Reincarnated in the Alternate World, I’m A Demonic Lord as Well as a Villager

Chapter 187: The discovery of the truth about the world

  Chapter 187 Discovery of the truth about the world

  In the single room of the guest room.

   Facing Xia Mi's sudden undressing, the dragon girl hurriedly covered her eyes with her hands, leaving only the space between her fingers to peek at Xia Mi.

  Xia Mi has already taken off his shirt, exposing his upper body.

  The dragon girl swallowed secretly.

  Xia Mi's figure is very predictable, and the girl is a little impulsive to touch it.

   "Elzer, if you can see my body intuitively, it will be relatively easier to become me, right?"

  Xia Mi reasonably speculated based on the characteristics of the chameleon.

   "That's right. The images brought by the senses can better obtain pheromones. These pheromones play a regulating role when transforming, making it easier for chameleons to integrate into the environment and imitate others."

  The dragon girl muttered softly, her gaze kept on Xia Mi.

   Seeing this, Xia Mi began to emphasize the purpose of entering the dragon girl's room this time.

"Elzer, the Fata is the place with the most powerful magic power in the entire continent. It has played a vital role in the war against the devil over the years. Now, as the devil, I go to the Fata, so I naturally need some protection own measures."

   Elzer nodded.

   "It's understandable, as if a chameleon comes to a new environment and usually changes directly to the environment color."

  Xia Mi looked at the dragon girl seriously.

"Therefore, we must complete the transformation work on the road. Before going to Fata, you must be 100% able to transform into my appearance. In this way, if there are occasions where it is really inconvenient for me to appear, you can replace me Appear."

  The dragon girl froze for a moment.

   "Wait, if you say this, you are completely treating me as a substitute! If someone wants to assassinate you, then I will die unjustly!"

  Stand-ins are supposed to do this sort of thing, Erzer.

  However, Xia Mi still tactfully changed the statement.

   "No, no, Elzer, opportunities and dangers coexist. If you think about it, if you put my face and figure on your face, there might be many young rich women coming to strike up a conversation at the banquet."

   "I'm not lesbian, why do I like this kind of thing?"

"Besides, am I the kind of leader who puts employees in danger? I mean, sometimes you need to show my face in public, so that I can be in the dark without suspicion and burden." in action."

  The dragon girl frowned.

  I always feel that what Xia Mi said about "acting in the dark" is something shady, but once I think about his identity as the devil king, it's okay.

  Xia Mi approached the dragon girl.

   "If you replace me on the bright side, then I am equivalent to a dead person who does not exist. Sometimes the dead are often more useful than the living."

   "Well, well then..."

  If it is to participate in some banquets instead of Xia Mi, the dragon girl is still very willing.

  Xia Mi smiled and opened his hands.

   "Then come on Elzer, use me to your heart's content."

  The face of the dragon girl gradually turned red, she sat on the edge of the bed, and began to look at Xia Mi carefully.

   At this time, the effect of daily physical exercise will be displayed.

  Xia Mi didn't need to exert any force at all, but opened his hands naturally on both sides of his body, and the beautiful muscle lines of his body were perfectly displayed.

  The dragon girl raised her face and stared straight at it for a while, feeling shaasha in her heart.

  I feel that Xia Mi's body looks even better now than when they met on the beach.

   Not to mention licking, even if you can touch it, it will be unforgettable.

   "Elzer, since the transformation is done by collecting pheromone through the senses. Vision alone should not be enough, you can use other senses as you like, just treat me like a statue."

   Also, is there such a good thing?

  The dragon girl opened her mouth slightly.

   "Then I collected pheromones by hand."


  The dragon girl slowly raised her hands, her palms slowly fell on the abdominal muscles of Xia Mi's abdomen, and her fingertips moved slowly, feeling the contours of the abdominal muscles that undulate like hillocks.

   Full marks for the feel.

  The small hand slowly moved upwards, and the dragon girl touched Xia Mi's chest all the way.

   Full marks, full marks, all full marks!

  The girl from the dragon clan seemed to have a haha ​​at the corner of her mouth, and suddenly her little hands stiffened.

  This, here is...not sure...touch seems to be...touch again...

  Dragon Maiden is addicted in strange places.

  Why do I feel like a pervert!

  But Xia Mi who touched her like this is the most fundamental pervert!

