Since changing classes, Athena had been experiencing small changes and the changes were confirmed when she, in a test, tried to imitate a paladin skill and succeeded.

The skill used was a high level skill in the game and it should have expended a lot of resources like stamina and mana, but it only expended some martial energy which was soon restored by converting mana to martial energy.

And in a matter of mana, every ten seconds after spending, the mana was already restored. She didn't know if everyone was like that, but she didn't care either.

All Athena could think about was Fotiá and the magic formulas that kept hovering in her mind after she had learned it.


Inside the mansion, Urk was beginning to become agitated with anxiety and fear. It had been over twenty minutes since Lahar had left to find out what had happened to Mijir, and he had not returned.

"Aargh! First Mijir and now Lahar... What the hell is taking them so long?!"

"S-are they dead?"

"Oooooaaaaah!!!! This is the second time today, Rui!! Stop with the bad omen!!!" Urk complained and hit the man, making him cringe.

"Sorry boss."

"No need to apologize. You will die here." Athena said.

Urk and Rui started looking for the woman and then the tip of a sword appeared in Rui's chest.

"Aaargh!" Rui complained in pain as blood flowed from his mouth. "Y-you bitch!"

Even with the sword buried in his back, Rui turned to face Athena and ended up snatching the sword from her hand.

Athena jumped back and reached into her dimensional bag, pulling out a white shield with details of golden olive branches climbing its edges, a design of a star in the middle and blades at the tip.

Rui drew his short sword and advanced on Athena in an attack that, despite being a light weapon, was heavy for Athena.

Athena defended with her shield and fell to the ground on impact. Rui took this chance to try to step on Athena's head, but then he heard Urk's voice.

"Don't kill her!"

Rui turned to Urk with an irate expression. "But she tried to kill me!"

"It's her tapir, but if you kill her it'll be all for nothing!"

"But boss- uuurrrgh!" Rui was about to say something, but then Athena tore the tendons in the man's feet, making him fall to his knees.

"You will be the first." Athena said.

Athena prepared to rip Rui's neck, however, Rui had combat experience and strength. The man grabbed Athena's head and flung her to the first floor, sending her across the rotting wooden floor.

"Shit!" Urk complained. "Wait, I'll heal you!"

Urk walked around the man and with an effort, drew his sword, making Rui moan in pain and spit more blood.

"By the great creator and all your benevolence I pray that you spare this poor man from his suffering. {Minor Healing}" Urk conjured and golden light emanated from his hands, closing Rui's wounds. "You still won't be able to walk, but you'll stop feeling pain and bleeding."

"Thanks boss."

"Was this whole blah blah blah just to cast 'minor cure'?" Athena said, looking at the men from the hole in the ceiling. "Pathetic... Where's Fotiá?"

"Fotiá? What is Fotiá? Aaaaah! Are you talking about the little nymph? Don't worry, she's fine."

"Where is she?" Athena asked more fiercely.

Keeping his cool, Urk looked into Athena's angry eyes. "If you give us all the trunks in your dimensional bag, I will return the little girl."

"Tsk! Always money... Humans always do atrocities for money no matter the world, it's always money..."

Hearing Athena, Urk made a confused expression, but as soon as he saw Athena open the red wooden door he had seen earlier, his confusion turned to happiness and greed.

Athena dragged the trunks out of the inventory and left them open at the edge of the hole.

"Where is she?"

Eyes gleaming and a huge grin on his face, Urk pointed to the left. "She's in the next room."

Athena smiled angelically and skipped downstairs, leaving the trunks behind. "Very good."

"H-hey! Wait! What about the chests?"

"It's not my problem anymore." Athena picked up her sword from the floor, sheathed it, and disappeared into the hallway.

In the next room, Athena carefully opened the door, which looked like it might break, and called out to Fotiá.

As soon as she saw Athena, Fotiá's swollen eyes sparkled. Fotiá was tied up, lying on an old mattress and gagged.

"Forgive me, Fotiá. I will never let that happen again." Athena said as she untied Fotiá.

Fotiá hugged Athena with all her strength and buried her face between her master's breasts. "Athena sorry? Fotiá is weak... sorry?"

Athena hugged Fotiá back, feeling guilty that this had happened and relieved that Fotiá was fine and they stayed like that for some time while the noise of wood creaking came from upstairs.

"Athena, the evil men have Fotiá's necklace."

Athena smiled affectionately as she stood up with the girl in her lap. "It's okay. I'll get it."

In the other room, Rui saw Urk trying to move one of the chests, but without success. The chests were heavy and Urk was actually a cleric and not a knight.

"B-boss, wouldn't it be better to you heal me so I can carry the trunks?"

"I don't have magic to heal deep wounds like yours... Did you forget I was kicked from the temple of light?"

