The infected and purulent wounds were completely healed, the terminally ill stubborn disease was cured, and food was transformed out of thin air.

The originally poisonous moss flowed sweet honey, and the filthy sludge on the ground grew wheat, and in an instant the wheat ripened and grew plump ears of wheat.

Even the air suddenly became fresh, and the stench that originally came from the sewers disappeared.

"Miracle! This is a real miracle! The people of the slums shouted excitedly and bowed down to Thea.

"This is a miracle from the great God of flesh and blood." Xiya reminded.

In this way, the Flesh and Blood Holy See took root in the slums in the sewers of the royal capital, and Xin Yu also gained a large number of devout believers.

When they were about to die of starvation, a group of people suddenly came and performed miracles, so that the disease was cured out of thin air, and food grew out of thin air, so that they would never suffer from disease and hunger again.

Such a miracle made all the people in the slums fanatically believe in the god of flesh and blood, and if anyone dared to tell them that the god of flesh and blood was an evil god, they would definitely fight with the person who said these words.

However, Xin Yu now only dares to absorb believers in the slums of the sewers, and does not dare to go to the ground to preach on a large scale.

Although the power of the Holy Light Sect in the royal capital is not strong, the strength of the royal family itself is very strong, and it is said that it has a legendary-level combat power in the town.

However, it is said that the legendary combat power cannot be maintained for too long for some reason, and he cannot leave the royal capital, so the royal family cannot control the nobles outside the royal capital.

Because of the charcoal in the snow, the believers in these slums are very devout about Xin Yu's beliefs, and many of them even reach the level of fanatics, and the power of faith that Xin Yu obtains every day has also increased a lot.

To reward these believers for their piety, Xin Yu decided to give them more blessings.

Many believers in the original slums suddenly found that their bodies became stronger when they prayed to the god of flesh and blood.

The body that was originally thin due to malnutrition ushered in a second development, the skeleton became larger and stronger, and the body looked taller.

These people received Xin Yu's blessing and changed from ordinary people without any power to at least black iron level strength.

These poor people became more fanatical about her faith, and some who were originally latent believers became true believers or even fanatics.

These blessings caused Na's body to deform due to the excessive blessings, such as three eyes, six arms, and so on.

Of course, these aberrations are seen as favored by the gods, because the people whose bodies produce aberrations are far more powerful than others.

Is the Flesh and Blood Pope in the sewers constantly evolving, while on the ground, Wade has encountered some obstacles in developing the Flesh and Blood See.

While preaching the Flesh and Blood Church to some nobles, the Marquis of Wade discovered that these nobles had originally believed in another evil god, demons from the abyss.

Marquis Wade who discovered this situation was very surprised, although as a nobleman, he knew exactly how corrupt the nobles of the royal capital were, but even he did not expect that there would be so many nobles secretly believing in the Abyss Demon.

The Marquis of Wade used his connections to investigate and eventually found that these nobles of the abyss of faith came from the nobles of the queen's faction.

A bad feeling appeared in the heart of Marquis Wade, there would actually be a large number of demon believers among the nobles of the queen's faction, so how could the queen not know.

If the queen, one of the two most powerful figures of the Starfall Kingdom, secretly believed in the Abyss Demon, then things really became very interesting.

After thinking about it, the Marquis of Wade decided to write a letter to Duke Joseph, the regent of the kingdom who had been at odds with the queen.

Deep in the royal palace. Originally, the most heavily guarded place in the entire royal capital, but at this time, a large group of black-robed people appeared, and the blood and terrifying patterns on the robes clearly showed that these black-robed people were definitely not good people.

But when the guards saw this group of black-robed people, they did not obstruct in the slightest, but directly respectfully let go, allowing these black-robed people to move around the palace wantonly.

These black-robed people are Her Majesty's close associates, and who dares to stop them.

They passed through numerous heavily guarded passages and then came to a secret room.

"The sacrifice is ready, let's start the sacrifice ceremony."

On the floor of the secret room is a huge magic array, and if you look closely, you will find that the magic array is carved out of blood, and after drying up, it appears between black and red.

And standing in the middle of the French formation, the person who presided over the ceremony was Her Majesty the Queen of the Starfall Kingdom.

At this time, the queen did not look like the mother of a country in the past, but rather like a witch from hell.

Although she gave birth to a child ten years ago, the current little king, she still looks like a young girl.

There are many animals in the secret room, and these humans who have been kidnapped by various means are tied hand and foot like livestock and piled together.

With the order to begin the ceremony, these animals were dragged away one by one by the black-robed men, slit their throats with knives, and let the blood drip on the formation.

The Dharma Array, which had absorbed human blood, became brighter, and countless pitch-black and dry arms emerged from it, dragging all the human and animal prepared in advance and pulling them into the world inside the Dharma Array.

On the other side of the formation is the abyss.

After the human animal was dragged away by the arm on the formation, there was a sound of chewing and swallowing food into the stomach from inside the formation.

The screams of human sacrifice in pain also came, but all the black-robed people turned a blind eye to it and knelt in front of the formation.

When all the animals were eaten, a deep voice came from inside the formation:

"There are too few human animals this time."

There was no joy or anger in this voice, but the queen immediately knelt down and said in fear:

"Great master, I am sorry, but now there are fewer and fewer people who can be captured, and if we continue to buy more slaves, our order may be discovered."

The voice in the formation was silent for a long time before he spoke; "Forget it, we must not influence our plans now."

The formation soon faded, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, although these black-robed people were all high-ranking nobles in the royal capital, but they were just humble ants in front of that terrifying power in the abyss.

A long time ago, the queen believed in the Abyss Demon and secretly developed believers among the nobility, so she also received many rewards, and the face that did not change at all was one of the rewards.

It was her idea to hold the abyss sacrifice ceremony in the royal palace, and no one dared to break into the palace to investigate, not even the regent of the kingdom, Duke Joseph, so no one found out that the Abyss Sect in the royal capital had grown to its current scale.

"The great master is about to step into this world, and we must collect enough sacrifices to open the barriers in the world."

The queen told everyone that she was the sole leader of this Abyss Order.

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