As an earth emperor, Count Gryphon did have a very good life.

There would be no king or the Holy See to bind him, so he could freely exercise power in his own territory.

Including the right of the first (harmonious) night, as lord and nobleman, the Count of Gryphon has the right to acquire the first and second night of any female in his territory.

This power is very ancient, no one knows when it began, and although most of the human kingdoms throughout the world abolished this decree, a few remote kingdoms still retain it.

The Starfall Kingdom is one of them, the lord has the right to get the first and night of any girl in the territory, the commoners do not have any right to resist, once they resist, it is equivalent to rebelling against the nobles, and they will be cut off their heads and put on spears to warn everyone.

Although previous kings had the idea of abolishing this noble privilege, but each time it failed, Starfall Kingdom is a feudal kingdom, and the king's power is not really large, and he cannot command all the nobles.

The Count of Gryphon was very satisfied with this noble privilege, as a count, he ruled over a very large land, and in such a vast land, all the maidens belonged to him for the first time.

Today he was about to exercise this power again, and the Count of Gryphon heard that the daughter of a rancher in the territory had just come of age and was very beautiful, which made the Count of Gryphon yearn for it.

Although a farmer had a good position among the commoners, he had no power over a count.

When the Gryphon Count named the farmer's daughter, the farmer could only kneel down and obediently offer the daughter.

Such was the power of the nobility, against which no commoner could confront.

When he saw the young girl who had just come of age, Count Gryphon instantly felt a long-lost heartbeat.

The reason is simple, this girl is so beautiful.

The snow-white skin reflected the luster, and just by looking at it, the griffin count could feel how smooth the girl's skin was, and the long golden curly hair, coupled with the appearance of the young adult, made the girl look like the legendary elf.

If the girl were to wear pointed ears, no one would suspect that the girl was not a legendary elf.

Coupled with that shy and frightened expression, Count Gryphon only felt that his heart was about to melt.

He couldn't wait to take the girl back to his castle and threw the farmer a gold coin before leaving.

The Count of Gryphon felt that he was too generous, and he would not give a single copper coin when he took away those girls before, but this time he gave the girl's father a gold coin.

But the girl was indeed worth the price, and no female appearance in Count Gryphon could compare to this girl.

Maybe it would not be bad to leave her in the castle as his mistress, anyway, her father the farmer did not dare to rebel against him.

After taking the girl to the castle, the Gryphon Count ordered the maid to wash the girl's whole body and send her to her bed.

The count felt impatient at this time, such a beautiful girl, who would be sent to his bed later, he was very excited to think of this.

Soon, the girl was washed clean, and in the process of bathing the girl, the maids would also check whether the girl was carrying a dark weapon such as a dagger to ensure that there was nothing on her that could harm the Gryphon Count.

The cleaned girl was sent to the count's bed, and at this time the girl's clothes were very thin, and her skin was stained with some water droplets.

"Lord Count..." said the girl shyly and fearfully.

The sound was so nice that the Gryphon Count felt like someone was caressing the soft part of his heart with a feather.

He instantly felt a flame ignited in his heart, and couldn't wait to press the girl under him and kiss it.

Count Gryphon could clearly smell the girl's body, which was quite good, and he couldn't help but immerse himself in it.

At this time, suddenly something abnormal happened!

The Gryphon Count felt something burrow through his mouth, which felt like a tough gelatinous fluid, and after burrowing into his mouth, he continued to drill into it, through the esophagus and into the stomach.

He was about to break free immediately at this time, but he didn't expect that this girl's strength was actually greater than him, holding him down to death.

Count Gryphon was struggling desperately, and saw that the girl's mouth was filled with that pitch-black gelatinous fluid, like a black slime, which continued to drill into his mouth.

The count wanted to shout for help, but at this time his mouth was blocked, and he couldn't shout at all, so he could only watch this terrifying thing enter his stomach.

Finally, the girl let go of the count, and the mimic Hugus stored in her stomach also entered the count's stomach.

That black colloidal fluid is the mimetic Hugues produced by Xin Yu.

The count's throat was completely sealed by Hugus at this time, and he could not make a sound anyway, so he could only desperately slap the bed board in an attempt to let the guards outside the door come in to save his life.

Just outside the bedroom door, six loyal guards stood there, and as soon as the count shouted for help, they would immediately rush in to rescue the count.

But unfortunately, now the count can't say anything, and the sound of desperately slapping the bed board is also thought by the guards outside the door to be the normal sound of the count when doing business.

Of course, the guards outside the door knew what the count was doing at this time, no matter how much movement was inside, as long as there was no count's life-saving voice, they would definitely not break in.

Once the count was disturbed at this critical time, these guards knew exactly what their fate was.

The girl suddenly opened her mouth and screamed at this time, making an abnormal gasping sound.

The guards outside the door were naturally relieved when they heard this sound.

Hugues, who burrowed into the Count's stomach, was constantly devouring the Count's flesh at this time, from internal organs to flesh and blood, from bones to fat, all of which were devoured and digested by Hugues.

The intense pain drove the count almost crazy, but he couldn't call for help, he couldn't even move, and Hugues had already begun to devour the flesh and blood inside his hands and feet.

Now, Hugues, who was in the count's body, had begun to enter his brain along the blood vessels, devouring the brain, and at the same time acquiring the memories inside.

Although Hugus was constantly devouring the count's flesh and blood, he never devoured his skin, and at this time the count had turned into a human skin, and all the flesh and blood bones inside were devoured.

Finally, even his brain was devoured, and the Gryphon Count died completely, leaving only a hollow human skin.

Hugues obtained all of the Count's memories after devouring his brain, and at the same time, after devouring all the flesh and blood in the Count's skin, Hugues could also simulate all his organs.

After simulating vocal cords in his throat, Hugues tried to speak.

It is exactly the same as the voice of the count when he was alive.

With the memory, voice and skin of the Gryphon Count, this Hugus completely replaced the original Count.

The girl and the "count" looked at each other, and then smiled.

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