Reincarnated In The World Of The Last Game I Played

Chapter 100 - Queen's Wrath - The Queen Has Returned - Final Part

After a strenuous training with Lunnia, Hercules was sitting on the walls surrounding the palace, looking down to the city and becoming even more intrigued by that sense of familiarity that Basilian gave him.

"What are you thinking?"

"I feel like I've already been here..."

Hercules looked at Lunnia who sat beside him and watched the movement in the stone streets near the palace walls.

Children running with a dog, a couple looking at a window of dresses, a man sitting alone on a wooden bench in the shade of a tree while reading a book and several hundred other people coming and going through those streets.

Lunnia smiled at all that life and tranquility.


With a complicated expression, Hercules looked at Lunnia. "When I looked at this city two days ago, I felt like I was coming home, but..." The young man looked again at the city. "...I've never been here."

"How it would be possible?" Lunnia asked with a raised eyebrow. "Remembering a place you've never been, how is that possible?"

"I don't know..." Hercules replied in a sighed and wistful voice.

"I heard from the children that you came from Odeon and I remember that kingdom was nothing like that."

"Have you ever been to Odeon? Now I understand how you know Odeonian so well."

"Yes, two hundred years ago..." Lunnia said with a pained look. "I never thought I would speak that language again." Lunnia's mouth twisted as the memories resurfaced in her mind. "That's where I got this ring from someone I thought was my friend."

Hercules looked at Lunnia's upraised hand and on her ring finger a golden ring with a small purple stone.

"Wasn't that ring's stone red earlier?"

"It changes color depending on how much mana it absorbs from me. Tomorrow it will probably be blue."

"Wait! Two hundred years? What are you?"

"...I..." Lunnia pursed her lips and rose. "I have to... I have a place to go."

"Huh?! Hey wait-... I did something wrong?" Hercules wondered as he watched Lunnia walk away.


In the palace kitchen, a large place like a great hall with three stone ovens, several cabinets attached to the walls and barrels in the corners, Faena and Fotiá gorged themselves on confectionery and pastries like there was no tomorrow while the cooks continued to produce more and more food for them.

"Ah! Faena, what is this?"

"I don't know, but it's delicious! Look at all that cream!"

Faena broke a sugary bread stuffed with pumpkin cream and grated coconut and handed a half to Fotiá.

"Wow! I want another one!"

In another part of the palace, after Mifa returned from her exercises and entered the room, Anemus was naked on the bed and panting fiercely as still feeling her legs go weak. The place was filled with a bittersweet smell, sweat, camellias, gardenias, oak, and soap.

"Did you guys stay in this for a whole hour?" Mifa asked Athena.

Athena's room was very large and luxuriously furnished. Although she didn't like all that luxury, there were certain luxuries that Athena insisted on making the most of. For example, the large porcelain bathtub inlaid with silver and gold beside the windowpane overlooks the palace's internal gardens.

"Want to continue what we started?" Athena asked.

Mifa didn't answer, she simply took off her sweaty clothes and stepped into the bathtub filled with hot foaming water, kissed Athena between her breasts and smiled mischievously.

An hour later, around ten in the morning, Anemus, Athena and Mifa were hungry after so many "exercises" in bed and so they went to the kitchen where, behind a mountain of sweets, Fotiá and Faena were sitting with their backs turned at each other with their bloated bellies.

"For the goddess!" exclaimed Mifa as she covered her sensitive nose.

As soon as he saw Athena, a very thin man ran up to the women and bowed deeply, making his thinning hair move lazily.

"Your majesty, I tried to stop them but..."

"It's okay..." Athena looked at Fotia who had blue tones in her happy face. "She is fine?"

"With how much they ate, I wonder..." Replied the cook.

"Fotiá, it's just me and Lunnia to turn our backs and you lose control, huh!?"

"Anemus... Burf!" Fotiá opened one of her crimson eyes and smiled after a small belch. "Here is the paradise..."

"For me it's hell... Blergth!" Mifa said and ran away.

"Don't let them eat like that in the future, later I'll give you the times and how much they can eat. I don't want them to get fat." Athena said and the cook nodded firmly. "Anemus, I'll go check on Mifa."

