Reincarnated In The World Of The Last Game I Played

Chapter 115 - Gehenna - The Fall And Revenge Of The Light Bearer

Author's Note: Just to be clear, this is a fiction.

Both I, All, and J do not intend to offend anyone with our story.

So if there is anyone of any christian (or catholic) strand among our readers, who does not accept or does not like to be written, misrepresented or distorted their deities, please do not read this chapter.

That said, let's get to the chapter! The/

PS: Any complaints, J's instagram is in some comment in some previous chapter. :v

All J.


In forgotten times, when humanity was still in its infancy, Lucifer watched the humans in awe as she blended into them. She loved how humans struggled every day, clinging to every spark of their finite lives and often rising to victory.

She did not get tired of seeing humans living, dying, helping each other, fighting, she was fascinated with the fragile human life and wanted to be like them.

However, she was a goddess and above all, Lucifer was her father's favorite daughter. Yahweh, an absentee and selfish god who did nothing for mortals using the excuse of free will, but the truth was that it had been a long time since he had the power to intervene in the mortal world, which in the end was not a bad thing.

In any case, being a goddess herself, she could not actively interfere in the mortal world. This made her a little sad, as she wanted to be like the humans she so admired and she spent more and more time watching humans.

One day, when Lucifer was walking through the mortal world, Michael, her older twin brother, who had an excessive love for his sister, approached Lucifer.

"What interests you so much in these mortals that makes you stay down here for so long?"

Lucifer tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled at a couple who loved each other passionately in their bedroom. "Everything about them is interesting, my brother. See that couple? The man has another partner, but he loves that woman more, who is in love with another man. Isn't that intriguing?"

Michael couldn't understand what was intriguing about it, but something was awakened in him when he saw the couple entwined in each other's bodies, between lingering kisses and warm hugs. He looked at Lucifer, who was dressed only in transparent veils, and involuntarily his hand moved toward his sister's back.

It was a feeling he didn't know, the urge to touch his sister's skin was something stronger than anything he'd ever felt.

Incest was common among the gods, but Michael and Lucifer were different. While Lucifer had no romantic interest in her siblings, Michael just loved Lucifer too much, even more than he loved his father, but without sustaining any carnal desire for her.

However, he just didn't want her because he didn't know the pleasure of touching the target of his love with lustful desires, pleasure that he would soon come to know. As soon as his fingertips touched Lucifer's bare back, something like an electric current ran from his arm straight into his mind.

Lucifer's skin was so soft and warm and smooth, and her unique scent was so pleasantly sweet that he wanted to hold her and never let go.

Feeling his brother's touch, Lucifer turned to Michael and smiled innocently. "?"

Her golden eyes were so beautiful, her black hair was so silky and her lips so appetizing that Michael couldn't contain himself any longer and kissed Lucifer on the lips.

Lucifer, taken by surprise, was slow to react to the unexpected kiss, but as soon as she realized what was happening, she struggled against Michael's embrace and pulled away with fury and disgust on her face. "What are you doing?!"

"Lucifer..." Michael, looking at his sister's expression, was wide-eyed at the new discovery and still excited, he took a step towards Lucifer who took a step back. "I... I've always loved you Lucifer, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Loved me?" Lucifer wiped her lips with the back of her hand and with fear in her eyes, she spread her wings. "I don't want anything like that, I'm not like you guys, I don't want that kind of relationship with my brothers!"

A frightening shadow covered Michael's eyes, causing Lucifer to shiver and before she could fly away, Michael trapped them inside a barrier and there began Lucifer's hell.

Michael was a god despite sharing the same title of archangel with three other siblings, he was the strongest among them and even if twin with Lucifer, they were completely different.

Both shared a unique beauty even among their brothers, but while Lucifer had black hair as the night, eyes golden as the sun and wings as white and pure as the brightest starlight, Michael had golden hair and wings and his eyes glowed in various shades without sticking to any specific color.

Yet, in the end what mattered most was power and Michael was the strongest among all his siblings.

He always prevailed the winner in power struggles and now, against Lucifer, it was no different.

Lucifer did everything to get rid of her brother, using all her power that didn't even cross the barrier that held her there with Michael, but in a short time she was overwhelmed by the overwhelming strength of her brother.

For Michael, the time he forced himself and was inside Lucifer was extremely pleasant, short and unfulfilling. To Lucifer, the eight minutes felt like an eternity as she felt pain, disgust and cried, begging her brother to stop.

After that, Lucifer was never the same. An angel who was always glowing and smiling, happened to be always with her head down and her bright smile was gone.

Lucifer tried to talk to her father, but Yahweh had isolated himself and wouldn't talk to anyone but Raphael, his firstborn, and while she was ignored by her father, her brother, assailant and the motive she felt so dirty, forced himself on her again and again.

Lucifer no longer knew how much time had passed, she didn't even shine as before. Driven to despair, Lucifer gathered her supportive siblings and rebelled against her father who allowed her to suffer so much.

However, what she didn't expect was that her rebellion was what Michael was waiting to hide the shame of the truth of the crime he carried.

Michael had asked Raphael, who was his closest brother, for help with what to do about his sin. Like Michael, Raphael also had lust for Lucifer and under an agreement to share Lucifer's body, they deceived Yahweh who in turn, blinded by fury and disappointment, punished his rebellious children.

As punishment for the rebellion, Lucifer and her followers were banished from heaven and sent to a place that no one could control, not even Yahweh. That place was hell, a twisted dimension of chaos where most of the lost souls ended up.


For some time, after talking to Anemus, Athena, Mifa and Anemus cuddled on the bed in silence. Everything they had to say had long been said and vows of love were unnecessary at the time as they loved each other too much not to know each other's feelings.

