'Rose, could you give me a description regarding all of my magic and skills? I don't really know some of them."

[As you wish, Ethan.]



[Owner of the Void:(-)(Innate)]

A skill that grants the user, the power of the void. The void is the source of all of existence. It contains all the powers and mysteries of the cosmos and beyond.

Passive Trigger: Creates a domain around the user. The user can detect every living and non-living being within the range of the domain. He can also pressure other beings within his domain.

Active Trigger: The user can control all the things within his domain. The user can also summon the power of the void. *Warning: Further information on innates can't be gleaned. Any attempts to do so will result in a severe backlash*

[Magic Resistance:S]

The user is immune against all sorts of magic and magical attacks and magical artifacts of S Rank and below. The damage done by SS and SSS and SSS+ Rank magical attacks are reduced by 30% and 25% and 15% respectively. Always Active.

[Instant Regeneration:SSS(Innate)]

Any wounds and injuries received by the sheer will be instantly healed. Even during the loss of limbs and other organs of the body, they will be instantly regenerated. The body of the user will always be restored to it's pristine condition regardless of the danger done, even of it's fatal. Always Active. *Warning: Further information on innates can't be gleaned. Any attempts to do so will result in a severe backlash*

[Master Swordsman:SS]

The user has the highest affinity with the sword. The skill allows the user to an exceptional swordsman who sword skills and techniques are unrivaled. He can also learn any sword related skills just by seeing it once. The user's sword strikes will be extremely fast and highly powerful at the same time, creating a deadly combination of speed and strength.

The user puts Brynhildr inside its dimensional space before drawing it out in an Iai manner, while still covered in a spacial distortion thus granting it immense penetrative power and forming a slash that can be released from afar and from close proximity. The user can also add [Banishing Shift] to the slash to make it even more deadly.

[Magic Barrier:SS]

As a side effect of the Master-Servant Vow, the user id able to create a powerful magical barrier based around his four different bloodlines, five elements, and yin-yang.

[Conceptual Activation:S]

With the full extent of his powers under his control, the user is able to swap between the physical and conceptual manifestations of his abilities. He can easily swap between each of his bloodline forms.

[Banishing Shift:SSS+(Innate)]

It is a unique power whose precise origins are still unknown, which Jin Toujou gained after drinking the blood of the Ancient Dragon, Fafnir hailed as being one of the Strongest Evil Dragons, which his son, Basara Toujou inherited. This is a dangerous power described as being able to banish anything whether it's physical or magical attacks to the zero-dimension space, in other words, they cease to exist. In order to use it, the user needs a perfect spiritual balance. If the target has either magic or spirit power, then it would be erased alongside it; including both the internal spirit and external power-related surroundings, as well as the flow of time. It's capable of even interfering with the ninth dimension at worst. The complete elimination caused by Banishing Shift is the result of the invocation severing its particular core and due to Basara being born with different eyes compared to Jin. *Warning: Further information on innates can't be gleaned. Any attempts to do so will result in a severe backlash*

[Extinction Sword:SSS+]

This skill is variant of Banishing Shift, which focuses on unleashing the eliminating power of Banishing Shift.

This skill is a variant where the user uses Banishing Shift twice to disintegrate any target regardless of its origin.

[Banishing Shift Annihilation:SSS+]

A skill which far surpasses Extinction Sword through using the user's full power and concept of Banishing Shift, thus creating the ultimate a torrent of destructive energy, which simply destroys everything.

[Heavenly Energy:SSS(Innate)]

A primordial power that created this universe. It is the source of existence, meaning it create dthis universe including all the living and non-living beings in the universe. The skill allows the user to create things and objects to his choice.*Warning: Further information on innates can't be gleaned. Any attempts to do so will result in a severe backlash*


The user can see through any and all restrictions. The suer can see the invisible and the flow ki and Mana. The user can also see inside and bypass any physical obstacles with his vision.

[Hero Aura:S]

A skill that unleashes the Hero aura within the user's body. As a result, the user receives a massive boost in strength and speed and a light green flame appears in the user's left eye. It takes the form of light green aura.

A skill that unleashes the Demonic aura within the user's body. As a result the user receives a massive boost in magic and magical. It takes the form of bloody crimson aura.

[Divine Aura:S]

A skill that unleashes the divine aura eom the user's body which can protect him from everything and it greatly boosts the user's defence. It takes the form f a Jade green aura.

[Draconic Aura:S]

A skill that unleashes Sall the dragon aura within the user's body which will give a massive boost ro all of his parameters. It takes the form of a dark blue aura.

[Demon Transformation:SSS]

The user's demonic bloodline is activated and his whole body changes to that of a Demon. The user's hair and color transition to bloody crimson and his hair grows long until it reaches the shoulders. Two long curved horns branch out of his forehead and his eyes become reptilian, while his ears become pointy as the Demonic power of his Demonic lineage is unleashed. He becomes longer with an extremely handsome face that would make anyone jealous as he radiates a burning passion and blazing fury.

[God Transformation:SSS]

The user's God bloodline is activated and his whole body changes to that of a God. The user's hair and eyes color transition to Jade green and his hair grows long until it reaches the shoulders. His ears become elf-like and a pair of earrings embedded with a Sapphire adorn his ears as the Divine power of his Godly lineage is unleashed. He becomes longer with an extremely handsome that would make all men feel envious as he radiates gentleness and power.

Due to his Godly bloodline, the user is able to bestow blessings and divine protection onto people.


