After booking a room and entering it with the ten beauties at his side, Basara closed the door behind him and locked it, so that no one could interfere with their private time. Basara took his phone out of his pocket and dialed Yuki's number and told her "Yuki, I've some work to do right now. I will be back by tomorrow morning." Yuki replied to his words without any complaints "Alright, Basara. But you must arrive quickly at tomorrow morning, mother and Kurumi are waiting for you."

"Alright, I'll be back as soon as I'm done." Basara then cut the call and he turned his attention to the girls as he spoke "All of you should go and take a bath. Today I'll take your first times and officially make each of you mine."

"Yes, Lord Basara. We have waiting for this moment since a long time. We will back in a minute." Emiko said and took all the girls along with her to the washroom. The reason why Basara told each of them to take a bath is so that they could gather each of their thoughts. He had seen their auras which was a passionate red, but there were also a few strands of chaotic purple. Emiko seemed to have understood it and took the girls to the washroom so that they could sort out their thoughts. Since she was the oldest among them, she was like their older sister figure in a way. In the washroom, each of them can discuss their worries and calm their minds for what was to come. They don't necessarily have to give their v.i.r.g.i.nities to him today, they could give him their first times whenever they're ready.

Then suddenly Basara heard a *Ping* in his mind as Rose's voice echoed in his mind.

"Ethan, you are forgetting something crucial."

"What is it, Rose?"

"Did you forget that according to the Optional Quest [A Master's Responsibility], you've to form a Master-Servant Contract with each of your women and also a Vow with them after their loyalty reaches the highest. But if you have s.e.x with these girls now, you won't be able to form a Vow with them later on."

"I completely forgot about that....Sigh. No worries, I'll form a Contract with them today as well as a Vow. I'll place a dimensional barrier around the room, making the room into a separate dimension entirely and since I'll have complete control over this dimension, I'll just make a full moon appear in the sky and make a Contract and a Vow."

"Alright. But I don't think they are ready yet."

"I know that as well. Each of them is very shy and probably don't want to do it in this situation where there are other people. And they also have a very good friendship with Yuki and Kurumi. Each of them probably wants Yuki and Kurumi to have her first time before them, but since that hasn't happened yet, they're a bit hesitant. My guess is that Emiko would probably be the only one who would agree to do it, but the chances of that happening are very low. Besides, I don't mind when they want to do it."

After around ten minutes the girls came out of the washroom dressed. All of them had taken a bath as their wet hair stuck to their bodies while water dripped down their n.a.k.e.d bodies which was only covered a towel, creating a tantilizing site that could bewitch any man.

"I know that some of you aren't ready to have s.e.x just yet. I want all of you to tell me the truth. I've no problems with your decisions and know that I'm ready whenever you are. But please don't force yourself to do anything for my sake, since that would make me feel uncomfortable." As Basara said that, the expressions on each of their faces became apologetic.

Chitose, who was their leader spoke "Lord Basara, as you've guessed, there are some among us who are a bit hesitant of having their first time right now. All of us want to have our first times with you after Miss Yuki and Miss Kurumi have done so."

"Please don't misunderstand. The fact that you're willing to have s.e.x with us and make us your women is the happiest thing in our lives. But most of us are very shy about doing it when surrounded by other people and we do not sign to get ahead of Miss Yuki and Miss Kurumi." Emiko said.

"But we would never disobey your orders. If you want to take have s.e.x now, we won't hesitate for even a moment." Ayaka said without any hesitation. Following her words all the girls nodded showed a similar conviction in their eyes.

"To be honest, I don't think neither Yuki or Kurumi would mind if I took any of your first times before them. But since this is what all of you want, then I've no objections. But still if any of you want to have s.e.x today, then tell me." After Basra said that, he waited for several acids until finally Emiko raised her hand. All the girls were angry or annoyed at her decision as they had understanding looks and smirks on their faces. Emiko was already in her late twenties and she's still a v.i.r.g.i.n, on the the other hand, most women of the Hero Clan already have children of five to seven years at her age. Basara knew Emiko very well and the fact that she has always wanted to have a happy married life with a child and husband. But it's been almost ten years as she waited for Basara.

"Alright, Emiko come here. And as for all of you, I'll teleport all of you to The Elders's Mansion. Pack your belongings and go to Yuki's house, take Emiko's belongings as well and tell the Elders that from today onwards each of you are my women. Once you get to Yuki's house, tell her everything as well. And know that if any man tried to do anything shady to either of you, tell them that you a are my women. And even if that doesn't work, call my name and I'll be by your side in an instant." The girls nodded their heads and wore their clothes as Basara teleported then away to the Elders's Mansion. He then looked at Emiko who was sitting beside him and said "Let's begin, today I'll make you mine." Basara immediately set up a dimensional barrier around the room and as a result the room itself became a separate dimension. He then made it might time in the dimension and made a full moon appear in the sky. Basara stood up and helped Emiko stand up.

A magic large magic circle appeared below both of them on the floor. Basara infused the s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s's nature into the magic circle and the magic circle began glowing. After a few seconds it fade away into thin particles f light and a small green magic circle appeared on the back of his palm, on his right hand. Basara looked at Emiko and said "Emiko, I've cast a magic known as the Master-Servant Contract. It's a magic that binds two people in a master and servant relationship. The servant has to obey all the commands of the master. But if the servant has any thoughts of betrayal towards their master or feelings of jealousy and such, a curse will activate. This curse can be based on the natures of various powers.The nature of my and your power of too dangerous for a curse, as a result I'm using the nature of s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s as your curse. So whenever the curse activated you'll be highly aroused and you won't return back to normal until I dominate you and make you submit to me. But if the curse goes on for too long, your life would be in danger. Similarly if another man even touches you or does any form of l.e.w.d activities with you. May it be having s.e.x or anything else that can be related to physical, then within an instant the curse will activate at it's full power and your brain will be fried in an instant. Do you accept to being my servant? If so then kiss this magic circle on my right hand, and even if you don't do so, the curse will activate." Emiko nodded at his words as she said "Lord Basara, I...want to do l.e.w.d things with you." Basara understood what she wants and as the green magic circle faded from his right hand, a wide grin appeared on his face as he looked at the beautiful milf before him and licked his lips like a wolf waiting to eat a sheep.

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