"Ah... True, I forgot."

"You guys are still here, that's good..." Athena said as she appeared at the door. "Which one of you has her necklace? Give it back."

At that moment Urk saw an opportunity. He smiled as he removed the necklace from his pocket and swung like a pendulum. "I'll give you back if you take the chests down."

"This is Fotiá's necklace, give it back!" Fotiá said.

"I don't think you understand. I'm not negotiating. Fotiá, from now on keep your eyes closed and breathe through your mouth. {Hell's Fire}"

Athena conjured a blaze of sinister green and purple fire that permeated her palm. The place was soon filled with sulfur and even with her eyes closed, Fotiá began to tear up.

"W-what magic is this?" Urk's voice was squeaky and his eyes were like rivers of so many tears that flowed.

"This? It's no big deal... It's a demonic magic that I used to use a lot for its efficiency in consuming everything. But there's one thing it doesn't consume." Athena said looking at the necklace with a smile as sinister as the flame in her hand.

"Th-this is unholy magic! Worshiper of the goddess of destruction! B-but if you do, you will die too!"

"Good point. {Dark Shield}" A shield of black waves covered Athena and Fotiá and terror covered the faces of Urk and Rui. "Die." Athena said and threw the fire towards the man kneeling in front of her.

Rui didn't have time to scream and his death would be painless if hellfire didn't burn his soul too.

As the fire consumed the man's body, Athena realized that what had happened earlier was not repeated.

'I have to leave the soul intact...'

Urk saw Rui being devoured by the flames at extreme speed and let the necklace fall amidst the flames that soon spread throughout the ground floor, and in the midst of those sinister flames, a beautiful woman with a child in her lap, looked at him, making the scenario even more sinister.

"I think the 'Hellfire' is too much for that..." Athena said and canceled the spell.

Hellfire had a big disadvantage, this was a spell that while it was activated, it consumed the mage's mana, and despite being Hades' favorite spell, it was the one he used the least in combat.

As soon as the flames went out, Urk ran down the stairs while shouting inconceivable words, leaving everything behind, even Fotiá's necklace.

Athena picked up the necklace from the floor and smiled at Fotiá, who still kept her eyes closed and covered her nose with both hands.

"Let's go home?" Athena asked and then looked up. "First I have to get that back..."


Outside, Lahar was still sound asleep when Athena returned. She could kill him and she wanted to kill him, but she didn't.

"Hey! Wake up!"

Lahar stirred and grunted a little and continued to sleep, then Athena drew her sword and pierced the man's left hand.

Lahar jumped in pain and woke up screaming as he held his injured hand, but that was only until he saw Athena and crawled away.


Athena smiled silently, making Lahar more apprehensive. Athena returned the sword to its scabbard and then opened her inventory.

"Take off your shirt." Athena ordered when putting Fotiá on the ground.


"Just take it off."

Lahar did as ordered and Athena tied the collar and arms of his shirt, making a bag. The man, curious about what was going on, looked inside the door and saw Athena throwing coins and more coins into the bag.

"Half is yours for bringing me here, I know you don't deserve it, but that's what I decided." Athena said as she threw the gray bag in front of Lahar.

Lahar's eyes gleamed with his new fortune. "And the other half?" asked the man hugging the bag of coins.

"It's for the sister of the fat man I accidentally killed."


"Yes, it was for an test, and since he helped me out on the test, I'm paying for his work."

Athena smiled beautifully as she spoke, but to Lahar it was an almost demonic smile. Feeling shivers all over her body, Lahar nodded and Athena left satisfied.


In the city's commercial district, Athena and Fotiá hurriedly chose clothes outside the store. They had been out for a long time and Anemus might have been worried or something might have happened.

"Ma'am, did you choose everything you wanted?" Asked the muscular, bearded man who wore a turban.

"Do you have more comfortable boots?"

"I do, but they're expensive."

"Money isn't an issue. I want four adult boots and two for seven-year-olds girls." Athena told the cop a handful of gold coins from the dimensional bag.

The man counted the purchase along with the boots and took three gold coins from Athena, returning eight silver coins and four copper coins.

"Check back often!" The man said with a huge smile to Athena and Fotiá's back.

"Look Athena! It's a kitten!" Fotiá said, pointing to a white winged lion with three horns next to a blue wyvern and a unicorn.

"Ah... Yes, I don't have a mount."

Athena took Fotiá in her arms and went towards the animals, but before she reached them, they were surrounded by soldiers.

"IT'S SHE, DAD! THE WORSHIPER OF THE GODDESS OF DESTRUCTION!" Urk yelled pointing at Athena from behind a fat old man covered in jewels.

"Tsk! You again? I should have killed you."

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