Reincarnated In The World Of The Last Game I Played

Chapter 98 - Queen's Wrath - The Queen Has Returned - Part 1

"I'm serious, Athena!" Anemus grunted by who knows how many times. "I thought he really hurt you."

(Fufufu~ That tickled.) Athena said. (For the first time I felt my ribs tingle.)

"That wasn't funny, Athena!" Mifa also complained. "Do you have any idea how much that worried me?"

"Mommy is super strong!" Fotiá said with a big smile.

"Just because she have my powers...".

(My powers!)



"Argh! Shut up you two!" Anemus yelled and everyone was silent for a long moment.

After being hit by Doutrina's spear of light, Athena stole a sword along the arm of an angel and controlling her strength, she played with the archangel until she gets tired and kills him for good.

With the archangel's death, the angelic army was soon decimated without any resistance strong enough to stop Athena, who smiled a big smile as she ripped heads and wings left and right, making angels rain down on the burning capital.

(Hm...) Athena broke the silence. (These kids are very quiet, aren't they?)

"I put them to sleep with magic. They'll only wake up when I undo the spell. It's great that they still don't have the willpower to resist mind control spells." Anemus informed by flying backwards to face one of the huge emerald green reptilian eyes.

"Uaah~... Using magic on babies..." Fotiá said with disapproval, making a face of disgust.

They continued talking as they flew back to Basilian. The content of the conversation varied between the history of the travels of Athena, Anemus and Fotiá, the time that Athena spent absent. And there were moments when Athena and Mifa subtly flirted, making Anemus sulk.

Athena, transformed into a dragon, carried Fotiá, Mifa, Faena and the children on her back while Anemus flew around her. The pace was lazy for the babies' sake, but that slowness gave them the opportunity to enjoy that starry night.

The air was cool and pleasant, even though it was summer and at that altitude there were no insects to bother them.

Long minutes had passed since they had departed Mizhar's capital, but if they looked back, they could still see the smoke and dust of the city in the distance, lit by the flame of chaos and destruction left by the group.

"Mommy, I'm hungry..." Fotiá complained when the topic of conversation changed to Edrik.

(Don't change the subject.) Athena said on a laugh. (She pretended to be a man because she wanted to find the love of her life?)

"She did, and the love of her life was Fotia!" Anemus laughed.

"I don't like that pervert."

(But how does everyone in that kingdom think she is a man?)

"Seems like it was the doing of her mother, the queen." Anemus explained. "The king wanted an heir and as Edrik is a girl, from an early age the queen taught her to be a man."

(And what did you guys did after the serenade?)

"Fotiá was furious and jumped from the second floor window while casting spells against them." Anemus took a fruit basket from her [Dimensional Bag] and handed it over to Fotiá. "I feel sorry for the minstrels who had their instruments burnt."

(I imagine that Samy solved everything...)

"Did not!" Fotiá denied. "It was Yrio and Hein who protected that depraved woman from me."


"Your friend, Yrio and his girlfriend Hein." Fotiá repeated and bit an apple and handed the basket to Mifa.

(Do I have a friend by that name?)

"Poor him, Athena!" Anemus said and sat on the back of the platinum dragon. "Well, that's when Theikós appeared and saved the city from the destruction the battle between the three was causing."


"A very strong woman who held us for two days in the city's prison. That's how we became friends with that strange group."

"Speaking of strength..." Mifa said. "Athena, what did you put inside me two years ago?"

(Oh! That? I don't understand much either, it's something called "Seed of Origin". I don't know if it's a skill or magic...)

"You put something inside me that you didn't even know what it was?" Mifa narrowed her eyes in feigned anger.

(Well... forgive me?)

"Later!" Mifa said turning her sulky face to the side and then laughing.

Anemus watched that warm interaction between Mifa and Athena, and with a sad expression, she thought it could be Athena and her, but she remained silent with a slight sad smile.


On a muddy ground, not by rain or any other source of water, but by blood, five mighty beings were sprawled in their own pools of blood.

All around, thousands of infernal beings also lay on the ground, some already dead and others still in the process of dying, staining the ground red.

A man with dark hair and sky blue eyes, tucked into a dirty jerkin, crawled until he reached the only person standing in that new cemetery. "Lu-Lucifer... Why?"

The beautiful woman with long black hair, red eyes and clear white wings looked at the man with a disinterested look. "You really are my little brother… so tough."

"W-why did you attack us?"

Lucifer narrowed her eyes menacingly. "Azazel, you told Michael that I was in our mother's world..."

Azazel widened his eyes and tried to flap his wings, but they were no longer on his back.

"L-Luci, isn't it-"

Lucifer stepped on her brother's back with her bare feet smeared with black and red mud. "You disappointed me, little brother..."

"N-no, wait-!"

The grotesque noise of bones and flesh being crushed resonated disgustingly across the field of the dying moans of demonic creatures.

"And thank me for just sending you back to the cage." Lucifer flapped her wings and flew away.

That night, most of the infernal creatures disappeared from the world, with the exception of Lucifer's subordinates.

Lucifer herself flew south with a speed comparable to that of a dragon.

A/N: A dragon's speed is 530 km/h.


Two days passed and the news of the destruction of Mizhar's capital was still unknown to the world, except Basilian and the nearby cities like Reiden, Amardand and the almost fully built Athens.

