It was very slow to transform into divine power by absorbing the ability to be free in the air, but Xin Yu found a shortcut, that is, the magic crystal.

The most produced in this death pit is the magic crystal, which is quite precious, can replenish the magic power of the magician, and can also be used as an energy source to maintain the magic array.

Xin Yu found several magic crystals on these controlled slave miners, presumably freshly mined.

Squeeze these magic crystals in the palm of your hand and activate the ability to absorb energy, and this crystal directly turns into ashes.

After absorbing, Xin Yu directly obtained thirty divine power, which was already a large part of the resources that could create heart-grabbing demons.

This discovery made Xin Yu very excited, and after learning from the miner's memory that there were a large number of magic crystals in the dangerous area infested by Warcraft, Xin Yu decided to go there.

That area was once a naturally formed labyrinth, inhabited by a large number of Warcraft, attracting many adventurers to hunt until the Warcraft there were once killed to extinction.

However, after this place was changed to a death mine, those adventurers were no longer allowed to enter here, and the number of Warcraft began to recover, but these Warcraft generally did not enter the area of human activity.

Following the route that the Heartbreaker got from the miners' brains, Xin Yu came to this dangerous area.

Although there is no light in the depths, there is still light, and there are some glowing plants on the walls, by which the road can be seen.

Let the twenty miners who are controlled open the way in front, Xin Yu hides behind, and her safety is protected by the heartbreaker, and the heartbreaker with telepathic perception can sense any living creature that approaches, and if the monster wants to attack, he will be the first to find it.

Soon, they found an abandoned adventurer camp in the underground labyrinth, and after making sure that there was no threat of Warcraft nearby, Xin Yu decided to temporarily settle here.

As for those miners, Xin Yu will definitely not let them be idle, anyway, under the control of the Heart Demon Lotz, they will not feel tired, because they have even lost themselves, so let them pick up pickaxes here and keep mining.

The food of these miners is a problem, and although Xin Yu can sustain life by absorbing the magic of the air, these controlled miners must eat, they will not feel hungry, but they will starve to death if they do not eat.

Xin Yu can only let them eat some wood scraps from the camp to last for a while, and if they really can't find food, let them eat the starving miners.

For this group of people who want to hurt themselves, Xin Yu naturally will not have the slightest hesitation to deal with them, if she is caught by them, she knows very well what kind of tragic end it will be, and these miners are originally prisoners.

Lotz controls this group of miners to work hard, but he will also let them rest for a while and try to maintain the degree of not exhausting death, after all, there are only so many humans that Lotz can control, and one less dies.

Even the capitalists who are hanged on street lamps will probably be ashamed of themselves when they see Xin Yu's approach.

However, the mining process was not all smooth sailing, and Lotz suddenly felt that two of the miners under his control died suddenly.

"There is a Warcraft attack!"

I saw that the bodies of the two dead miners were cut into several sections, and their severed limbs were scattered on the ground, and the creature that attacked them was still there, a pitch-black ant as huge as a human.

Lotz immediately controlled the other miners to attack the ant with an iron pickaxe, but the iron pickaxe attack broke directly out of the Martian seed behind the ant's carapace, unable to break the defense.

Lotz immediately launched a teleblast, and the huge ant passed out on the spot.

After confirming that there was no danger, Xin Yu approached cautiously, and it was the first time she saw such a huge ant.

She gently tapped the ant's carapace with a stone, and actually made a crisp sound of metal crashing.

According to the memory of the miners, this ant is called the iron armored ant, which is one of the most common monsters in the death mine and likes to devour metal ore, so the carapace also contains a lot of metal, and is good at mining, which is difficult to deal with.

Wait, good at mining!

Xin Yu thought of something, and then asked Lotz: "Can you control this iron-armored ant?"

Lotz replied, "Yes, but my control ability can control up to twenty black iron level creatures." "

Loz woke up the ironclad ant, then successfully controlled it, and let the ironclad ant follow the miners to mine.

It has to be said that the iron armored ant is indeed a very suitable creature for mining, the hard jaws can easily cut the rock, and the mining speed of an iron armored ant is almost equivalent to ten human miners.

Human mages also tried to tame iron-armored ants to mine, but later found that this creature would eat ore, and the intelligence was too low to control and it was very difficult, and eventually they gave up, but this problem is not a problem for the heart-grabbing Lotz at all, and mind control of other creatures is an innate ability of this race.

After a day of excavation, Xin Yu once again collected fifty divine powers.

Although she was very resistant in her heart, for her own safety, Xin Yu decided to summon a heart-grabbing demon again.

Well, it shouldn't be said that it is a summoning. It's production, but Xin Yu doesn't want to admit it.

After spending fifty divine power to activate the life creation skill, Xin Yu's lower abdomen grew up again.

"Shhh So up, it looks like something is coming out. The

strange feeling from the lower abdomen made Xin Yu couldn't help but let out a strange gasping sound, and a blush appeared on his cheeks, and along with this strange feeling getting bigger and bigger, a magic array appeared on the ground.

A new heart-grabbing demon was created, and Xin Yu couldn't help but be glad that at least it wouldn't come out of her body directly, in that case, she would definitely not be able to accept it.

With two heart-grabbing demons. That is to say, you can control forty black iron level creatures, but if it is bronze level, a heart-grabbing demon can only control one at most.

Xin Yu decided to take the initiative to capture the iron-armored ants, and the bronze-level heart-grabbing demons naturally dealt with these black iron-level creatures, and soon, there were twenty iron-armored ants digging for her.

Eating so many subordinates became a problem, but fortunately, the Heart Snatcher devoured the brain of an iron-armored ant and gained their usual memories of looking for food, and there was also a fall about food.

Cave slimes are the usual food of these ironclad ants, these slimes have a strong ability to survive, and reproduce quickly, there are many in a humid environment, relying on the memory of ants, Xin Yu successfully found an underground cave where a large number of slimes existed, and transformed this place into a slime farm.

In fact, humans can also eat slimes, but the taste of slimes is related to their growth environment, if it is a slime that eats leaves and grass, the taste will be more fragrant, but the slimes living in this underground cave basically taste a little smelly, but now in this case, those miners have food is good, and they have never had an opinion.

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