
This was the only thought Iron Thorn had at this time, and when his consciousness cleared up a little, he remembered that he was soaking in a rushing river, and his body was washed away by the river.

He had no idea how long he had been floating in the river, and countless bruises appeared on his body, which were caused by stones that hit the bank when he was washed away by the river, and after floating for so long he didn't die, it can only be said that he was really lucky.

"I failed." Iron Thorn thought sadly, at this time he was alone, when he came, all the colleagues in the Inquisition Court around him were gone, perhaps sacrificed, and in his memory he was the only one who rushed out of the encirclement and jumped into the river.

He was besieged by the Flesh and Blood Holy See, and those wearing armor like a worm carapace were very numerous, and their strength was also very strong, and the hunters who faced these people in the court had no possibility of winning at all, just wanted to break through and bring the news out.

The entire territory near Hewan Fort has actually become a hotbed of evil gods!

This fact shocked Iron Thorn quite a bit, and suddenly he thought that the Count of Fort Riverbend had relied on the support of an unknown force to regain the count's position, and now it seemed that the unknown force was definitely these cultists who worshiped flesh and blood.

Feeling that his physical strength had recovered somewhat, the iron thorn swam to the riverbank, and this alone almost exhausted all his strength.

He checked his body, and there was a broken sword stuck in his chest, which almost pierced his heart, and it took years of combat reaction iron thorns to barely dodge, but it was also penetrated through his lungs.

His weapon was lost, and all kinds of medicines and magic scrolls on his body were gone, probably washed away by the river.

In addition to the sword that pierced the lung, the iron thorn also had multiple wounds on his body, and he was still very weak at this time because of excessive blood loss.

It is necessary to return to Hall City immediately and report this matter to the Holy See!

Iron Thorn recalled the map he had seen in the past, and found that he had drifted down the river a long way, but at least he had left the territory of the Earl of Fort Riverbend.

Just head west to get back to Hall City.

The only question is, how did you get so far when you were seriously injured?


Deep underground in Hall City, Xin Yu's doppelganger has always remained awake and is constantly giving birth to heirs.

Hugus, Heartbreaker, Evil Eye, Giant Devouring Worm, etc., all kinds of ancient legendary monsters that only exist in this world have been bred by Xin Yu. The

title of "God of flesh and blood who gave birth to thousands of heirs" is simply deserved.

When Xin Yu heard that the people from the Inquisition Court came to the territory near Hewan Fort, and also found traces of the Flesh and Blood Church, he actually ran away in the end, which made Xin Yu very angry.

"Are you guys all trash fish? It will actually let the people of the trial court escape, don't you know that you must definitely be vigilant when encountering outsiders! Xin Yu, who was sitting high on the throne of the rock, reprimanded, and his little feet wrapped in white stockings also cocked in dissatisfaction.

"My Lord, we already know the identity of the member of the Inquisition who escaped, our people are guarding outside Hall City, as long as he appears, we will absolutely kill him outside the city." Heartbreaker Loz explained.

Xin Yu was slightly relieved, if the Flesh and Blood Holy See was exposed, it would definitely be wiped out by the disciples of the Lord of Light, although the Holy Light Sect's power in the Starfall Kingdom was relatively weak, but Xin Yu still wanted to have less trouble.

She thought about what the Flesh and Blood Holy See had been doing recently, so she said, "What happened to the plan to infiltrate the nobility? "

Since its establishment, the Flesh and Blood Holy See has been following two paths at the same time, one is downward, that is, to absorb those commoners as believers, and the other is upward, to absorb those nobles as believers.

Unlike the commoners who don't have enough to eat, it is very troublesome to get the faith of the nobles, and there are very few nobles who believe in the Lord of the Holy Light in the Starfall Kingdom, many of them are to ensure that their rule is openly believed, and in private they are completely uninterested in the teachings of the Holy Light Church.

Therefore, it is very difficult to obtain the faith of the aristocracy, but after all, they are the class that holds power in this world, and if they can obtain their faith, then the benefits will be very large.

Xin Yu finally understood why all religions in her previous life treated commoners and powerful people differently, in other words, she was also not exempt from vulgarity.

The nobles in Hewan Fort who were forced to pronounce Xin Yu's honorific name were not believers at all, they could not provide even the slightest power of faith, and they obeyed the orders of the Flesh and Blood Holy See only because Xin Yu controlled their life and death.

But in Hall City, Xin Yu really gained some believers who were originally nobles.

For example, the Earl Dimon family, who mastered the dock transportation, in the past, Count Dimon was an unspoken believer of the god of commerce, belonging to the more religious kind.

But alas, the god of business is in charge of business and cannot cure Dimon's physical ailments.

Count Dimon was cursed by a necromancer in his early years, and the magic of death has been eroding his body and penetrating deep into the bone marrow, and he once paid a lot of money to ask the archbishop of the Holy Light Holy See to perform a magic spell to dispel the curse in his body, but it could only be alleviated, not cured.

Count Dimon was plagued by a curse over the years, until he met the people of the Flesh and Blood Holy See.

The people of the Flesh and Blood Holy See first pretended to be exotic merchants and shot the fountain of life from Count Dimon.

Count Damon had drunk the fountain of life provided by the elves in the past, a treasure that contained a large amount of life energy, which could cure diseases and regenerate severed limbs, but it could only be alleviated in the face of his curse that penetrated into the bone marrow.

With the idea of giving it a try, Count Damon bought the bottle of life spring water provided by the Flesh and Blood Holy See, and after drinking it, he was surprised to find that the curse in his body dissipated somewhat.

The mere dissipation of some shocked Count Dimon, who immediately inquired about the source of this fountain of life, and then disguised as a foreign merchant of flesh and blood to him to amb the god of flesh and blood.

"Sir, can I take up a little of your time? I wish to introduce you to our gods and Saviors, gods of flesh and blood who have given birth to thousands of children. "

This was Count Dimon's first encounter with faith in the God of Flesh and Blood, and when he left, exotic merchants gave him a statue, a strange, indescribable piece of flesh.

That night, Count Dimon dreamed of the appearance of this statue, hanging in the sky, like a second moon, all kinds of deformed and twisted organs all over it, and thousands of strange heirs were constantly being conceived.

This strange dream affected his spirit, and the long curse kept him tormented.

With the idea of giving it a try, Count Dimon prayed to the God of Flesh and Blood, and then a miracle happened and the curse in his body was completely removed.

Since then, Count Dimon has become a fanatical believer in the God of Flesh and Blood, and has joined the Flesh and Blood Church with his family to believe in the God of Flesh and Blood.

Here is to talk about the system of Hall City, the city is ruled by a council composed of multiple nobles, the nobles here generally have no fiefdoms, and the cake divided in Hall City alone is much richer than those nobles who rely on fiefdom taxes.

And Count Dimon was in charge of part of the management of the docks, and with his help, the Flesh and Blood Holy See could freely enter and exit Hall City from the ground.

Moreover, Count Dimon did not forget to promote the belief in the God of Flesh and Blood to the noble circle around him, and the temptation to prolong life made many nobles choose to secretly believe in the God of Flesh and Blood.

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