Reincarnated In Testament Of New Devil

Chapter 96 - Tree of Utopia

After sight seeing the entirety of Valhalla within two hours, Basara and Olrun stopped to rest beneath a huge tree which was located on an isolated island floating in the sky. This island didn't have any Valkyrie's or animals living in it as it only possessed a wide range of trees and forests and in ten very middle of the island there was a huge tree who trunk alone was sixty feet wide and it's total height was about a kilometer. This tree was named the "Tree of Utopia". It's said that there only exist a few Trees of Utopia within the Celestial Realm and when the Valkyries field to Earth, they brought this one along with them.

It's said that anywhere this tree has been planted would be instantly transformed into a Utopia. Meaning this tree would instantly teraform any place into an image of paradise. If it was planets in a desert then it would transform the desert into a beautiful forest. If it was planted in the bottom of the ocean than instead of consuming the ocean, it would create an aquatic forest in the bottom of the ocean. The simple fiction of this tree is that it can transform any place into a paradise depending on the place itself. If it were to be planets in the middle of magma, the tree would simply produce a forest filled with trees of the Fire Element that would considered paradise by the residents in that kind of place.

This tree also had another ability, anyone seating under it will remember the happiest moments of their lives. They can again experience the most happiest moments of their lives. Curious about this ability if the Tree of Utopia, Basara sat beneath the tree which Olrun sitting beside whom, albeit with a short distance between both of them. After sitting beneath the tree Basara inhaled it's fragrant scent as his eyes back hazy and the next moment he could see something that bright forth extreme naustalgia in his mind. Basara saw the fateful image of his first life as Ethan in the form where he was being held by a brown haired woman, his mother.

Basara couldn't help but feel tears dropping down his cheeks as he looked at the memories where his mother held him in her embrace with a smile on her face. That was admittedly the happiest moment of his life without a shred of doubt. For Ethan, the dearest person to him in the whole wide world was his mother and the moments he was sin he embrace. The warmth from that one embrace is enough to fill his heart with happiness but at the same time his tears if joy also had tears of sorrow mixed into then as he couldn't help but feel lonely if the fact that he might never meet his mother fever again. And even if he could, his mother would not remember him. Though this was the happiest moment of his life, at the same time it was also the saddest.

After the memory came to an end, light returned to his eyes as he looked to his side to see that Olrun was in a daze, most likely she as still experiencing her pleasant memories. Basara then like day the tree and immediately noticed a tiny seed at one of the leave soft the tree. Basara took the seed in his hand and felt a huge amount of vitality radiating from the seed an dthe tree's aura signature was also similar to the tree. It didn't take a genius to figure out that to this seed must have been prideced by the Tree of Utopia and it'll probably grow up to be a Tree of Utopia in the future. Decdijng to take the seed for himself, Basra store for inside who's inventory and again looked sat the dazed Olrun. Basara decided to use this great opportunity to tease her as he blew warm air into her ear. Olrun immediately regained the light in he Reyes as she jumped from her seated position and took out he sword and began looking around. When she looked day Basara, she noticed the sky grim on his face that seems it reveal everything as Olrun couldn't prevent her self from being embraced as her cheeks gained a ruddy shade to them.

In response to her reaction, Basara has an amused smile on his face as he stood up and walked to her. Then after coming to a stop right in front of her, he looked her in the eyes as he brought his face to he tears and spoke softly "You are too cute. It makes want to was you even more." Though for a moment the blush on her face seemed to expandeven further, Olrun quickly regained she r composure as she spoke "Sorry, but for that you must first become my Lord. And though you are very strong, it won't be easy to defeat us."

"Can you defeat a member of the Ten Gods? Can your entire race combine defeat a single member if the Ten Gods? You can't. But, I, alone without anyone's help, without Brynhildr's help, defeats two members of the Ten Gods, Radon and Reginleif. Tonight, I will prove to you that having confid nice is good but arrogance is always the key to misfortune." Saying so, Basara turned his head around as he began walking around to explore the island.

Olrun had a completive look on her face as it was a fact that they couldn't really beat Basara. Now she couldn't help but think that they were in for a major humiliation during the fight that was supposed to happen a few hours later at night. But for now, she looked at Basara's back as sh began following him around as they together walked around the floating island.

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