[No, the System does not currently reward exp for defeating humans.]

"Well, that's too bad," I say to myself with a sigh.

I decided to hold off one using the reward I got from the mission until I could properly think over how to use them best. I am mentally exhausted from taking on all those guys, so I go back to my boat and meditate using my cultivation technique for an hour or two. From all the time practicing my cultivation, I realized that my body is always drawing in energy, but it was at least 10 times slower than when I focus and meditate while circulating the energy.


Far away in a dark room, a man with a dark blue mask sits in a large chair looking over a large map of the world with tiny ships place on it. When suddenly, a man bursts through the door.

"Boss, I just got word from Stonetooth that he and his men have been arrested off the coast of Alaska and, the ship he was given has been seized," the small dark-haired man states.

"WHAT! That's impossible! They had at least 15 guards armed with automatic weapons. There is no way the police are equipped to handle that kind of firepower," the man in the blue mask says furiously.

"I know, Water Phantom, sir. But, it gets stranger sir, Stonetooth says the police did not take them down but, rather one man wearing a black cloak single-handedly took all them out without killing a single one," the small dark-haired man says.

"One man took them all out without killing them? Was it a mercenary hired by one of the influential families to take their child back? The Rutherfords or the Falons, maybe? Damnit, there goes my leverage for my takeover plan," Water Phantom says with a frustrated sigh. "Do we know which mercenary it could be, Goblin?"

"We have a few suspects, but none quite match the skill level shown by the person who took our men out. To be able to take out all our men without killing them and without them sounding an alarm, he has to stronger than a rank one mercenary, so I think he ought to be a rank two or three mercenary," Goblin states.

"There is only about 35 rank two mercenaries and, there are only about four rank three mercenaries in the US. Goblin, gather all the information you can on the 35 rank two and four rank three mercenaries. If the cloaked man turns out to be a rank two mercenary, kill him, but if he is a rank three, try to get him to join us. If you can't get him to join us, make sure to leave on friendly terms, it is too costly to be on the wrong side of a rank three," Water Phanton declares in a serious tone.

"Yes, sir. Do you need anything else from me," Goblin asks?

"Contact Earth Phantom, I need to speak with him. Also, get Stonetooth released, I want to speak to him about anything he might have revealed, you know what a coward he is," Water Phantom say to Goblin.

"Certainly, Boss," Goblin says before leaving.

"I hope we can get him to join us, but more than anything, I do not want him to be hostile toward us. The last rank three that was hostile toward us took nearly 50 million dollars worth of resources to track down and kill. I do not need that kind of money drain with my upcoming plans," Water Phantom thinks to himself while relaxing in his chair.


After a few hours of meditating, I feel energized again, so I decide to walk around town. As I walk around town, I think of how to go forward with my company. I will have less and less time to spend building them up as I expand to other areas of business. I need someone great at management to help me, but I also need to be able to trust them.

As I was in deep thought, I bump into a woman. I say, "Sorry, I was lost in thought and wasn't looking where I was going," but as I look up to see it is Amber Watson, the girl that was on the ship and, she seems to be crying. "Are you crying, miss? Are you hurt," I ask her?

"No, I'm not hurt, I am upset," she answers.

"Would you like to talk about it, maybe you'll feel better."

"Okay, a few weeks ago, I was hired as a manager-in-training at a big company. But about six days ago, when I was traveling to a business meeting, I was kidnapped and held in a cell until a few hours ago when I was saved," she states.

"Oh my goodness, you were kidnapped," I say trying to fake my surprise.

"Yeah, but I'm fine now," she says. "After getting taken to the police station and answering a few questions, I immediately call my boss to explain what happened. Do you know what he told me," she asks while holding back her tears.

"No, what did your boss say," I ask?

"He told me I had already been fired and replaced. Can you believe that? I was kidnapped when I was going to a business meeting FOR THEM. And when I finally get back after being trapped in a cell for six days, I find out I had already been replaced," she says furiously.

"That is terrible, you know what, I started a business recently, and I could use a manager. If you're interested, you can come by the docks tomorrow at 10 a.m.," I tell her. The company is renting a building on the dock so we can hold meetings there.

"That sounds great, I will definitely do that," she says with a big smile, clearly feeling much better.

"Good, I will see you tomorrow then," I tell her as I get up to leave.

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