"Right." Anemus said to Athena's back and blushed like a chili as she bit her lip as she looked at Athena's ass. "I'll..."

Athena wore skintight black leather pants that reminded Anemus of the woman's naked body. The nymph was confused to feel even more attraction to Athena after having slept with her. They had seen each other naked so many times before. Anemus wondered why she felt even more attracted now.

"Did you and Mom make up?" Fotiá asked, she was still living her definitely sweet happiness. "You're making the same expression Mommy did when she met Mifa."

Anemus gave a smug smile and puffed out her almost nonexistent chest. "Now you can call me 'Mom' too-" As Anemus spoke, Fotiá made an unpleasant face. "What's with that face?"


Later that day, Hercules wanted to talk to Athena after finding out why that sense of déjà vu he felt about Basilian. After knocking on Serien's office door for a long time, Hercules opened the door and saw Athena and Mifa talking about the new capital being built.

"Why another four years?" Athena complained.

"Because Tarna and the other cities we destroyed on the way there."

"What does this have to do with the new city?"

"The treasure of the empire was all lost when you opened a hole on the ground... I still haven't been able to process your entire story these past two years..." Mifa scratched her ear and moved them slightly. "Anyway, Basilica's coffers are almost empty."

"What about the money system I said? That was to make things cheaper."

"And that accomplished its purpose."


"But only Basilica has adopted this system. Qartur is the only country that has raw materials to sell that would speed up the construction and our mountains are occupied by giants."

"Which tribe?"


"Which tribe of giants occupies our mountains?"

"It's the tribe-"

"I've been knocking on the door for a while now, are you pretending not to hear me?" Hercules interrupted.

"How did you guess?" Athena replied with irony and Mifa frowned when she didn't understand what the two were talking about. "What do you want? Ah! I haven't forgotten my debt to you."

"That's not why I came..." Hercules scowled. "And why is she making that face?"

Athena looked at Mifa and smiled. "Mifa, this is a language from that place I told you."

"And why don't you converse normally, using Basilican or the common language?" Mifa asked in frustration.

"Common language?" Athena asked and suddenly she knew what it was. The convenience of the Akashic Records was something Athena was still unaccustomed to, though she always used it for power. "Ah! No need to explain, I just remembered. He doesn't know the languages ​​of this continent."

"Well, if he's going to live around here, he'd better learn. About the capital..."

"About that, I have an idea. The Valkyries must still have some of the perfect diamonds I gave them. Use them and if that's not enough..." Athena wrote a letter, sealed it with her imperial seal and handed it to Mifa . "Go to Reiden and give this to Charles."

"Right..." Mifa took the envelope and before leaving she kissed Athena's hair. "Then I'll be gone for a few days."

"Take Fotiá and Faena with you."

"Huh? Why?"

"I want to get them out of the kitchen. Call Lunnia too. She can pull that kid's reins."

Mifa smiled, said goodbye once more and left. Hercules watched the behavior of the two women towards each other with strangeness. But he still believed that Athena had a boyfriend and saw Mifa only as a very close friend of the woman.

"So what do you want?"

"I…" Athena didn't look at Hercules as he spoke and it made him feel like he was talking to a wall. "I... won't you look at me?"

"Do I need to look at you so I can hear you?" Athena was in a great mood and teasing the young man made things even better. "I need to finish this now, I still have a few things to sort out, like who I should put to manage the noble territories that were executed."

"Why don't you let the people choose a ruler in each territory?"

"Did this kind of politics in our world work?"

"I don't know, but we chose, didn't we?"

"We choose, but once the chosen got the power, the vast majority of people suffered."

"But that was also their choice..."

Athena looked up for the first time to look at Hercules since he entered the office. "Wrong, that was the choice of the majority and not everyone. It is not because the majority chose that everyone should suffer. And so I'm going to choose the pawns who like to live."

"Isn't this a dictatorship?" Hercules asked in a voice full of boldness.

"This country is not a republic, this is an Empire and I its Empress." Athena responded with a sharp look that made the young man's face pale.

"A-anyway, I didn't come to talk about politics."

"Then get to the point."

