Authors Note:I am writing this for fun so don't bash me too much also fighting scenes are really hard for me to write not really good at it.I can't seem to make him look badass.

Fenris POV

I saw Victor acting all sad but the bastard cared too much about blood purity than his own daughter I saw Sonja being shackled to a stone pillar and Lucian was forced to watch her burn.I saw soon all the council members going away with only 2 guards here who had their heads ripped off with telekinesis.

I uncloaked myself Sonja who saw me her eyes lit up with hope "Brother you came to save us."I shrugged "Of course I did stupid little sister."I broke her shackles and led her towards the shadows I heard her whisper "My own father condemned me to death I held hope once he knew about our child he would at least stand with me but I was too naive."

I went towards Lucian and fed him my blood who is healing"Thank you for coming brother otherwise, I would have really lost her and my child."I just nodded and said, "I will take Sonja to a safe house do you still want to fight Lucian."

Lucian with determination "If I don't get Victor for this I would always have nightmares about losing her."

I teleported with Sonja to one of my castles in Greece she looked confused as just now she was in Corvinus castle next thing she knew she was in a different chamber.I told her "I will explain once this is over."

Sonja just nodded as I called out "Miro."Miroslava quickly sped towards me and kneeled in front of me "Lord Fenris what can I do for you."

I ordered, "Miro look after Lady Sonja for me."Miro immediately nodded and escorted Sonja, who knew I was keeping her safe but seemed to want answers.

I said looking at Sonja "I will be back soon ask anything you need to Miro she will get it for you also your father may or may not survive the battle."Sonja sneered "He condemned me to death for loving a man from another bloodline which means he values that even more than his own daughter."I nodded this is what I wanted I didn't want her to have hope of Victor someday accepting their child.

I didn't really involve my vampires or werewolves with some show of superiority over the human's mine mostly work in shadows since If vampires and werewolves are discovered in the future first thing they check are the rumors or myths are true which are already written vampires weak to sun and werewolves weak to silver.

I could protect my species easily by creating a cloaked island with magic even removing the memories of all humans will not be a problem but being cautious is not a problem.

I created a fake body of burnt Sonja since I knew that bastard victor will not stop hunting her and the child is not even a hybrid yes it has the blood of the two species but not the traits of the two since they need a Corvinus strain.

I was waiting for Victor to show up, and soon he did when Victor didn't see Lucian he quickly went to Sonja burnt body to look for the key to William's prison.

I said coming out from the shadow. "Looking for this."I showed victor the necklace.

Victor and his guards immediately went defensive Victor yelled in rage, "Give that back to me, you beast."

I indifferently asked, "what is so special about this that you went straight to look at this than seeing your daughter's burnt body."

Victor didn't say anything I told victor "Why don't you bring all your little death dealers and guards to the castle courtyard and try to take this from me."

I jumped out through the window and went to the courtyard I had destroyed all the useless things there to create a place for the fight.I was waiting for them as I was whistling and sharpening my werewolf claws.(Think Victor from X men the origins wolverine sharpening his claws)

I mentally thought "These idiots think they are the strongest let's give them a wake-up call."

I saw them enter the courtyard. I thought of reducing the crowd a bit I muttered enough for them to hear, "Let the massacre begin."

I let out a growl as my canines elongated and eyes turned red and sped right towards victors little army It was practically a blur as Fenris started to dominate them tearing all of them one by one, It was a bloodbath as a trail of dead bodies, was left in his aftermath by decapitation, heart extraction, or my werewolf bite, which proved very lethal for them.

I saw the fear in Victor's eyes as he saw all his death dealers were getting slaughtered he was trying to call for more of his guards.I was simply evading all their sword strikes while plunging my hand into their ċhėst and taking their hearts out or ripping their heads off.

Victor tried to run as used telekinesis to hold him in place. I only saw 2 death dealers in front of Victor whose hands were trembling as they saw my whole body was bathed in blood.

I looked at myself. "Well, after this I have to take bath when I return."

I walked over the bodies of a death dealer and went towards them they both threw their sword and kneeled "Let us live we will not go against you ever."

I smiled at them "Is that so."

Both the vampires got up and nodded "We promise."

I snapped my fingers as their heads were ripped off.I walked towards Victor who was looking at me as if I was a demon well a part of it is true.I can see his whole body shaking with fear.

I grinned at victor and asked, "Little vampire, what happened to all that air of superiority."

Victor opened his mouth to answer nothing was coming out but soon spoke "wha..wha...what are you."I smirked, "I am Fenris Mikaeslon the original hybrid."Since witches didn't exist I left that part out I let them think it is one of my abilities.

I gestured as three swords started to float from the dead bodies of the death dealers as I pointed at Victor the words launched themselves pining him like Jesus Victor who was crying in pain "ple...please..stop I will make you an elder."

I shook my head and said, "Nah I am not interested."

I held out my hand as I telekinetically ripped the part of Williams key inside of Victor had on his ċhėst Victor was weak because of losing a large amount of blood as I muttered "Can't have you Die like this can we."

I removed the swords did a small healing spell then compelled him to forget about me ever taking the key from him.

I then stepped back and started to transform into my werewolf form and gave a full roar, which signaled the rebellion's start.I really feel let down since I didn't even use my werewolf form in battle I sighed "At least I will use it in the next battle."

There were close to 5000 vampires in the castle, only a few are part of the council or aristocratic vampires and the rest are members of death dealers or guards.. now it is reduced to just 2000 vampires or so who are majority guards and small part council members. I already compelled Tanis to move the elders with Coloman and Orsova

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