When the night arrived, the crescent moon could be seen glowing in the sky. Basara was currently in the ninth floor. He entered the hard striker section of the physical fighters simulation. Basara had told the girls not to ener the ninth floor since he was going to do serious training and being around might be dangerous for them.

"Alexa, set the simulation at level 88 and change the landscape to match the Demon Realm."

"As you say, sir." Immediately glass walls extended from the red lines on the floor and extenders up to the ceiling. The section became very large creating an area of about a kilometer wide. The landscape immediately transitioned from a flat white floors to an uneven and rocky soil. The sky turned dark and two moons appeared in the sky. One moon was light green while the other was bright red. Both moons glowed in the sky, casting a menacing shadow over the dark black soil. Level 88 was the final level of the SSS Rank. When Basara had created these simulations, he imbued them with some of his Void energy. As a result, even if he truly goes all out, it won't put damage these simulations. Since the Void energy is connected to Basara's d.e.s.i.r.es, if he doesn't want the simulations to be damaged then no matter how much power he uses it won't get damaged. But if he wants the simulations to he destroyed, just a single fireball would be enough to complete the job. Whenever Basara's powers crash against the Void energy within the simulations, the Void energy will absorb his powers and return them to his body.

Fifty SSS Ranked beings appeared in front of him. Basara took a King Fu with his right leg forward and his left behind his back with his right hand in the form of a fist. Basara's official power level is an SSS Rank. But in his full power, he would be someone classified above SSS+ Rank. And if he decides to use all of his skills and innates and magic, then he'll be in a level of power higher than the record itself. Since there has been no SSS+ Rank in history, no one exactly knows how strong they are. But after doing a lot of research and calculations, Rose had informed him that someone at the beginning of SSS+ Rank should be able to take on and defeat three thousand SSS Ranked people. By comparison, an SSS Ranked gas the power to destroy the entire planet. Since Basara wanted to increase his base capabilities to that of someone above SSS+ Rank, without using any of his skills or innates. Currently Basra had reached such a level of power that only using his [Hero Aura:S] gives him the power to destroy the entire human realm. But Basara didn't want to solely depend on his skills.

The moment Basara took up his King Fu stance, all fifty the SSS Rankers surrounded him and immediately jumped towards him. Alexa was actually an extension of Rose herself, so she could make the most perfect fighting scenarios. The moment all the SSS Rankers charged at him Basara immediately punched the ground, sending a shockwave through the land that sent all of them flying about. Basara then charged at them without any hesitation, landed a punch on an opponent, turning him into bloody mist. The next moment he put his left hand on his back to block the attack of someone and then he flipped backwards and landed a bicycle kick on the hand of the opponent who attacked him from behind. Basara's kick turned the person's head into meat paste as his body also disappeared.

Another person initiated a kick at Basara's torso. Basara parries the kick with the backside of his hand and delivered a roundhouse kick to the person's head. The person met the same time fate as two of his previous comrades. Basara then began taking all of the remaining fighters down, but the number didn't seem to come to a stop as more and more of these people kept spawning. By the end of an hour, Basara had already defeated five hundred of them. Now, all the fighters had spawned and the place was filled with two thousand five hundred opponents.

Suddenly a hundred of them charged at him, all at once. Since Hard Strikers are fighters who only use brute force and close combat to overwhelm his opponents, Basra couldn't really use his speed to his advantage to his advantage. A Hard Strikers blocks and counters, he doesn't dodge. That's why Basara wasn't using his speed much and didn't dodge a single time since the simulation started. Basara released a loud battle cry and punched the air, creating an incredible shockwave that forced all of the one hundred enemies back. He had a exited to expression on his face as he was enjoying this battle a lot.

Basara then charged full force at his opponents and killed all of them without giving a crap about the surroundings. He went into a killing spree, destroying all opponents in sight as his punches and kicks tore through their bodies and turned their bodies into blood mist. By the time he was done, all of his opponents had been totally annihilated. The landscape was completely shattered as the their were huge asteroid sized holes in the soil, where huge mountains used to be. It took Basara about three hours to defeat all of his opponents.

"Good job, Basara. You've defeated all three hundred opponents. Now, it's time for the final test." As Alexa said that, a blue encompassed the landscape and focused on one particular point. From there the body of a person emerged. The power the person was radiating was incredible. He'd never felt such power from anyone ever before, except for his own father. Basara couldn't but excited even further he already had been. The final test Alexa was talking about was this last opponent. He was an SSS+ Ranker. According to Rose, the conditions to become an SSS+ Ranker is to defeat three thousand SSS Rankers and an SSS+ Ranker.

This time Basara took a Karate stance named Kokutsu Dachi. His opponent took an MMA stance with his fists upwards as he rocked his body from side to side. Then the moment the wind blew against their faces, both of them charged at each other. Basara flew towards his opponent at full force as he teared through the air. Unlike him however who didn't use any aura, his opponents body was emitting a white aura as his opponent also flew towards him leaving a trail of white light in the dark sky.

Both of their fists collided as it created an incredible shockwave that caused the ground to rumble. But they didn't step as the two of them engaged in hand to hand combat. Both of them kept throwing please punches and kicks at each other, while blocking and deflecting the other's strikes. Their punches and kicks collided again and again. Basara summersaulted in the air and tried to land a kick on the back of the opponent's head. The opponent dodged his kick by ducking his head beneath and gave a backhand punch to Basara's stomach, but Basara blocked the punch using his right knee and then he flipped over the opponent using it's hand as a support and he landed a sidewards kick on it's head. Basara wasn't the least bit surprised that the opponent dodged his strike, since though the opponent was programmed to only defeat him using it's physical prowess it was also allowed the freedom to dodge and avoid strikes. This was done to make the fight more harder for Basara.

Due to the force of the kick, the opponent was sent flying straight towards the ground. But before it fell on the ground, Basara punched the air an dfored a huge shockwave that hit his opponent's back. The shockwave hit the opponent in the spine and forced it to spit blood as the opponent began falling toward the ground at an even higher momentum than before. Basara used this opportunity and immediately flew straight at the opponent and attacks it with a barrage of punches and kicks. He then landed a roundhouse kick on the opponent's c.h.e.s.t. The impact of the kick caused it to cought up a mouthful of blood and it's body struck the ground hard. A large crater formed on the ground due to the impact.

The opponent immediately stood back up and landed a kick at Basara's head. Basara caught the opponent's leg and swinged it's body before striking if on the ground. He again lifted the opponent and tossed it into the air. He flew towards it with his hands clenched into fists. The opponent immediately came back to awareness and rotated it's body to land a kick at Basara who was approaching it from below. Basara again caught the opponent's leg, but it seemed prepared this time and used it's other leg to kick him. Basara blocked it's other leg with his arm and he twisted his body as he landed a kick straight at the opponent's torso. His kick carried such great power that it immediately shattered the opponent's ribcage. The force of his kick was about to sent the opponent flying when he caught into the opponent's leg and pulled the opponent towards him. He then clenched his right hand into a fist and put all his power into it as he punched the opponent's c.h.e.s.t. His punch went right through the opponent's c.h.e.s.t and through it's heart. On the other side, Basara's hand could be seen holding the opponent's heart. Basra then pulled his hand back, revealing a gaping hole in the opponent's c.h.e.s.t and he crushed it's heart. The opponent's body immediately faded away in a show of white light.

"Congratulations, Basara. You've broken through the threshold of SSS Rank and entered the territory of SSS+ Rank as a Hard Striker."

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