   "Elzer, do you have a lot of pheromone in your chest?"


  The girl of the Dragon Clan regained her senses, and quickly raised her head to look at Xia Mi's face.

  Xia Mi had a weird expression on his face.

   "You touch very hard."

   "Yes. The more private the place, the more pheromones need to be collected."

  The dragon girl stayed for three seconds, then nodded seriously.

   I just became addicted unconsciously!

"I see."

   Believe it? !

  The dragon girl who touched a man for the first time felt even more vigorously.

   A moment.

   "Elzer, why don't I lie on the bed, I can't show you my upper body like this."

  Xia Mi moved his body. Facing the dragon girl who enthusiastically collected pheromones from him, he was embarrassed to say that his body was itchy by her touch. If he lay on the bed, the itching would be less.

   "Oh, oh, okay..."

  The dragon girl hastily moved her position to make room.

  Xia Mi lay down on the bed, the dragon girl put her legs together, knelt and sat next to Xia Mi's body, and continued her journey of touching the devil.

   Transformation requires pheromones, but dragon girls have never collected pheromones like this.

The previous transformations were basically through close observation, collecting some pheromones that can be seen on the transformed objects, and then reading some body art magazines, imagining the pictures under the clothes, and combining books with reality , thereby transforming.

  For example, that time he transformed into the deputy director of the bank in Senmai.

   It was after following this man for two months, while observing the man's words and deeds, while obtaining pheromone by following closely with him, and finally successfully transformed.

  But because only the face and limbs of the man were seen, the dragon girl did not actually transform into the deputy director 100%.

  In places where there is no actual observation, it is generally supplemented by illustrations in magazines.

   That is to say, the deputy director of the dragon girl at that time was a middle-aged greasy man with a big belly on the surface, but the torso inside the shirt was the torso of a model in a body art magazine.

   A brief memory flashed, and Elzer's eyes returned to Xia Mi in front of him.

   This guy's body is even more perfect than the models in body magazines!

   Just simply touching it is a kind of enjoyment!

  Time ticks by.


  The dragon girl's eyes moved away from Xia Mi's body, and she stretched her waist in satisfaction with a visual sense of fullness.

   "That's good. Let's start the second half."

  Natsumi returned to the front from the prone position, and then took off his pants, leaving only a pair of underwear.

   "Wait, why is there a second half?"

  The dragon girl stretched her waist and stiffened her hands on both sides of her head. She hurriedly moved her legs, stepped back to the bed, and looked at Xia Mi, who had only a pair of underwear left, her face blushed.

   "Because I feel that if the upper and lower parts are taken off together, the area is too large to distract you, so I thought of observing the first and second halves. After collecting the pheromones of the upper body, I will collect the pheromones of the lower body."

   "Thank you for being so sweet.—but don't you think that's weird?"

  The dragon girl shrank her shoulders, put her hands on her knees, her body was a little hot, and she looked at Xia Mi's face in a little panic.

  In the room, the dragon girl and Xia Mi are both on the same bed.

  Because she just took a shower, the dragon girl has been wearing a pair of black shorts, revealing two slender legs, and only a bra on her upper body, her slender waist and delicate collarbone are exposed in the air. And now Xia Mi took off only a pair of white boxer briefs.

   Now, the two are on the same bed, no matter how you look at this picture, it seems that they are about to start a warm-up for a two-person activity!

  Xia Mi looked down at himself, and quickly understood what the dragon girl was referring to.

   "Elzer, don't worry. Although he is the leader, he will not make unspoken rules to his subordinates. Since it is collecting pheromones, of course the more comprehensive the better."

  The little face of the dragon girl was hot.

  It's too late to say such things now.

   "But if this scene is discovered, it will be difficult to explain clearly."

   "Don't worry, I have already figured out a countermeasure. If someone comes, I will say that I am learning Dragon language."

   Seeing that Xia Mi was still persistent, the dragon girl couldn't say anything more, so she had to study Xia Mi's second half against her body that was starting to get hot.

  Start from the feet, go all the way up, and finally land on the underwear.

   Swallowed his saliva.

   It looks very powerful.

   "If you transform, there should be a 95% similarity. The remaining 5% is in the underwear."

  The dragon girl whispered and gave a report.

   "Still, do you want to continue..."


  Xia Mi nodded seriously, and reached the edge of her underwear with both hands.

