Necromancers are one of the most loathed groups in the world, and the biggest reason is that they use other people's corpses to create all kinds of undead soldiers.

Moriz, as the best among necromancers, is unmatched in this regard, and he consumes a large number of intelligent corpses every day to create various undead, all of which are provided by Charlie as an ore merchant.

Most of the other necromancers use corpses to make skeletons, but Moriz is trying to keep the corpse alive, or even fusing the corpses of different creatures together.

Therefore, the undead under Moritz are not only those skeletons without any flesh and blood, but also many who still have flesh and blood.

Moriz uses some techniques to keep the flesh and blood of these undead from rotting, and stitches up all the broken internal organs and skin flesh and blood, and uses various ways to make the heart of the undead beat again, so that the already rancid and sticky blood can flow in the blood vessels again, so that other organs can also return to working condition.

He tried to use this method to bring the undead back to a living state, and he studied this himself.

What is death? The heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing, and the organs stop functioning, and this state is death.

Since this is the case, Moriz uses various methods to make the heart of the dead person beat again, and the blood flows throughout the body again, trying to reverse the boundary between life and death.

In a sense, he succeeded, he did make the organs of long-dead corpses work again, and without him needing to maintain them with his own magic, the organs of these corpses could function automatically as they did when they were alive.

But Moriz also failed, his original purpose was to bring the corpse back to life, but only created a special kind of undead.

With flesh and blood, the organs can function normally, but the skin is completely decayed, and there is no special spirit of the mind.

Moriz called these things "dead bodies", and if the magical association of this world saw the dead bodies he created, it would be very shocked and marvel at this wonderful wisdom.

In order to deal with the ironclad ants and dragons, Moriz decided to send out the dead bodies of his own making.


Controlling the veins of eight magic crystals, Xin Yu could harvest a large amount of divine power every day.

After her dragon heirs entered the vein, they began to build larger altars deep in the vein, offering more magic crystals to Xin Yu.

Xin Yu decided to give more blessings to these children of his own.

In the kingdom of God, Xin Yu sat on the throne of flesh and blood, looking at the countless points of light in front of her, which represented her followers and heirs.

Xin Yu selected the dragons that represented her pregnancy, and then spent some divine power to bless these dragons.

At this time, the five-colored dragons who occupied the magic crystal vein all felt an invisible force being instilled into their bodies, which was the power that belonged to flesh and blood.

First of all, as a red dragon of O'Leoya, she can clearly feel that her own flesh and blood have obtained more powerful energy than in the past, under the blessing of Xin Yu, O'Leoya's body size is also growing rapidly, and soon grew to eight meters long, close to the length of an adult red dragon, you must know that O'Leya was born less than a year at this time.

Although O'Oreal can still see the appearance of the red dragon at this time, the appearance of many parts of the body is already somewhat different from the red dragon.

But from the outside, O'Leoya's eight-meter-long body has more hideous horns than ordinary red dragons, and its body size is also larger.

O'Lea didn't just look on the outside, inside her body, under the scales, countless filaments of energy were woven into a web, intertwined with her muscles and internal organs.

These energies can protect O'Leya's flesh, even if she is injured, O'Oréa can heal at a rapid speed, plus her scales already have a very strong defense ability, and it is difficult for ordinary attacks to hurt O'Leya.

More importantly, although O'Lea is still a pure-blooded red dragon, in her bloodline, there is a bloodline that is more powerful than the true dragon bloodline, which is the mark from the ancient gods.

"Thank you, great mother." Olea lowered her head and prayed to Xin Yu.

In addition to Aoraya, the other five-colored dragons were also blessed by Xin Yu.

Xin Yu's blessing made the flesh and blood of these dragons more powerful than before, and due to their own great strength, when receiving Xin Yu's blessing, they did not become deformed monsters like ordinary mortals, and still remained the same.

"Good, now the children are strengthened."

Xin Yu saw that all the blessings he gave took effect, and the strength of these five-colored dragons had all been greatly strengthened.

This made Xin Yu slightly relieved, although the strength of these five-colored dragons was far less than that of a legendary-level powerhouse, but as long as that legendary-level necromancer made a move, Xin Yu's blessing to the five-colored dragon could allow them to survive a move - provided that the legendary necromancer did not exert his full strength.

Xin Yu always pays attention to the situation in these veins, and once a five-colored dragon is attacked by a legendary powerhouse, Xin Yu will immediately launch a divine descent.

"Let me see what exactly you do." Xin Yu said so.

In the magic crystal vein, the iron armored ants are still digging this and picking out magic crystals from useless rocks.

Various powerful soldier ants also perform mining tasks, and they are responsible for destroying those hard rocks.

The five-colored dragons nest in their nests, and from time to time, iron-armored ants will move the various metal ores dug up to these five-colored dragons, and they will chew these metal ores like candy.

Suddenly, a group of uninvited guests broke into this vein, and this group of guys was filled with the smell of death.

Xin Yu noticed these enemies, they looked... It seems to be the undead?

These "things" have the same breath as the undead, but unlike those skeletons, they have flesh on them, although they are full of stitched marks, but at least they have complete flesh and blood, no traces of decay, and their hearts are beating.

It looks like... Flesh and blood and internal organs were stitched on top of another skeleton.


Xin Yu, who has been observing all this behind the scenes, feels that these enemies are very special, most of the undead he saw before are skeleton racks, even if they have flesh and blood abomination, they are only all flesh and blood rot, but these enemies are different, although they are undead, but the heart is beating and the blood is flowing.

The ironclad ants who were mining also noticed this group of enemies who suddenly came in, and immediately put down the work they were doing and began to meet the enemy.

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