Authors note:I had a reader complained about I am not using my vampires I sired I don't know if he saw the whole underworld franchise since once humans find out about vampires a huge hunt of Lycan's and vampires take place so I am only using my vampires and werewolves to help cleaners and maybe destroy covens or Lycan packs which pose threat.Also most chapters are quickly thought out and written.

Fenris POV

I was leaning against the wall with Lucian sitting on the opposite I heard Lucian ask Raze "I saw what you did out there you were very brave, for a human."I nodded and said, "Yes you fought against a Lycan with bȧrė hands it is a big accomplishment for a human."

Raze smiled at both Lucian and me.

I looked and Sabas and Xristo who was in the next cell "You guys tried to intervene that makes you brave as well."Both of them smiled and nodded at me.

Raze,sabas and xristo came and sat next to our cells Lucian asked raze"Have you come across them before."Raze spoke, "Only in stories."Lucian asked curiously"Were you not afraid of them."

"Yes I was but I wanted to live."

Lucian asked, "Are you afraid of me and my brother."Raze looked at us and said "Yes"

Lucian smiled and replied "Then don't be I won't bite....much"I laughed "He is puppy once you get to know him."Lucian mock glared as Raze,Sabas and Xristo laughed at that.

Raze questioned, "Are you like them?"Lucian replied instantly "No a Lycan but not like them those you fought with tonight were animals, the spawn of William purebloods if you will no trace of the human left."

Raze asked curiously "What about your brother his form looked different."Lucian smirked, "My brother is different stronger than any Lycan you must have noticed how even Victor is afraid of him."

Sabas and Xristo nodded and asked, "So what is he."

All I said was "I am the first werewolf/vampire hybrid I lived before Alexander Corvinus. I trained the little brat I knew him when he was human.I am stronger than any Lycan or vampire in existence."I left the part out I kill all the vampires in the castle.

Raze asked "So you are older than any vampires or Lycan's"I nodded "I knew your great grandfather raze he was sultan Ramshir right ."

Raze was stunned hearing that we talked for a while since Raze wanted to know more about his great-grandfather until Sabas asked "You could escape anytime right."I replied, "Yes I can."Xristo asked, "So what are you waiting for."

I said, "Escaping by myself is easy but to make sure all of you escape is a whole different thing."I did lie since I want them at least to stand up for their freedom giving them everything is not a good idea.

All three smiled at that.

Raze looked at me and Lucian "Lucian you made all the Lycan's stop while Fenris made all the Lycan's submit the obeyed you completely."

Lucian thought and said, "Yes they did."The nice thing about Lucian is not jealous of my strength or abilities.

Sonja soon came to our prison cell and whispered "You both are in here because of me it is my fault if I had not gone out.."Lucian cut in "Then you would not be who you are."

I smiled "Lucian is right little sister you don't have to worry about us."

I saw her go after speaking to us I whispered to Lucian "Little brother she is taking a great risk especially when she is pregnant."Lucian looked at me and asked, "Is that true."I nodded

Lucian smiled but then got serious "This makes me worried about her safety we must get her out."I smirked, "I already have a plan."

I was sleeping as I heard two idiots fighting over a piece of morsel I growled as my eyes turned red"You imbeciles you are making yourself some kind of puppet for their entertainment."This made every Lycan stop what they were doing started to look in my direction.

Lucian nodded and said, "We are not animals and we are not their pets and we should not be fighting amongst ourselves."I

Lucian continued "Both me and my brother lived by their rules our entire lives we protected them envied them and for what to be treated like an animal."

Both I let Lucian take the stage "We can be more than this we can either be slaves for our entire lives or we can be Lycan's."It thundered in the walls of the prison

Raze, Saba's, and Xristo smiled at this they knew a rebellion is starting.

I was thinking about one thing" I have to let Sonja and Lucian be captured. Since Sonja still holds the hope of her father accepting their child which is not possible she has to see herself that her father will sentence her to death with no problem."

I muttered, "I fuċkɨnġ don't care about the timeline after this."

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