The user is afforded multiple abilities based on manipulating the "ki" of himself, others, and nature. He can either absorb and/or channel the ki found in the Five Elements, gaining a golden aura after absorbing earth ki. He is able to release ki waves, damaging opponents despite blocking their attacks, hide his presence to the point of appearing invisible, and control the ki found inside powerful magic. It's possible for him to use limitless ki by absorbing it from the planet itself.


The user can absorb, store, and convert limitless corruption into power; which is also applicable to living beings taking their powers, knowledge, and memories. More than that, inside of the user is an absolute abyss of darkness that swallows everything, which he also has control over able to absorb opponents and keep them alive. The all infinite corruption could infect everything it touches with death and destruction threatening the world itself.

[Ki Barrier:SS]

An ultimate defense technique enveloping the user's entire body in a flow of Ki. Attacks that would be otherwise fatal are completely nullified.

[Ars Decidium:SSS]

Ars Decidium is a unique primordial power, which had originated from the universe before the current one came in existence. This is a specialized combat style with ten forms, which focuses on the Art of God Killing that is applicable to even both the highest-ranking Gods and Demons alike. Ars Decidium is a primordial power akin to that of Banishing Shift, but it grants the user different abilities instead of just one. But even then it's inferior to Banishing Shift, due to the latter having the power to completely erase anything from existence.

This is the Fifth Form of Ars Decidium, where the user creates an assortment of magatama, which surrounds and entraps his intended target.


The Eighth Form of Ars Decidium, where all of the magatama release black and red lightning restricting the user's target before electrocuting him.


This is the Tenth Form of Ars Decidium, where the user uses his ki to create a four-headed hellfire breathing dragon

[Totsuka Blade:SSS]

This is the Final Form of Ars Decidium, where the user combines all five elemental ki to create a sword able to releases a unique flow of energy, which can cut through concepts.

[Half-Dragon Transformation:SSS]

The user's Dragon bloodline is half activated and his body changes. Dark blue colored scales grow over his c.h.e.s.t, arms and legs and he also develops super sharp claws and teeth. His hair color also becomes dark blue and grows longer until it reaches his shoulders, while his eyes transition to a golden color with reptilian pupils. He become longer and his face becomes extremely handsome while he radiates dominance and pride.

The user's dragon bloodline is completely activate as his body changes to that of a dragon. He becomes a large hundred metre tall dragon with dark blue colored scales covering his entire body. His eyes become golden I'm color and his pupils become reptilian. Two large wings protrude from his back with his wing span being three hundred metres. He also develops extremely sharp claws and teeth as he radiates fear and suppression.


[Gravity Magic:SSS]

As the biological son of Sapphire, Basara also inherited the same gravitational-based magic unique to her heritage like both her older brother and niece. The user could use it to pin down and crush his enemies. The user could pull onto the gravitational waves of others across dimensions. Using this magic, the user has complete control over gravity.

[Gravity Slash:SSS]

After imbuing Brynhildr with bloody crimson aura, the user slashes the blade down crushing his target with a wave of pure gravitational force.

[Universal Rejection Power:SSS]

A power opposite to Banishing Shift, Basara controls and amplifies the power from his mother, Sapphire. It works opposite from Banishing Shift, where the user makes an infinite space and stores attacks instead of erasing it. As such, it acts as a complete defense against magical and physical attacks. Offensively, the user is able to negate even the magic of holy swords and move at godly speed.

[Divine Protection:SSS]

Since Basara is under the divine protection of Raphaeline, he's able to control the corruption level of the Hero Clan's contracts with the spirits and gods inside of the Human World and influence them to his favor.

[Master-Servant Contract(Master):AA]

The Master-Servant Contract is a kind of magic that ties the souls of two people together, which also makes them aware of one another's locations. The power of the master and servants increase as the servant's loyalty towards the master increases. It can also enact a curse on the servant, if he/she has any feelings of disloyalty or betrayal towards the master.

[Master-Servant Vow(Master):S]

The Master-Servant Vow is the deepest subordination that a Servant is able to give to their Master. Its the ultimate form of Master-Servant Contract, which exists between both a Master whose prepared for their subordinate to belong to them fully, and a Servant whose able to vow their heart and body entirely to their master. Forming the vow, drastically increased the power of both the master and servant and it's been said that a master and servant who have formed a vow have never lost in combat. The curse also ceases to activate because the servants won't have feelings of disloyalty and betrayal anymore.


It is a powerful magic created by the combination of fire and gravity magic.

[Space-Time Manipulation:SSS+]

This magic allows to bend space and time at his will. Space and time can be controlled both separately and simultaneously. When using it on time, time can be stopped, reversed, forwarded, slowed, accelerated and even travelling to the past is possible. When using it on space, it can be distorted, contracted and expanded at will including other functions.

[Divine Magic:SSS]

A magic inherited from Raphaeline, it is fatal to demons. It can control light and holy attributes to an extreme degree. It can also be imbued with other magic to make them very powerful by adding the light and holy attributes to that attack.

[Divine Slash:SSS]

After imbuing Brynhildr with Jade green aura, the user slashes sword down sending an arc of holy and light attribute filled with devastating power.

[Anti-Matter Manipulation:SSS+(sealed)]

*There is no information on this ability as it is sealed*


After checking all of his skills and magic, Basara nodded his head in satisfaction as he stood up. He looked over the city one last time and then he teleported to his room at the Toujou Household. He could sense that Mio, Yuki and Maria had gone asleep in their own rooms. He also laid down on his bed as he closed his eyes and drifted off into unconsciousness.

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