Count Dimon came to the dock quietly, and in order not to let anyone know that he had been here, he also specially put on a robe and mask, and the guards around him were only a few people he trusted the most.

In an inconspicuous corner of the pier, a pile of wooden boxes is piled haphazardly here, and the goods inside are dumped, but the owners of these goods do not care, as if these are just piles of garbage.

I saw a wooden board in front of the pair of boxes with gilded text engraved on it, "Golden Tooth Chamber of Commerce", where an old man in an expensive but dirty dress slept, holding an empty bottle of wine in his hand, surrounded by the smell of alcohol and vomit.

Count Dimon knew this guy, his name was "Old Golden Serpent", a poor worm who was about to go bankrupt, and when his debts were due in half a month, he would become a debt slave and go to the mine where the light of day would never see.

Why did Count Dimon know this guy, because he was one of the creditors of the old golden snake.

The old golden snake used to control a huge chamber of commerce and was very wealthy, but people always wanted to make more money, and the old golden snake heard about a business with three times the profit, such a high profit, enough for him to gamble the life of his whole family.

A friend of the old golden snake said that he had a large amount of Mithril ore in his hand, the value of this thing was very high, the only problem was the source of these Mithril ores, these things came from pirates, those pirates robbed a merchant ship to obtain these Mithril ores, but there was no channel to sell these Mithril ores.

Coincidentally, the old golden snake's friend had some relationship with the group of pirates, so he bought these Mithril ores, but because of the abnormal cash flow, he needed to sell these ores in advance, so the price was very low.

The old golden snake took a fancy to this business, and if he bought these Mithril ores and sold them, he would make at least three times the profit. So he emptied his entire net worth and borrowed a lot of money to buy all the Mithril ore and sell it through the city of Hall transported by ship.

The old golden snake did check the authenticity of those Mithril ores, exuding a silver luster, and at the same time having good magic conductivity, which undoubtedly indicated that these were very pure Mithril ores.

But when these ores were transported to Hall City, the old golden snake was dumbfounded, and these ores suddenly became gray and dull, without any luster.

Upon inspection, it was found that all of these so-called Mithril ores were forged by the cheapest lead ores, and were blessed with light and magic, showing the characteristics of Mithril silver, and when sent to Hall City, the magic was invalidated, and the ore revealed its original appearance.

From Mithril ore to lead ore, this price gap is not only plummeting, the old golden snake is bankrupt, and owes a large amount of debt, if it cannot be paid off, it will become a debt slave, go to the pit to work endlessly, after death the soul will be made into fuel, the body will be made into the undead to continue mining.

As for the friend of the old golden snake who sold the Mithril ore to him, he was nowhere to be seen, and he must have taken a large amount of money to be dashing.

This story reminds all businessmen to never trust your friends, there is nothing that cannot be betrayed in the face of great interests.

Anyway, since then, the old golden snake has been here, drunk every day, lying on his large pile of lead ore, waiting for the day when the debt is due.

Count Dimon walked up to the old golden snake and kicked him hard.

The old golden snake turned over, looking completely waiting for death, "Count Dimon? It is impossible to expect me to pay you back, you take these lead ores.

Count Dimon shook his head, "I'm not here to ask you for money, and I know you're broke, but there is still something valuable in you." "

What?" The old golden snake asked.

"I know that you have made deals with those nobles in the royal capital, and you have a channel to enter their circle."

The old golden snake sat up abruptly and his eyes widened angrily, "Do you know what I sold when I traded with the nobles of the royal capital!"

Count Damon said profoundly: "Of course, you know, isn't it a life-prolonging potion."

The old golden snake was shocked when he heard this, he didn't expect that the secret he had hidden so deeply would be easily said, "Are you trying to find me to buy a life extension potion?" Don't think about it, the alchemist who made the life extension potion has been burned at the stake by the people of the Inquisition.

Count Damon shook his head, "No, no, no, I mean I have something on my hands that can prolong life, and I need you to help me sell it to the nobles of those royal capitals, and by the way, help me enter the circle of nobles in the royal capital." The

old golden snake's eyes widened, the things that were known to prolong life were made using living people except for the life water of the elven race, such as the life extension potion made by the alchemist, which was brewed using a baby that had just been born from the belly of a pregnant woman, and the method was very cruel.

If anyone tries to make a life-prolonging potion, as long as it is found to be absolutely expudiated, hanging is the cheapest way to die, but the pursuit of more life makes many nobles willing to take risks.

Count Dimon saw his thoughts, so he said: "Don't worry, it's not a life-extending potion, it's not made from newborn babies or maidens, it's a spring of life."

The old golden snake said in surprise: "Can you get the life spring water of the elven race?"

Count Dimon just showed a meaningful smile and did not answer the question directly, "I need you to help me contact the nobles of those royal capitals, these guys always think highly of themselves and look down on the people outside, but if they know that I have the spring of life in my hand, they will definitely take the initiative to ask me." The

old golden snake did not ask where these fountains of life came from, he knew what to ask and what not to ask, but just said: "Those debts on me?"

Count Dimon waved his hand: "I can forgive all your debts, but if I find out that you are not doing well, or leaking the wind..."

The old golden snake said that at this time, he no longer had any decadent appearance, anyway, he had fallen to this point, as long as he could turn the tide, he was willing to do anything, even if he cooperated with those evil god believers.

After receiving Count Dimon's pardon, the other debt collectors did not go to the trouble of the old golden snake, but as long as the old golden snake dared to betray, he knew very well what the end was.

Instead of selling or throwing away the lead ore, he kept it in a warehouse he rented so he could remember the lesson.

Count Dimon gave the old golden snake another sum of money, and with this money, the old golden snake retrieved all the guys from the originally disbanded golden snake chamber of commerce.

Everyone was very surprised that this old guy could actually make a comeback, but when someone asked about the old golden snake, he always kept silent.

The Golden Snake caravan did not carry any goods, but directly took a fast ship and went directly to the royal capital.

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