Basara exited his room and entered inside the elevator. He pressed the button to the terrace of the apartment. The lift then started going upwards in fast motion. The elevators created by Basara aren't normal. He used earth magic to create them using fine metals like tungsten and titanium. Both of these elements have are highly resistant against heat and corrosion due to their high melting points. The elevators also don't use a standard wire to go upwards and downwards. Basara created a levitation platform using his Gravity Magic, on which the elevators levitate in the air. The platform has a metallic core created from iron and tungsten and infused with the Gravity Magic. This core keeps the elevator working, and it's directly connected to Basara's Mana. Basara's body doesn't have any form of Mana or ki. Within his body and cells, there is only Void energy.

Void energy is the purest form of energy and it is the source of all other forms of energies including ki and Mana. That's why, even the least powerful spells become highly strong when used by Basara. At first it was quite hard, but after several years of training in the Hero village, Basara has a bit of control over his Void energy. Though this control isn't actually even controlling five percent of the power released by Void energy. Basara transforms his Void energy into Mana and ki, to make use of them.

Since the crowd is connected to his Mana reserves, which is pretty much unlimited there's no danger of the elevator ever falling down. Basara has also built several control rooms and other secret items within the apartment that remain unused for the time being. After arriving at the terrace, Basara was greeted by the cold breeze that felt nice against his skin. He looked up and saw the beautiful crescent moon. The moon's beauty was accentuated by the twinkling stars in the night sky. Basara could never get tired of this scenery. In his past life, he had never once seen the night sky. He had never seen the sky with his own eyes in his first time, he only saw it once before he was hit by the truck.

As he continued marvelling at the beauty of he night sky, he detected the presence of five girls within his domain going up in the elevator. This was created from his skill [Owner of the Void]. Basara's domain had rang of six hundred metres currently. After getting Rose, he also had a small minimal inside his vision. He can focus on any being within his domain. As a result, he can see their appearance and their aura. Basara's domain also gives him the ability to see the aura's of other people. A person's aura represents their feelings and emotions as well as their identity.

Currently he could detect Mio, Yuki, Maria, Chika and Shiho going upwards using the elevator After the seconds, the doors of the elevator opened revealing five beautiful young girls. All of them exited the elevator and went towards Basara.

"Wow! The scenery of the night sky from up here looks amazing!" Chika said in an excited voice. She had looked at the sky and was surprised seeing the twinkling stars in the night sky and the moon.

"The city also looks amazing from here!" Shiho said exclaimed. The scenery of the city could also be seen from the terrace. After enjoying the beautiful sights for a while, the two girls looked at Basara. Shiho was the one who asked him "So why did you call us here, Basara?"

"I've called you here to tell something to the two of you. I, Mio, Yuki and Maria have a secret that we would like to sure with you." Then without beating around the bush, Basara began levitating in the air. At this display, Chika and Shiho were awestruck. Basara then produced a sphere of flames in his hands. Immediately afterwards the game sphere vanished from his hands as Basara lifted his hands towards the sky. From his hand he fired a bolt of lightning towards large cloud, which open coming in contact with Basara's lightning bolt also started cracking with lightning. A chain reaction was activated in which the night sky became covered with clouds within a few seconds as a thunderstorm was initiated. Strong winds began raging everywhere as it began raininh cats and dogs along with thunder strikes.

All the girl's bodies were wet and their clothes were sticking to their bodies. Their hair was also wet and spread out. Basara's white t-shirt also stuck to his body and due to the heavy rainfall, it exposed his pale skin and eight pack abs. His hair was also wet and sticky due to the rain. Basara had done this to love his point. If he just began levitating in the air and produced a sphere of fire, Chika and Shiho would only think that he was going magic tricks. That's why, he also decide to play with the weather ra bit because changing the weather is something pretty much impossible as it completely depends on nature itself. Chika and Shiho had shocked expressions on their faces at Basara's incredible display.

"Humans aren't the only intelligent species in this world. There exist other beings in this world which are of supernatural origin. Yes, similar to stories and fairy tails, supernatural beings do exist. I, Yuki, Mio and Maria are all supernatural beings. There exist beings like Demons, Gods, Vampires and Heroes. Mio and Maria are Demons, while I and Yuki are Heroes."

As Basara said that he landed on the ground and Mio Yuki and Maria appeared beside him. Maria went into her s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s form, revealing her small bat like wings protruding from the backside of her waist. Her black tail which had a heart shape at the tip and her long demon ears. Since Mio didn't really have to access to her Demon form yet, she just released a crimson aura from her body of her Gravity Magic. Yuki also emanated a green aura from her body as she wore her Hero outfit which was a navy blue color. Basara also released a green aura from his body as he transformed into his own Hero outfit which had an azure color.

All the girls wee surprise by his transformation. The aura emanating from Basara's body was highly oppressive almost to the point of that it'd even forced everyone on their knees. Basara retreated his aura as he transformed back to normal. Following him, Mio Yuki and Maria also transformed snack to normal. All of them stood back on their feet. Chika and Shiho had looks of disbelief in their eyes with astounded expressions on their faces.

"All supernatural beings have always kept their existence a secret from humans such as you two. In all honesty, even a single strong supernatural being would be capable of destroying this entire planet. That's how powerful we can get. Honestly I wouldn't have accepted both of you as my girlfriends, since getting involved with me would get you both involve din the matters of he supernatural world. I didn't want to put both of our live son danger by involving yourselves with me. But when I accepted both of you since you had Mio and Yuki's permission. Despite knowing that being involved with me might dangerous for the both of you, they allowed it they wanted both of you to be happy. Now that I've told everything about us to the both of you, would you still walk by my side? To be honest, I do want to be with both of you. Both of you are very cute, nice, smart and kind hearted. Within these few days, both of you gave gained a place in my heart. But due to my selfishness, I can't endanger the life of innocents. If you want to be with me, then you'll have to train and become strong enough to protect yourselves. Though I'll always protect you, you might have to witness some things that you wouldn't like, things that might traumatize you for the rest of your lives. Though I can always guarantee to protect your lives, I can't guarantee to protect you from injuries. That's why, you'll have to become stronger to stand at my side. But I can also understand if you want to leave me. In that case, your memories about today's incident and the fact that you both became my girlfriends would be erase forever. The you can return to your normal...." Before Basara could finish speaking, he was interrupted by both girls as Chika spoke up.

"Even if you all are Heroes and Demons, we would not be scared of you. Instead both of us think that a of you being supernatural is something very cool. We both understand that being involved with you puts our lives at mortal danger, we don't care about that."

"We just want to be with you, Basara. We want to be with Mio and Yuki. We'll become strong so that we can stand beside you keeping out heads high. We don't want to be burdens for you by being weak." Shiho said.

""Even if our lives are in danger, unless you abandon us yourself, we would never leave your side, Basara!"" Both girls exclaimed day the same time warning a smile from Basara and the other girls.

"Alright, since you both have chosen to stand at my side, both of you will have to train hard to be strong. And not just your training, but Mio, Yuki and Maria will also train. You don't just need strength, you also need to know everything about the supernatural world. Let's go inside. I'll explain everything to both of you." Then all of them entered inside the house and change into fresh clothes. Then all of them gathered in the living room to continue from where they left at the terrace.

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