Back at Basilian, Athena, Mifa, Anemus and Fotiá received from Lobana and Lunnia, floods of questions about what had happened and at the dinner table, after returning the children to Serien, Athena told everything she remembered, having Anemus and Mifa to complete the gaps in the history.

Hearing the details of everything that had happened, the servants in the place were elated and had difficulty hiding the happiness they felt, and that way quickly the news spread like fire in hay.

The other people at the table were not as interested in what happened as Lobana and Lunnia were.

Upon hearing that Fotiá could have died, Edrik clung to the nymph while crying like if she had really died.

Yrio was awestruck all the time. Mizhar was his home country and despite having no family or any connection to the kingdom, he was astonished to learn that the streets where he robbed and run in his childhood no longer existed.

Ella didn't even hear the conversation. Nothing about politics or human or inhuman wars interested her, it never did interest her. She wanted to hear about Athena's powers, but none of that was mentioned.

Hercules wasn't paying attention and hadn't heard a single part of the conversation, he hadn't even touched the food on his plate. The reason was Anemus, whom the young man was staring dreamily at. However, all he got was Athena's withering look, which practically told him to back off.

Later, as soon as they entered the room that looked more like a library, Athena and Mifa clung in a passionate kiss, killing the longing they felt, but nothing more than that happened. They were tired and as soon as they got on bed, they fell asleep after a few exchanges of kisses.

However, the next day, from that room with the dark and heavy wooden door, came heated vows of love amid passionate moans as they said each other's names.

As always, the guards in front of that door went deaf and smiled at their wistful deafness.


"How are you?"

Serien was nursing her daughter when Athena entered her room without any reservation.

"I'm better, your majesty."

The princess still had large dark circles painting the surroundings of her purple eyes and her silvery black hair that was once silky still sported a lifeless look.

'She's definitely not okay…' Athena said in a whispered thought.


"Serien, we're alone, it doesn't have to be so formal."

Serien looked at Athena who was smiling slightly and also gave a slight smile as she felt a little safer.

"Athena, thank you." Serien looked into her sovereign's eyes. "Thank you so much for bringing them back to me."

Athena smiled widely and sat down on the bed beside the princess. She didn't know if it would work or if Serien would need rest, but she still cast {Excelsis} by touching Serien on the head.

Serien was taken by surprise when her body glowed and brightly lit up the entire room.

The light came out through the bedroom door and windows and hit the guards at the door, and a servant who was passing in the garden at that very moment. The servant, already of advanced age, was invigorated by having her pains healed and the guard who had constant back pain, no longer felt any pain when the light went out.

Serien opened her eyes and over her daughter, her hair cascaded with a unique silver shine and her complexion was more flushed and looked full of life again.

"Much better." Athena stroked the princess's silky hair. "Well, now I have to go."

"I…" Serien was shocked that Athena could use that kind of magic. "...I'll finish nursing them- Huh?!" But more than shocked, she was relieved and happy. So happy that she started crying without even realizing it. "Athena, thank you! Thank you!"

"You can take the day off. There's nothing important for you to do today." Athena said with a gentle smile and left the room.


Anemus and Mifa faced each other in Athena's newly rearranged room. They were sitting at a table carved from black oak and pretending to read and drink lemon tea that was already cold.

Mifa wore little, as she had not left the room after a warm morning with Athena. She wore only a revealing robe of transparent blue silk, laced with white linen around her breasts, which, by the way, were bigger than Anemus's.

"Aren't you going to wear anything more appropriate?" Anemus broke the silence.

"I'm in my room, I'd rather be comfortable." Mifa replied with a fake smile. 'Camellia and gardenia...'

The scent that came from Anemus, the scent that Athena said she liked. A sweet but still gentle chirping that caught Mifa's sensitive nostrils and left her insecure.

Mifa shook her head, pushing away her anxiety and went back to pretending to read her book which she had no idea about what it was.

"Isn't this room Athena's?" Anemus asked with a meaningful look which Mifa didn't notice.

Mifa looked up as she turned a page that ended with the sentence "Her skin sweetness was delicious." and she looked at the door when she heard Athena's footsteps. She stood up and when the door opened, she looped her arms around Athena's neck and kissed her.

Even having noticed Anemus there, Athena didn't push Mifa away and instead returned the kiss that ended in a sighed smile.

"What was this?" Athena asked with a hungry look.

Mifa looked into Athena's eyes with a questioning look. "Camellia and gardenia, isn't it?"

At the time Athena understood what that question meant and pressed her lips together without looking away. "I didn't lied."

Mifa smiled and pecked Athena's lips. "I know, but you could have told me this was her perfume."

"What are you talking about?" Anemus asked with a red face and moist eyes.

"Your perfume..." Athena replied and looked at Mifa who simply raised an eyebrow. That meant a lot, and Athena responded firmly. "...I love your perfume."

"Heh~" Mifa pulled away from Athena with a teasing smile.

"Of course, I love yours too!"

"Of course you do." Mifa threw her long hair over her shoulder, making her perfume travel to Athena. "You proved it to me earlier."

"Uhum!" Anemus cleared her throat. "So, why have you call me here?"

Athena and Mifa took their places at the table and after a servant brought fresh tea and left the room, they, the three women, began to discuss the relationship in a long and heated conversation.

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