

"Karma is an acc.u.mulation of the good and evil deeds you have done knowingly or unknowingly. Fate is the driving force of all the things that happen. It's basically like, of you consider all of exist as a car then fate is it's driver. Karma and fate are deeply interrelated and they deeply influence each other. The more you have good karma, the more bad things will happen to you, but ultimately you'll be able to find happiness. And when it comes to bad karma, it's the opposite of whatever happens with good karma."

The old man them raised his hand high up and then a several emerged from the void and formed an orb in his hands. The orb them turned into a ray of light and it went inside Ethan's soul and disappeared.

"In exchange from the three billion karma that you've acc.u.mulated, I have used a great portion of void's power to create that orb for you. It is a extremely powerful artifact or for that matter it's the most powerful artifact in all of existence, it was created for the sole purpose of helping your wish come true. It's known as 'The Aether'. It will ways help you to fulfill all of your that is it's purpose. It will also create a system for you that will help you to grow. But you lock that system, you have to fulfill one wish that I want for you and your parents also wanted. That you may fall in love. But remember, that once you reincarnate you'll remember nothing about 'The Aether' and the system. I ask you to ask for other powers from me."

"Alright, I ask to be reincarnated in the record of The Testament of Sister New Devil. I want to reincarnate as Basara Toujou and I also want space-time magic."

"That's easy. You already have an abnormally high affinity with all the elements. I accept your wishes. Now, goodbye child."

As he said, Ethan began to fade away as he reincarnated.

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