Reincarnated In Testament Of New Devil

Chapter 84 - Dangerous Entity

After sleeping for three whole hours, Basara's sleep came to an abrupt end when his instincts were alarmed as his eyes snapped open. He immediately jumped right of the bed and looked the direction to the north. Basara could feel that a very powerful entity had entered the Earth. He could feel that the entity had landed on the North Pole. The entity was extremely powerful, almost on the same level as Chisato in her Afureia form or maybe even stronger. Basara felt goosebumps when he felt that a set of eyes were also looking back at him from the same direction where his eyes were looking.

Basara immediately teleported away from his house and appeared at the North Pole at Russia. After entering the place, Basara immediately felt a powerful pressure weighing down on him. He immediately looked at the entity who was the source of this pressure. Floating in the air a few metres away from him stood a man. The man wore a white robe and he had long sky blue hair which was tied in a ponytail and he also had yellow dark brown eyes. He had a vicious smile on his face that seemed to be screaming the word 'Evil!'.

Judging from the aura depending this man, Basara immediately recognized him as a member of the God Clan. And based on the amount of power the man had, Basara deduced that this man was a member of Ten Gods.

"Who are you? What are you here for?" Basara asks without any delay.

"Oh? You seem to be able to speak even under the pressure of my power. As for who I am, I am a God. But you aren't worthy enough to know my name. Tell me mortal, who are you? This is my first time being in the Human Realm and I never expected a human to be able to withstand my power." Basara didn't reply and instead he activated his [Hero Aura:S] as a green colored aura shrouded this entire body. In the next instant, Basara's body was covered in his Hero Battle Outfit. A huge pressure was released from his body that neutralized the pressure of the God and also sighed down on him. The eyes of the God became wide open when he felt his pressure being nullified and another pressure weighing down on himself. Though it wasn't enough to restrict him, the God felt that the person standing before him wasn't weak by a long shot.

"You are very strong. Judging from your outfit and the aura surrounding your body, you must be a member of the Hero Clan. And based on your face and hairstyle, you must be the son of Jin Toujou!" The God said with an expression of shock on his face. He had seen Basara once when he was just an infant and at that time, he was among the Gods who wanted Raphaeline and Basara to be killed. A vicious grin appeared on his face as he spoke "You are the son of that foolish Hero Jin Toujou and that traitor Rapaheline and the one who Afureia is protecting, Basraa Toujou!! I wanted you to be killed then, but luck favoured you. But today I will destroy you. My name is Radon, a member of the Ten Gods. Tonight in honor of the God Clan, I shall end your miserable excuse of a life!!!" Then without waiting for another second Radon unleashed his blue divine aura that covered this body and charged towards Basara at incredible speeds that even the strongest Heroes couldn't follow with their eyes.

Basara immediately flew straight towards Radon leaving a trail of green aura in the sky as he charged straight at Radon. Radon also charged straight at Basara leaving a trail of blue divine aura in the sky. Both of their fists collided with each other with incredible force, while they were moving at super fast speeds. Both of them were pushed back a few centimeters with the force of each other's fist, but they didn't stop attacking each other as both of them engaged in a fierce hand to hand combat. Their fists collided without any hesitation resulting in a lot of force that created large gusts of wind as a storm began brewing up in the atmosphere and the ice of the North Pole that had gathered here over centuries started breaking apart. Basara then summersaulted in the air and tried to land a kick on the back of Radon's head. Radon dodged Basara's kick by ducking his head beneath and gave a backhand punch to Basara's stomach, but Basara blocked the punch using his left knee and then he flipped over Radon using Radon's hand as support and he landed a sidewards kick on Radon's head.

Due to the force of be kick, Radon was sent flying straight towards the ground. But before he could fall on the ground, Basara used his fire magic to create several large human sized fireballs and threw them all at Radon. Radon made a barrier at the last second to protect himself from the attack and the barrier manged to block all the fireballs even though it was left on the verge of shattering as spiderweb cracks appeared on it.

Basara used this opportunity and immediately flew straight at Radon with lightning speed and landed a kick on the barrier breaking it into pieces like shattered glass. He then landed a roundhouse kick on Radon's c.h.e.s.t. The impact of the kick caused Radon to cough up blood and his body struck the ground hard. A large crater formed on the ground due to the impact of his fall. But Radon quickly stood up and fired a large magicsl blast of ice elemental energy at Basara. Basara could feel that the moment the blast would hit him, his body would freeze in an instant.

Basara used his space magic as a ripple shrouded in pink space elemental aura appeared in front of him and it absorbed the magical blast. Another ripple appeared beside Radon and he was hit with his own blast. Radon's entire body immediately froze after he was engaged by his own attack. But immediately after a few seconds the ice surrounding his body broke apart as he unleashed a loud warcry. He had been badly damaged but he could still continue to fight. His durability was very high, after all.

