The entire city of Hall knew that a fierce battle had broken out in the slums, and although murder occurred there almost every day, it was the first time that there had been such a big movement.

The hunters of the Holy Light Holy See also noticed this incident, and they found traces of summoning the Abyss Demon.

"There are already people in this city who dare to summon demons in broad daylight." The iron thorn couldn't help but angrily scold the incompetence of the nobles here in his heart, there were people who dared to summon demons directly, and those damned nobles could actually spend their days and nights drinking with peace of mind.

"It seems that two groups of gangsters clashed, and one of them couldn't beat it, so it was forced to summon the Yan Demon, and it is said that the group of gangsters who summoned the demon actually lost." Another hunter felt very incredible.

Iron Thorn now only feels a very headache, did not expect that there is more than one cult organization in Hall City, according to the remaining magic traces, the demon summoned should be a silver-level flame demon, can be solved so easily, another cult organization may also be powerful.

"Immediately check for me how many forces are in this slum."

In this slum, the Holy Light Holy See actually has its own power, although the life is very difficult, every day can not be eaten, but there will always be some people who have always faithfully believed in the Lord of Light.

It is precisely because of these believers that the people of the Holy Light Holy See will not be discredited in the slums.

The local papal staff were very cooperative with these hunters from the Inquisition, and they quickly listed all the forces in the slums.

However, when Iron Thorn saw the large pile of thick paper, he was very desperate.

The slum was more chaotic than he had imagined, and there were all kinds of forces in the information given by the Holy See, gangsters who collected protection fees, beggar kings who demanded that all beggars pay their earnings, groups of smugglers large and small, and thugs who did the dirty work for the nobility.

"Since we know these things, why not destroy these sinners?" A hunter from the Inquisition Court asked.

"Because the interests involved are too complicated, many gangsters have those nobles standing behind them, and even if we eliminate these gangsters, new gangsters will soon appear to replace them."

"This is blasphemy against the Lord!"

Iron Thorn said at this time: "So the Pope has always wanted to target these nobles, isn't the effort we have made over the years for this." "

Although there is a lot of information, Tie Thorn and others still found some clues from it.

Ordinary gangsters are all about making money, and their practice is basically smuggling or collecting protection money, but those cults under the banner of gangsters are to collect believers.

An organization called the Relief Society attracted the attention of Iron Thorn, and this group of people distributed food in the slums and gained a lot of popular support.

If this is not a big deal, there are often well-wishers handing out food in the slums, but after investigation, the relief will not belong to any Orthodox denomination.

Maybe it would be private philanthropists, but now such people are almost non-existent, and as a hunter of the Inquisition, the Iron Thorn is qualified to suspect anyone and investigate anyone.

Deep underground in Hall City, which at this time has been excavated by Hugus into a huge underground space, it has become a nest with a very complex structure.

Hugus's amorphous body does not cause any movement when digging through the hard rock, so the humans above never feel that such a large space has appeared under their feet.

Although most of the dug up was useless rock, Xin Yu still found some iron ore, enough to arm an army.

By devouring the memories of blacksmiths, the Heartbreakers acquired the craft of smelting steel and passed them on to the followers of the Flesh and Blood Church.

Now, a factory has appeared deep underground, where molten iron is constantly pouring out of the furnace and then being turned into elaborate weapons and armor.

As for the source of the soldiers, it was the poor people in the original slums, who joined the Flesh and Blood Church, and the spring of life given by the rain cured all their past diseases, made their bodies stronger and their faith more religious.

These people have been training in the depths of the underground, and the people on the ground would never have thought that there would be such a big threat under their feet.

Regarding how to absorb more believers, Xin Yu already knows how to do it, that is, to feed those who do not have enough to eat.

And the relief society was created by Xin Yu because of this.

This organization that distributes free food in the slums is seen as salvation by many people who cannot survive in the slums.

Although the Holy Light Holy See is also giving brown soup to relieve some people, the food they give is only enough for a small number of people in the slums to survive, and the relief society is different, they distribute far more food than the Holy Light.

Xin Yu knows that many people do not choose to believe in themselves just because they get some food, but it is true that some people who are dying of hunger become their own latent believers after receiving the food distributed by the relief society, and then subtly become more religious, which is enough.

As for the food source of the Relief Society, it is actually a fungus modified by Xin Yu.

As a god who masters the two ways of flesh and blood, Xin Yu can transform life according to his own ideas, and this creature called meat fungus is Xin Yu's masterpiece.

By spreading spores to propagate, it is between flesh and blood and fungi, which can grow in the sewers, absorb the nutrients in the sludge and grow up, and filter out the harmful substances in the sludge.

Meat fungi can survive in almost any environment, as long as there is no sunlight, sunlight exposure can easily kill meat bacteria.

So in the sewers, meat fungi reproduce very quickly, relying on sludge and garbage to grow rapidly, and the carcasses of mice and cockroaches can also become nutrients for their growth.

When the meat fungus grows large enough, the relief society will chop it up and cook it into a pot of porridge, which must be cooked enough to completely kill the activity of the meat fungus, otherwise the meat fungus will grow in the human stomach and devour its flesh and blood.

Although it is the garbage and sludge of the following waterways as nutrients, the meat fungus itself does not have a too bad smell, and except for some people in the flesh and blood Holy See, no one knows how this thing grows, not to mention, there are indeed many people who rely on meat fungi to survive.

But the Relief Society did block the wealth of many people, such as the gangsters in the slums, for them, so that these poor people could not eat enough to allow the poor to work for themselves, and the free distribution of a large amount of food by the flesh and blood Holy See made many gangsters who relied on extortion lose their wealth.

The guys did come looking for things a few times, but when the head of the leader was stuck in the spear, all the trouble disappeared.

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