Warden Hart was panicked at this time, very panicked.

The mercenaries who entered the bottom of the death pit actually never returned, and no news has come over until now.

It was not an ordinary mercenary team, almost everyone in it was experienced, there was even a magician in the team, and the leading jackal was the best among the silver-level warriors.

And it is such a team, actually gone forever, and now it is likely to die below, then it shows that the strength of the monster that appeared under the pit is far beyond his imagination.

Hart didn't know what monsters appeared at the bottom of the death pit, but he knew that his position might not be stable.

"Damn, in this case, I can only go to the Lord Congressman for help, but in this case, I am afraid that I will also be punished for poor management."

Hart was in a very entangled situation at this time, if he wanted to keep his position, he had to hide the matter of the death pit, otherwise his superiors would definitely be swept down if they knew that the death mine had an accident under his management.

This is the same as many corrupt officials dare not report when something happens, Hart is also this mentality, he did embezzle a lot of excavated ore.

At this time, Hart did not know that it was not only his position that he could not keep.

Cromwell and Tracy, the two of them were united at this time.

In order to unite the two of them, Xin Yu only gave them very vague information, and the rest was made up by their own brains.

Cromwell: Could it be that Tracy is related to the back hand of the Sarna family?

Tracy: Could it be that the Sarna family was destroyed because they had an affair with the god of flesh and blood?

The two people guessed in their hearts, but at least at this time they trusted each other enough, they both felt that the other party was a believer in the God of Flesh and Blood, and that was enough.

Tracy's strength is simply not enough in front of the warden and the jailers, so the next thing is mainly to Cromwell and his knights.

There were almost fifty knights who came here with Cromwell to become slaves, and these knights of the past had basically experienced hundreds of battles, and their strength had basically fully recovered after receiving the blessing of Xin Yu, and they were waiting to directly burst out at the right time.

The jailers in the death pit did not know at this time that there was such a powerful force around them at this time.

According to Cromwell's observation for so many days, the strength of these jailers is not strong, and even the strength is basically only bronze level.

In the past, it was easy to deal with those unarmed and abolished slaves, but now they have to face a group of knights who have fully regained their strength.

After seeing some wriggling figures appear in the shadows, Cromwell knew that these were Xin Yu's "subordinates", strictly heirs, but Xin Yu only called these creatures he had bred as his subordinates in front of outsiders.

The time has come!

Cromwell suddenly struck, twisted the neck of a jailer next to him with his bare hands, and then snatched the jailer's sword and cut off the chains on his body, and the other knights also shot out, killing the jailer next to him.

The attack was so sudden that none of the jailers reacted, nor did they expect that these prisoners, whose strength had been abolished, would actually regain their strength again.

Soon all the jailers were killed, and the other miners saw it and wanted to escape the place of the death pit.

At this time, the knights, who were also prisoners, in turn killed those prisoners who wanted to escape, completely suppressing the riot.

Cromwell was ordered that no one should be allowed to leave the Death Pit.

When the miners saw Cromwell's group killing the jailer, they thought it had come to be free. Then I sadly found that this group of people didn't seem to be trying to help them.

Hart also sensed the riot among the prisoners below, and he immediately wanted to go down to see for himself, and by this time, Cromwell had already killed.

Looking at the menacing silver-level knight, Warden Hart immediately took up a weapon to attack, although the long-term wine life has made Hart's strength drop a lot, but after all, he is still a silver-level powerhouse in the past, plus he has a lot of expensive magic equipment on his body, and he actually pressed Cromwell to fight.

I saw Warden Hart holding a magic weapon Shining Long Sword in one hand, and the power of holiness condensed on this weapon, and holding a shield inlaid with a skull in the other hand, this shield is called the Soul Eater Shield, which is a magic shield that can imprison souls, full of the magic of death.

He wears a chain mail with magic stored on his body, which can release magic shields when he takes damage.

Hart also carries three magic rings on his hand, one that can release fireballs, one that can release ice picks, and one that can release healing spells on himself.

Facing such a heavily armed Hart made even the battle-hardened Cromwell feel tricky.

But for Cromwell, there was no need to kill Hart, just drag it down.

Reinforcements had arrived at this time, and Xin Yu's direct heir, the original Heart-Grabbing Demon Lots, and the other two silver-level Heart-Grabbing Demons came over.

When he saw these humanoid creatures with octopus heads, Warden Hart suddenly felt a shiver in his heart, he had heard of this creature, and he also knew that this creature had special abilities in terms of mind.

It's broken, I don't seem to have bought psychic protection magic props....

That was his last thought.

The three heart-grabbing demons unleashed the psychic blast ability together, and Hart instantly felt as if his brain was about to explode, and his ears, eyes and nostrils all spurted blood, and then he fell straight down.

After seeing that the warden was easily put down by the heartbreakers, Cromwell subconsciously stayed away from the heartbreakers, although he knew that these monsters with octopus heads were on his side, but the strange appearance and the appearance of the ancient gods still made him subconsciously stay away.

The battle is over, so the Heartbreakers drag the unconscious Hart back to the lair deep in the mine, where all the Heartgrabbers will be in and out of Hart's mind control, tampering with Hart's consciousness, simply put, brainwashing Hart into a believer in Xin Yu.

And Cromwell will be in control of this death pit with his knights and Tracy, they will be the new managers of this death pit, according to Xin Yu's requirements, this pit will continue to operate, which means that those miners will continue to mine, and absolutely no one can leave.

When Warden Hart is successfully brainwashed, the pit will remain in its original state, and no one will know that there has actually been a change of owner.

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