  Although the girl from the Dragon Clan said she still had a calm expression on her face, her eyes had been opened to the maximum.

   There is a sense of tension that the truth of the world is about to be revealed to her.

  Xia Mi took off her **** to a third, fell silent for a moment, and then pulled them back to the original position.

  From a research point of view, of course there is nothing wrong with this move.

  But if the girl of the Dragon Clan can 100% transform into his appearance, this seems to be a little hidden danger.

   What if Lena and Saili couldn't tell the difference between the two if it was a flat golden retriever.

  It is not a solution to let the dragon girl walk around in the demon clan without restraint against his face.

   There must be a way to distinguish the true master.

   And there, as the last secret of the devil, is the best place to distinguish, and it is also the place that is least willing to be discovered by the outside world.

   Okay, okay, the idea is so perverted, it must be infected by the white hair.

  Natsumi shook his head.

   "Forget it, forget it there."


  The dragon girl with the highest expectations was suddenly discouraged.

  How can I stop watching halfway through, it’s all ready!

   "Then what about the remaining 5%, since it's a Demon King stand-in, it must be 100% perfect! Let me have a look! Just one glance!"

   "No more."

  Facing the sudden rise of the dragon girl, Xia Mi firmly refused.

   "I was obviously embarrassed just now, why did you suddenly take the initiative, Elzer!"

  The chameleon girl is also aware of her strange behavior.

   Could it be that she changed color unintentionally...

   "Then 95%?"

  The chameleon girl looked at Xia Mi.

   "What should I do there? If I become you, can I change casually?"

  Xia Mi thought about it.

  Although you can’t show the chameleon girl your true face, you can still reveal a little bit.

  After all, if the chameleon girl becomes too small, it will also affect the image of the devil.

   "Well, let me tell you the general situation."

  So the two changed their methods, and Xia Mi planned to use a question-and-answer method to obtain pheromones from Elzer.

  The chameleon girl swallowed her saliva, her cheeks were red, and she looked at Xia Mi curiously.

   "Let me introduce you first."

  Xia Mi answered seriously.

  Seeing that the dragon girl was a little puzzled, he thought about it, and began to gesture with both hands, using verbal movement simulation to present the most realistic situation in the situation where he could not see it.


  The dragon girl looked over nervously.

   For a long time, the Demon King has many secrets.

  Even all kinds of best-selling books on the market are only subjective speculations about the secrets of the Demon King from various aspects.

  Among them, the devil hides the deepest and most interesting secret, none more than the secret of the devil.

  The body of the devil king has always been an unsolved mystery. Some people say that it is the secret weapon that the devil possesses that can defeat the enemy by surprise at the last moment. Some people say that the body of the devil king is similar to that of a human being...

   Various rumors emerged repeatedly.

   Now, is this unsolved mystery finally coming to an end with her?

  The dragon girl stared at Xia Mi's hand, not daring to blink her eyes.

  Xia Mi began to gesture with the hand in front of him.

  Hands together from the palms, slowly spread to both sides.


   At the moment when the truth was about to emerge, suddenly, a golden magic circle appeared on Xia Mi's chest, and his whole body was shrouded in dazzling light, as if his whole body was glowing.

  The dragon girl quickly narrowed her eyes.

  The next moment, Xia Mi disappeared in the room, leaving only the dragon girl alone on the bed in astonishment.

   "Hey! What about people? Why did the most important part suddenly disappear, Xia Mi! So what is the truth!"

  The purple-haired girl stood up on the bed, looking for Xia Mi around the room.

   No matter under the bed or in the closet, Xia Mi can no longer be found.

  The dragon girl put on her clothes and hurried to Xia Mi's private room next to her, but there was no one there either.

   "Is it a magic that suddenly disappeared out of thin air? Then what should I do, Xia Mi!"

  The dragon girl yelled helplessly in the corridor.


at the same time.

  A certain forest on the mainland of Ireland.

   To be precise, it is the forest of elves.

   Today, the forest of elves is also early in the morning, and the sun rising from the east casts light on this aura-filled forest.

   Inside the Forest of Elves, where the elves live.

   Residential area.

  In the bedroom of a certain three-story building.

   There was a flash of gold.

  A certain golden retriever was lying on the bed and its eyes widened.

   "Out, appeared! The devil in underwear!"

  (end of this chapter)

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