Three thousand soldiers, Xin Yu will definitely come out, because her current identity is Count Veronica, a member of the Rhaegar Empire.

"Regarding these first three thousand soldiers, I need two months to prepare." Xin Yu said.

"Of course it's fine," Barrett breathed a sigh of relief, he thought that the Count of Veronica would continue to bargain, thinking that three thousand soldiers was too much.

You know, no matter how many soldiers sent by the nobles to the battlefield, there will be a possibility that the entire army will be destroyed and never come back.

This was undoubtedly a huge loss for the nobles all over the Rhaegar Empire, so when faced with the emperor's conscription, the nobles everywhere would always bargain.

"It feels very good to be in contact with you, Your Excellency Veronica." Barrett said sincerely that at least he did not feel the various shirks of responsibility when he came into contact with other nobles.

Xin Yu did not choose to continue to let Barrett continue to stay in his castle, but directly chose to send guests and let Barrett leave Bloodstone Town.

Moreover, Barrett will also go to the territory of other nobles to recruit these nobles, and when the time comes, he will find that other nobles are far less talkative than Xin Yu.

"Lord Count, are you sure you will hand over three thousand soldiers to the royal family like this?" Lawrence, the administrator on the side, asked after the tax collector left.

Lawrence was now the head of all the administrators in Bloodstone Township, and was appointed by Xin Yu to manage the affairs of the entire territory.

Therefore, Lawrence knew that if three thousand soldiers responded to the emperor's conscription order, it would also be a blow to Bloodstone itself.

After all, let three thousand soldiers go to the front-line battlefield, it is not certain how much can come back, you know, the emperor for these soldiers recruited from the nobles, is completely cannon fodder on the spot, let these soldiers be responsible for dealing with the most difficult enemies, performing the most dangerous tasks.

Moreover, Bloodstone Town could not gain any benefits from this at all, which was equivalent to directly losing three thousand soldiers, which was a great loss.

At this time, Lawrence thought of a way in his mind, that is, to use the lowest source of troops to cope with the emperor's conscription.

Whether they were old, weak, sick or disabled, or all kinds of beggars and displaced people, they could be used as soldiers to fill the quota of these 3,000 soldiers requested by the emperor.

In short, as long as you have saved enough soldiers of 3,000 people, as for whether these 3,000 soldiers are old, weak, sick and disabled, and how much combat effectiveness they can have on the battlefield, it is not a matter for those nobles, anyway, those nobles have completed the emperor's conscription task.

Many nobles did this to cope with conscription orders, and Ivan II put a large number of high-ranking tax collectors in charge of recruiting troops to the nobles, also to prevent this from happening and ensure that the conscripted soldiers were qualified for combat.

"No, no, no," Xin Yu shook his head and said with a smile: "Since our Emperor His Majesty Ivan II wants to recruit three thousand soldiers from us, then we will give him three thousand soldiers, and we must give the best and the most elite. Hearing

Xin Yu's answer, Administrator Lawrence was very shocked, because he could not imagine how much Veronica could benefit from this matter, three thousand soldiers were given to the emperor like this, and after the war, it would be good to be able to return one-tenth of it.

But since this is Xin Yu's order, Lawrence, as an administrator, can only carry it out unconditionally, after all, the administrator is only appointed by the lord to manage the affairs of the territory, not to advise the lord.

"So do you need to choose a source of troops?" Lawrence asked.

"No, this kind of thing doesn't need you to do," Xin Yu said, "I will personally select those three thousand soldiers." Hearing

his lord, Count Veronica, speak, Lawrence, as an administrator, knew that he absolutely could not participate in this matter.

The administrator has always been only the executor, never the decision-maker, and as an administrator, it is better not to investigate these things and not to guess the lord's thoughts.

In short, as an administrator, the lord allows himself to do whatever he wants, then he goes and does.

About why this Count Veronica was able to develop his territory so quickly, and why he was able to get so many five-colored dragons and dragon killer adventure groups.

These are all things worth pondering, but Lawrence has been warning himself not to think about these things, after all, he is only an administrator, and the power comes from the lord and does things for the lord.

Regarding the emperor's conscription, Xin Yu did have some ideas of his own.

These soldiers would all be scattered and arranged into different armies, all loyal to Ivan II.

So can you try to corrupt these armies?

Xin Yu knew that in fact, the army was actually very difficult to manage, and the system of the Rhaegar Empire itself was destined for them to not be able to notice every soldier in the army.

However, the belief in general evil gods is also difficult to spread in the army, after all, there will be mutual informants in the army.

Xin Yu knew that if he wanted to successfully corrupt the army of the Rhaegar Empire, he must not be too ostentatious, and at most plant a few seeds.

So she didn't plan to pick someone from the militia of Bloodstone Town as the three thousand recruited soldiers.

"Perhaps, you can let your own human believers blend in?"

Xin Yu thought so, and then she found that it was indeed feasible.

Outside the Rhaegar Empire, in the Starfall Kingdom in the southern realm of this continent, Xin Yu has developed a very large number of believers there.

Because of the remote geographical features of that area, if you are careful when preaching, you can ensure that it will not be discovered.

As for how to transport his human believers in the Starfall Kingdom to Bloodstone Town, the method is very simple.

Xin Yu can conduct a fake slave trade, where the human believers of the Starfall Kingdom pretend to be slaves and transport them here by ship.

These believers, disguised as slaves, could enter the army of the Rhaegar Empire as soldiers.

Treating slaves as soldiers, the Rhaegar Empire would not say anything.

In fact, in order to cope with this conscription task, nobles everywhere will provide a variety of outrageous sources of troops, and for the imperial side, the use of slaves as soldiers to cope with this conscription is already good.

In order to prevent these soldiers who originally belonged to the nobles in various places from huddling in the army and escaping the control of the emperor, the soldiers recruited would all be scattered and entered into different armies.

But for Xin Yu, this means spreading the seeds of corruption.

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