"I want you to tell me everything you know about this world." Hercules said with a hard expression. "I want to find a way back to our—to my world."


Athena was lying in her room with Anemus trying to read a book beside her, while the nymph stroked her wet hair. She had just come out of the shower and was wearing only a panties and a thin black silk blouse, a real temptation for Anemus as she tried to concentrate on her reading.

Anemus wore a long, dark red dress with no straps, sticking to her body only by a thin thread around her neck. Athena was always breathless when she saw how beautiful Anemus was, but not now.

The day had been mentally exhausting. Athena had spent the entire day doing the work that was normally Serien's, while keeping her attention on the powerful mana that came from someone who was with Ella.

Athena wondered who it could be and couldn't take her attention away from that power as the person walked all over the capital with Ella. But when night fell, both Ella and the person she was with, left without causing any problems in town.

'Did something happen?'


"It's nothing important…" Athena hugged Anemus' waist, pushing the worry out of her mind and kissing her beloved nymph on the sides, making Anemus flinch with a tickle, and changed the subject. "In a week there will have the empire foundation festival, on that day I have a surprise for you, Fotiá and Mifa."

"And what would this surprise be?" Anemus asked as she abandoned the book and shyly slipped her fingers over Athena's collarbone.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you." Athena smiled at the nymph's gentle touch that was soft and warm. "Some merchants will come tomorrow, you can buy any dress you like and choose something for me, Fotia and Mifa too."

"Hm..." Anemus pouted.


"I know you love Mifa too, but do you really need to keep talking about her when it's just you and me?"

"Jealousy?" Athena smiled mischievously.


Anemus turned her face away, but her ears twitched slightly, causing Athena to laugh and stand up. "You do not need that." Athena kissed Anemus' head. "I swore to love you both in the same away, with the same intensity…" Athena placed her hand on Anemus' stomach and started down as she kissed her neck. "With the same desire and excitement..."

With each kiss from Athena, Anemus felt delicious shivers down her back and silent gasps escape her lips.

"Athena…" Anemus whispered. "...I thought you were tired...Hm..."

"I'm never tired of you." Athena said and her hand slipped between Anemus' legs over her dress. "If I don't hold back, I'd be in this room devouring you two all day."

Athena took off her silk blouse and pushed Anemus against the bed in a way that her wings were spread all over, getting Athena's attention.

"Do you want me to make your wings appear only when you want them?"

"Huh?! Can you do it?" Anemus' eyes gleam in that half-light from the candles.

She never liked her wings, she liked her small breasts better than her wings. Anemus envied Fotiá and Hein for evolving without an advanced mutation and being just nymphs.

"I can, but it will hurt, at the very least it will cause discomfort." Anemus pressed her lips together and swallowed the saliva in her mouth apprehensively before nodding. "Take a deep breath and relax." Athena said and when Anemus took a deep breath, Athena impaled the nymph with her fist on the chest.

Anemus couldn't scream despite the pain and fright, she couldn't exhale even though her lungs were full of air and she was starting to lose focus and filled with fear when she heard Athena's voice again.

"It's okay, it'll be over soon."

With Athena's voice came a heat and chills in her chest. Anemus wondered if she was losing too much blood and that was why she was feeling cold and hot at the same time, but it was nothing like that.

Athena had gotten better at manipulating someone's mana and ever since Mifa asked her what Athena had put inside her, Athena had been studying the 'Seed of Origin' with the help of the Akashic Records.

However, Anemus could not receive the Seed of Origin since the nymphs did not originate from a being, but from the natural mana of a person or the world, so Athena strengthened Anemus, pushing her evolution to the maximum by mixing her chaotic mana with Anemus' mana that shone a golden and dark green light.

When it was over, Athena pull out her hand from Anemus' chest and the girl finally let out the air trapped in her lungs.

Anemus glowed for a while longer as the changes in her body still took place. Her golden-green hair took on dark shades of black, becoming a dark amber green, her eyes that began to close, took on shades of turquoise and her wings disappeared.

"Sleep well, my fairy." Athena said kissing her on the lips.

After cleaning the blood from Anemus' body and changing the sheets, Athena laid the girl on the bed, covered her, dressed, and the two slept peacefully.

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