Reincarnated In Testament Of New Devil

Chapter 47 - *Spoilers: Title at the End*

As Basara was wreaking havoc, every supernatural being had become alert of the situation. The entire Hero clan had become alert. They began quickly began sending their heroes to protect all the civilians. At the same time, they also started looking for the reason of this incident as quickly as possible. The entire hero clan was standing against this catastrophe to protect the Human Realm.

In the Toujou Household, Mio, Yuki, Maria, Chika and Shiho were watching TV while sitting on the couch in the living room when suddenly they heard a loud scream. Immediately ma massive pressure weighs down on all of them with their bodies planted to the ground. The pressure was so overwhelming that it was breaking all of their bones and tearing apart their organs. Chika and Shiho went unconsciousness due to the pain. Mio used her Gravity Magic to erect a Gravity Barrier to try and stand up, but it quickly needed up shattering due to the pressure.

Maria went into her s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s form and even unlocked her magic lock to increase her strength. She did managed to stand up for a mere moment before her face was slammed to the ground. Yuki summoned her Hero outfit and Sakuya as she somehow managed to stand up but she was also unsuccessful as her body stuck to the floor. The entire apartment started crashing down on them. All of them were scared, none of them wanted to die. Suddenly all of them vanished from the house as they appeared somewhere far away from the city. Suddenly they felt the pressure lifted off their bodies. Their injuries started healing rapidly as they stood up. Chika and Shiho were still unconscious, but now they were safe.

But when the girls looked around they saw Lars. They took up a fighting stance immediately to prepare against a fight. Even though Lars worked for Basara now, there was no guarantee that he wouldn't betray them. This entire incident might also have been caused by him.

"Don't doubt me. I didn't do anything. I even saved all of you." said Lars.

"Don't lie, Lars. All of this must be your fault." said Maria.

"If you don't tell the truth right now, I'll kill you a hundred times!" said Mio.

"Tell us what happened? And where is Basara?" said Yuki.

"Don't ask so many questions at once. Listen, I swear I'm telling the truth. I went with Basara to a restaurant to discuss matters about the Demon Realm when suddenly he started clenching his head. He then screamed loudly and released all of his powers due to which a massive pressure descended on me and the other peope in the restaurant. I and everyone else were already on the verge of death, using a precious artifact of mine I teleported away along with all the civilians. I then used another rartifact to heal myself and the civilians. Afterwards I teleported all the people from the city in this place including you all. I've use another artifact to erect a barrier here, that'll protect us for the time being." When Yahiro finished speaking, he let his words linger so that the three girls can process all the information. The girls immediately started sorting out everything in their minds. So, Lars had saved all of them and this disaster was happening due to Basara?

"You're lying! Basara would never do such a thing!" said Yuki.

"You can see for yourself." Lars then produced a projection screen in front of them. All of them looked at the screen only to see a scene that horrified all of them. They saw Basara floating in the air with a green aura with a light green flame in his left eye as a green aura encompassed his body. He was screaming in agony as the aura released from his body turned the entire city into rubble. All the girls including Lars were shocked to their core. Lars immediately changed the projection and what they saw in the screen terrified them. They saw natural disasters were raging all around the world while all of the Earth's continents began cracking apart due to huge earthquakes. All the volcanoes were erupting even Mount Fuji was erupting.

They even saw that cracks appeared in the air as well as in the void of outer space. The entire solar system and the Galaxy were on the verge of exploding. Lars immediately understood that Basara had somehow gone berserk. But what surprise shin was how strong Basara's power was. Mio, Maria and Yuki were all shocked. All of them especially Yuki now understood how strong Basara truly was.

"""What's happening to Basara?!"""

"Basara has gone berserk, but I don't know the reason. We need to do something, otherwise not just us but the entire human realm will be done for. However, we only have two options. Either escape the Human Realm or stop Basara. For the first one I can teleport to the Demon Realm with all of you, but I won't be able to take all the civilians. As far as the second one is's impossible. We can't beat him."

"No! We can't run away! As a hero, it's my duty to protect these people! I can't let innocent civilians die!" said Yuki. A hero's primary duty is to protect the Innocents but running away would endanger everyone's lives!"

"How do you suppose you can save the lives of so many people! Not just Tokyo, not just Japan, not just Asia, but the entire world is in peril. How will you save all the seven billion people living on the earth?!" said Lars.

"I'll stop him! I'm not strong enough to beat him, but I can surely find a way to somehow return clarity to his mind! I won't abandon him!" said Yuki.

"I promised Basara that I would always stay by his side! I won't leave him now now! Not when needs us the most!" said Mio.

"Yes, Basara has done a lot for all of us. We won't betray him by abandoning him in this situation!" said Maria.

The three of them were just about to leave when suddenly a magical sphere was fired at them.

"Lars, how dare you stand in our way!" said Mio.

"My job is to make sure that you're safe. I won't let you willingly put your life in danger."

The three girls took each of their fighting stance as they wanted to defeat Lars as soon as possible. Lars also formed several magical spheres above his hands, prepared to stop the girls at all costs. But suddenly a golden aura started spreading in the area. Lars and all the girls fell on the ground as they became unconscious. The barrier around them broke apart, but a new golden barrier appeared above them.

A woman with golden hair and stark blue eyes was hovering in the air above them. If Basara saw her, he would immediately recognize her. This woman is the one of the Ten Gods, Goddess Afureia. Afureia spread her aura around the entire human realm as her aura stopped Basara's aura. The cracks on the Earth's crust closed and the volcanoes stopped erupting. The earthquakes along with all the other natural disasters came to a stop immediately. All the infrastructure and buildings around the world were brought back to normal. The cracks in the air and the void of outer space also closed. The entire solar system and the Galaxy were again back to being how they all were before Basara had gone berserk. Afureia placed a golden barrier around Tokyo that's topped Basara's aura from leaving the city. Her golden aura also healed all the injured people around the world, it even brought the people who had died due to the incident back to life.

Afureia then turned her beautiful blue eyes to look at the city in front of her. She immediately appeared inside the city in the blink of an eye. The massive pressure instantly weighed down on her, but it didn't or rather it couldn't affect her. The golden aura surrounding her body nullified the pressure that was weighing down on her. But all of her attention was currently on the man in front of her who was clenching his head and screaming in agony.

"Basara..." The name of the man escaped her lips as she looked at the boy with worry and pity in her eyes. Basara looked at the woman standing before him. Immediately he raised his hands and fired a blast of green aura at Afureia. The blast hit against the aura surrounding Afureia's body and was immediately nullified. Basara couldn't control himself right now. The one controlling his body wasn't him, but his power. He was partly in unconscious as his body and power acted purely on his instincts. Basara flew towards Afureia with an incredible speed. He covered his right fist with his aura as he was about to land a punch on her. But before he could even touch her, several golden magic circles appeared around him and golden colored chains immediately shot from the magic circles and tied themselves around Basara. These chains were imbued with Afureia's aura. Though Basara is highly strong when he unleashes the full might of his [Hero Aura:S], the fact is that he is completely berserk now. Afureia is one of the Ten Gods, defeating her isn't easy with just his [Hero Aura:S]. But though it was hard, it wasn't impossible. Basara could've defeated her if he had control over his body, but currently he was actions were purely based on his instincts. So it wasn't very hard for Afureia to stop him. She didn't want to hurt Basara, so she had used her Divine Artifact, which was in the form of golden chains covered in her Aura, to stop Basara. Basara flailed his limbs to escape from the chains that were binding him but his attempts were a failure as he couldn't escape the chains....

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