Reincarnated In The World Of The Last Game I Played

Chapter 12 - To Sigma - Part 1 - Tormented Village

Two after the start of their journey, Athena and dog rested under the shade of a tree outside a remote village just north of Reiden, bordering the forest of the elves.

"This place is so peaceful..." Athena said as she stroked Fotia and Anemus' hair that slept on her thighs.

The village was surrounded by wheat fields to the south, forest to the north and plains to the east and west where shepherds could be seen with their flocks and cattle grazing.

"Ruur...!" Complained the grimera as he looked at the cows and oxen in the distance.

"What? Do you want to eat one of them?"


Wondering how a winged lion could understand her, Athena laid the girls down on the grass, stood up, and strapped her sword to her waist.

"Stay here and don't let anyone near them."


Athena walked to the village that was aware of her presence. It wasn't every day that someone passed by those surroundings, much less someone as beautiful as Athena.

"I want to know who owns the cattle." Athena told the guards who were posted at the entrance to the village.

The long, shaggy-haired man and another fat, dirty man looked at Athena with lust, leaving their erections apparent.

Athena wore a deep red dress that reached to her knees, low-cut generously, marking her breasts and making the location of her nipples apparent.

"Uh... Yeah... Just talk to the village chief, sweetie." She said the tousled haired one in a lame smile as she scratched her crotch.

Athena looked at the men with contempt and coldness as she rested her hand on the pommel of the sword hanging at her waist, making the men clear the way.

"Aaaagrh! So hot! I just wanted one night with her!", "That pink mouth was made for sucking! It sure is a natural sucker!"

That's what Athena heard as she walked away from the men, making her feel disgusted and want to cut them right there, but she endured it.

The village up close was nothing like it looked from afar. The pungent smell of excrement, house falling apart and dirty people all over the place.

Athena approached a malnourished woman sitting in the damp earth in front of a house without a door. "Where is the village chief?"

The woman had a blank look and her clothes torn, even when flies came out or got into her mouth, she didn't react.

Athena looked around for help and a few people averted their eyes while a few men laughed or licked their lips.

'OK, I understand. I should have just let him eat the cattle if it was going to end up in trouble anyway.'

Athena thought this when she felt a large hand on her shoulder.

"Hey woman, boss wants to see you." Said a stupidly tall and fat man with two protruding teeth escaping his lower lips.

"And why does he want to see me?"

"I don't know…the boss just wants me to take you to him."

Athena smiled bitterly. "You first."

In a stone house a little farther from the village, an old man was chopping wood when Athena and what she was beginning to think was an orc arrived.

"Good job, Naum, you can go now." Said the old man.

"Right, boss..." The orc who was now called Nahum replied and walked away.

The old man ate Athena with his eyes from head to toe. He scratched his beard and then pulled his pants up.

"Could you give me the air of your grace?" The old man said, looking at the sword hanging on Athena's waist.


"Um... Miss Athena, what brings you to our village? I happen to be the head of this village, my name is Gorsh." As he spoke, old man approached with agitated fingers.

"I want to buy one of your animals." Athena said, pushing the old man's hand away from her breasts.

The old man laughed and walked away. "No need to get defensive, girl. I'm sure you'll never want anything else but my stick in that crack of yours, once you try it!"

"I am not interested." Athena said in a male dialect.

Male: Tart gur qarm.

Female: Tart galir qarm.

"Hehehe... No need to talk like a man. It's clear as day you're a girl, unless..."

"Yes, I like women as much or more than you do. But that's beside the point. I came here to buy one of your animals, but now I'm going to take one as an apology from you." Athena said and turned to walk away when she heard a snap of fingers and sighed in exhaustion.

Since she had arrived at this place, Athena had felt more than one presence. From inside the house four men armed with axes and clubs emerged.

"Do you really want to do this?"

"You'll be soft when I'm done. Hahahahaha! Guys, don't hurt her too much!" The old man said and the men advanced.

"{Shield of Darkness}" Athena said with power in her voice and sinister shadows covered her outline.

The men attacked several times while Athena stood without moving an inch from the spot, thinking about the best way to kill them.

"What are you doing?" Gorsh asked in a squeaky voice.

"Boss, that black thing around her won't let us hit her..."

"YOUR USELESS!" Gorsh yelled and stomped toward Athena.

Athena opened her eyes, coming back from her cruel imagination, and was startled to see Gorsh's wrinkled face. "God! You're too ugly! Get away! Sho, sho!"

"Why don't you undo this thing and collaborate? Remember Naum? He went to get your kids. If you keep quiet, maybe I'll be kind to the poor little girls who might be without their mother..."

"They are not my daughters... No, you can say they are my daughters. Hehehe... They are so cute." Athena said proud of her work. "And thank you for providing food for my grimera. Now it's my turn to attack. {Prison of Darkness}"

As soon as Athena said, her green eyes briefly glowed black as the deepest abyss and shadows from everywhere in the village traveled around Athena and began to cling to the men's bodies.

Desperate men tried to get rid of the shadows that covered their bodies like clothes pinning them to the ground.

"B-boss, she's a witch!" One of the men said with wide eyes.

"G-goddess! Goddess! Please save us!" Another said with wet pants.

Athena smiled wickedly. "What was it like? Won't I want something else after I try it on?"

"W-what are you f-f-doing?" Gorsh asked when he saw Athena unsheathing her sword.

"I'm sure you won't want anything else after trying my 'stick' in that hole of yours."

Athena walked to Gorsh's back and thrust her sword up to the guard in his anus. Gorsh screamed desperately and the pain vanished as Athena tore him in half.

"Now, I know there are more of you down there, but what I want to know is who did that to that woman?"

The men looked at each other but said nothing and Athena took it the way she wanted.

"Huhuhum... Very well." Athena said as she wiped her sword on one of the men's shirts.

After sheathing her sword, Athena entered the house, grabbed a knife, and went back to where the men were with tears and sputum running down their dirty faces.

Athena lowered the first one's pants and saw a thick clump of black fur which soon took on shades of red as she cut and drew to the sound of screams of pain and fear.

The same was repeated three more times, and then Athena descended into the village, leaving behind ugly new women.

When Athena arrived at the village, Anemus, Fotiá and the Grimera were surrounded by people in a festive mood. But that was only for the people of the village and Fotiá, Anemus had a demonic expression on his beautiful face.

"Again, Athena!"

"I swear it wasn't my fault!"

"It doesn't matter whose fault it is. You said you wouldn't be a maniacal assassin this time!"

"I wasn't a murderer, it's more like righteous!" Athena said with her chest puffed out and then received a shower of ice water.

"You were reeking of blood."

That day the village celebrated and later after Athena and co.. departed, a wooden statue of a beautiful woman riding a winged lion was erected in the middle of the village with two girls.

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