But Basara didn't mind the situation at all, instead his blood was boiling. Basara was a battle junkie of sorts and this battle was getting him fired up. Basara had figured out that Radon's divine power is ice, similar to how Reginleif's divine power was fire and Afureia's is time. Radon jumped up from the ground and flew straight towards Basara. Basara didn't hesitate and also flew straight towards Radon. Radon covered his fists with divine ice and gave a punch staight at Basara's face and his speed was also accelerated by the divine aura covering his body.

The punch was very fast leaving Basara no time to dodge or block it. The impact of the punch sent him towards the ground but Basara did a backflip mid air and landed on the ground on both of his feet. He raised both his hands up and fired a magical blast filled with flame elemental energy, since fire was the natural counter to ice. Radon also fired his own divine blast of ice elemental energy as both the attacks collided and dispersed raising a large amount of smoke and dust in the air.

Basara used the smoke screen to his advantage and jumped straight towards Radon and he covered his fists with flames and landed a punch square on Radon's face. The punch resulted in him flying a few metres back, but Basara didn't let go and he flew behind Radon with lightning fast speed and landed a downward kick on Radon's head.

Due to the kick Radon's body again went straight towards the ground and Basara again flew behind him and fired magical blast of flame elemental energy on Radon's back. The magical blast sent Radon high up in the sky and after the blast dissipated, Radon's body could be seen covered in injuries.

"Surrender, Radon. You can't win any longer. It's your choice, do you surrender or do you die? Surrender and return to your Celestial Realm. I don't wish to kill a member of the Ten Gods."

"Just because you are strong doesn't mean you can defeat me damned mortal! How dare you humiliate me!! I will kill you!!"

Radon then took a pill out of his pocket and ate it. It was a Divine Pill that would unleash the full potential and powers of a God. Immediately his injuries started healing at a visible rate and his stamina was being restored rapidly. Not just that, but the aura he was emitting also began increasing in size and when it stopped his aura had already become ten times as big as it was previously as his strength and speed increased by ten times. The only side effect was that the one who would take the pill would lose all of his powers for a few centuries. This pill could only be used by the Ten Gods since other God's wouldn't be able to withstand the pill's power and their bodies would explode.

"Hahahaha!!! Now it's time to die pathetic mortal!!"

Radon then flew straight at Basara and Basara was surprised to see that Radon's speed that had been increased by ten times. Basara could barely see him as the only thing hr managed to see was a blur. Basara's instincts began alarming him as he flipped backwards and a blur passed through the place where he was previously.

And his instincts again began alarming again as he moved his hands to his c.h.e.s.t. Immediately afterwards a kick landed on his c.h.e.s.t which he had blocked with his hands. The impact of the kick send him back flying a few metres and a sound of something breaking was heard as Basara's arms got shattered and a few of his ribs had also fractured. Radon's strength that hadincreased by ten folds which overwhelmed Basara's defenses.

Raodn flew behind Basraa and was charging straight at Basara's back to land a blow. In this situation anyone would be annoyed or frustrated or even scared, by Basara had an excited expression on his face. He was greatly enjoying this fight, it had been a very long time since he fought like this. But alas! The fight couldn't continue for long since Basara decided that there was no point holding back any longer. The power Basara had been using all this time was only using half of the power of his [Hero Aura:S]. Since using it's full power would only result in the destruction of the Human Realm. I'm the past, when Afureia had Subjugate shin, Basara was using the full power of his [Hero Aura:S], but then his stats were SSS Ranked. But how his stats are all SSS+ Ranked, so now he would be able to defeat Afureia only using sixty percent of his [Hero Aura:S]. Basara also needed the same percentage to defeat Radon. So without any hesitation, he unleashed sixty percent of his [Hero Aura:S] as the green aura surrounding his body became tej turns larger and his strength and speed also increased by ten folds as he released a loud warcry. Radon's eyes widened like saucers as for the first time he felt scared against Basara. Basara flew straight towards Radon leaving a trail of green aura which was a mixture of light green and dark green.

Both their fists collided producing huge waves of force that shook the ground. The impact sent Radon t flying to the ground but it didn't affect Basara. Radon landed on the ground in his and again himself at Basara and this time their legs collided in a kick. Radon was again sent flying but Basara appeared behind him and landed a punch on Radon's head, which Radon dodged immediately after unleahsing his aura to accelerate his spped even more but immediately afterwards Basara sent a kick towards Radon's c.h.e.s.t and the impact of the kick resulted in his crib cage being shattered as he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

The impact sent him flying backwards but then Basara suddenly poped up behind him and landed a kick on Radon's neck which ended up breaking his neck. Radon coughed up another mouthful of blood and was sent flying backwards and Basara again appeared right behind Radon and landed a Taekwondo back kick right on Radon's spine.