After Mifa and Anemus fell asleep, Athena kissed them both, covered them and left the room in silence. She sensed someone with an essence similar to Lucifer's, but much stronger than the demon lord, getting closer every second.

Having nothing to do until the guest of honor arrived, Athena called Lucifer to talk in the garden burned while she waited.

Athena was curious to know why Lucifer wanted to kill her brother and while she imagined something epic like the bible tales, she didn't want or expect a heavy story, but in the end, the true story was not pretty.

For Athena, the demon lord's story... Hearing Lucifer's story was like having a rope around her neck, choking her while someone punched her in the stomach.

Hearing everything Michael did to his own sister was nauseating and Athena often wanted to vomit, and took a deep breath as she felt the anger pool in her chest. Athena shook her leg frantically and impatiently, wanting time to pass faster.

"....So when we saw the gates of hell open, we didn't wait and ran away from there, but we've all been affected after millions of years there and many of those who followed me turned into demons."

Athena was silent and while she felt Lucifer's brother approaching, she was irritated by the second, feeling the need to punish Michael, because the simple death would be little for someone like him.

Lucifer smiled slightly to see Athena furious for her, someone who is practically a stranger, and remembered the brothers who rebelled with her and with her were banished to hell.

Lucifer wanted to make peace with Azazel and the others she sent from back to hell. She knew that if Azazel gave up the location of where she was, it was out of fear of Michael and even though she was furious with her younger brother, she intended to forgive his betrayal.

Athena had no words of comfort to say and her fury burned quietly while Lucifer no longer had anything to talk about her past and thought deeply about what to do after breaking free of the chains that held her to the past.

They were silent there for hours and when the moons were already hiding on the horizon, Athena rose from the stone bench where she was with Lucifer.

"It's time..." Athena said in a heavy voice and looked at Lucifer who huddled in her seat as trembled. "There's nothing to be afraid of. I said it's all going to be over before it even starts, didn't I?!"

As soon as Athena finished the sentence, a handsome young man swooned in the sky, hovering with his golden wings spread and looking directly at Lucifer.

"Lucifer, I came to get you!" Michael said in an authoritative voice. "You don't think it's disrespectful to our father to escape punishment without his permission?"

Lucifer did nothing, said nothing and didn't look up. This was because despite having rebelled once, she still carried the trauma of what she had suffered at her brother's hands and even after millions of years, she was still afraid of him.

"Lucifer, say something-Urgh!!!"

"The time to talk is over." Athena said as she grabbed Michael by the neck. "Lucifer, pay attention to my voice and calm down. Death would be too simple for him, don't you think? Are you angry? Don't you want revenge? You don't want to make him suffer and pay for what he did to you? Pull out his guts, skin, eyes, tongue and then heal him and repeat it all over again until there's nothing left inside that filthy carcass he calls a body?! I..."

Hearing Athena's voice, the words filled with fury and a thirst for revenge, made Lucifer's fear melt into a fizzy adrenaline burning with the rage that flooded her mind, making her blood rush furiously as her heart beat fiercely. on your chest.

Lucifer looked up and her red eyes met her brother's kaleidoscopic eyes and glowed with intensity as her pretty face twisted in anger and rancor.

Michael, who had a pained expression on his face and was struggling uselessly as he tried to free himself from Athena's hands, widened his eyes at the sight of Lucifer's expression and for the first time in his life, he felt fear.

This was not the same Lucifer he was born and raised with. That wasn't the same Lucifer that looked at him with affection and admiration that he remembered and that wasn't the Lucifer that he loved. After all, that Lucifer had died the moment he'd gotten his hands on her and made her live the worst of hells.

"....What do you say, Lucifer?!" Athena roared in a snarl.

The sky, which had begun to lighten with the arrival of morning, darkened again with heavy black clouds that unleashed furious lightning with every word of Athena.

"Stop! Don't wrench my Lucifer!" Michael screamed and from somewhere he pulled a golden spear and thrust it into Athena or so he thought happened, but the reality was completely different.

The moment he thrust the spear into Athena, she severed his arm and took the spear for herself, throwing the weapon into her [Dimensional Bag] and it was then that Lucifer roared her fury.

"I want revenge!!!!" Athena smiled at the demon lord's desire and Michael shivered as he saw his end approaching. "I want to tear him up!" Lucifer continued as holding the black hair and almost pull it out her head in her euphoria. "I want to dismantle him! I want to hear his plea for mercy and forgiveness as I cut him and burn him and then, and then- Argh!" Lucifer flew towards Athena and Michael.

Knowing what would come next, Athena sealed Michael's powers and launched him to Lucifer who pulled a black sword from her subspace and ripped the four golden wings from her brother's back in a single cut and while Athena healed Michael, Lucifer continued to cut, burning, amputating, impaling Michael for hours and when she got tired, it was noon and Michael had not screamed for some time.

"Yet...." Lucifer growled in a whispered voice. "I'm not finished yet..."

"I know." Athena responded with satisfaction. "But I have things to do and before I leave, I'll take all the power he has."

Michael shivered again and looked into the indifferent eyes Athena had as she looked at him. "What… what are you?"

Athena bent down in front of the archangel and pulled the man by the throat with a gentle smile on her lips. "I am your worst nightmare."

Michael widened his eyes, which didn't have the same sparkle as before, and felt a shiver down his spine as he thought of the worst of his nightmares. (Gehenna...)

Meanwhile, Athena, with her back to the two siblings, was smiling proudly with her chest puffed out as she watched the sky lighten again. (I always wanted to say this at least once!)

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