The impact of the kick resulted in his spine getting broken and send Radon straight upwards. Basara then flew up to Radon and appeared above him. He then landed an axe kick on Radon's head. The kick sent Radon straight to the ground creating a large crater that also resulted in the surrounding ice to break apart. Radon's entire body was filled with cuts and bruises with a broken bones and a broken spine. When Radon tried to stand up he again fell to his knees. He couldn't even stand due to his broken spine. Radon decided to use his final Trump card as he shouted "Basara Toujou! You have humiliated and insulted a God like myself. For your sins, I shall end your sorry life and feed your corpses to dogs!!"

"Divine Sceptre!" Radon shouted as the blue aura of his divine power that was surrounding him became even larger and a few golden and black strands appeared in the blue aura as it took a bluish golden hue and with a tinge of black. A complex magic circle appeared on his hand and from it a Sceptre emerged. The Sceptre had a blue gemstone on it's tip and it contained an incredible power.

"I commend you for you have forced me to use my Divine Pill and even my Divine Sceptre, but now it's time for your demise! Wretched mortal!! I'll annihilate you!!!"

Radon then launched himself straight at Basara with his Sceptre in hand. His speed and strength had again increased and now they became double of his already ten times increased strength and speed. But his strength had only become equal to that of Basara as it even surpassed Afureia's strength by twice. But since his opponent decided to go all out, Basara decided to at least use a weapon even though his power was still sixty percent of the [Hero Aura:S] skill. A complex red colored flaming magic circle appeared before Basara and a giant Vermillion bird covered in calming feather appeared out of the magic circle. This was own of the Four Gods, Vermillion Bird of the South, Suzaku. The Vermillion Bird was over thirty meters talks as it issued a loud screech. Radon was surprised at the appearance of he majestic bird, but immediately afterwards the bird turned into flames as it took on the form of a red colored long sword.

Basara and the Suzaku's aura intermixed as his strength increased again and his green aura took on a slightly reddish hue that gathered around his body and the sword in his hand. He then launched himself at Radon as well. Both of them collided their weapons against each other's weapons, Basara's sword, Suzaku, against Radon's Sceptre. Basara swung his sword in a large horizontal arc and Radon countered it by swinging his own Sceptre. Both weapons hit each other creating huge amounts of force but neither Basara nor Radon backed down.

Basara swung the Suzaku towards Radon's c.h.e.s.t and Radon backed away to dodge the strike covered in vermillion red aura and Radon swung his Sceptre covered in divine frost towards Basara's head. Basara front flipped to dodge the strike and he swing his sword downwards and Radon used his Sceptre to block the strike. But Basara applied even more force and pushed the Sceptre back. He closed his eyes and opened them again with a light of conviction and focus as he swung Suzaku vertically and he shouted "Incessant Sword Slashes!"

Basara kept slashin sword towards Radon, who was using his Sceptre to block the fast and powerful slashes and he had trouble keeping up with the sword strikes as they kept coming from all directions. Radon kept blocking ten strikes, fifteen strikes, twenty strikes, thirty strikes! But it doesn't stop!

'What is this man?!! The sword strikes aren't stopping at all. Instead his strikes are becoming faster, stronger and more accurate with each hit!! But the biggest problem us that flame from earlier that covered the body of this Vermillion Bird. My intuition is telling me to avoid that flame at all costs!! If he uses this flames now, I'll be down for!!!' Radon thought but Basara didn't think him worthy enough to use the majestic flames of the Vermillion Bird on him. Instead she decide to end the fight with speed strikes as Basara's strikes weren't stopping at all.

Radon couldn't take it anymore as he got overwhelmed by the sheer amount of sword strikes. His Sceptre got broken in half due to a slash and another slash on his c.h.e.s.t. Basraa swung the sword five more times and now there were six deep vertical cuts on Radon's c.h.e.s.t. He coughed up a mouthful of blood as his entire c.h.e.s.t was completely covered in blood and hi beautiful robe had been tarnished. Basara then swung his sword directly at Radon's neck and his head separated from his body as he got decapitated. His head flew of his body and both his body and head landed on the ground.

Basara then used the [Corruption:SSS] skill to absorb Radon's powers along with his soul. Basara deactivated his [Hero Aura:S] and his battle outfit as he released a sigh of relief. He then heard a *Ping* in his head as he looked at the system notification that he just received.


//Hidden Quest [Reaper of the Ten Gods:SSS+] has been completed//

[Reaper of the Ten Gods:SSS+]

Rank: SSS+

Completion Grade: SSS

Rewards: 1,000,000 Karma, 10,000,000 SP, Unlock [Gacha] System Function, 3×[Gacha Tickets] received.

Failure Conditions: Death, Death of a good member of the Ten Gods.

Penalty: 1,000,000 Negative Karma, System and all system functions locked for four years.


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