The nobles on the border had not experienced war for too long, and the barbarians easily attacked several castles, and the nobles who originally controlled these castles were killed one by one.

In order to deter the enemy, the mountain barbarians cut off all the heads of these nobles, then stuck them on their spears and raised them high.

When those ordinary soldiers saw these nobles who used to be high and high in the past being killed like this, their heads wept blood on their spears, which often caused panic among many soldiers.

For soldiers who have not seen blood, the use of tragic corpses can have a very large morale impact on them.

The barbarian army was in full swing along the way, and after countless castles and villages were breached, the barbarian army would burn everything to ashes with a fire.

Everyone was also killed, and the murderous bones acquiesced to this behavior, and there was an irreconcilable contradiction between the mountain barbarians and these plain people.

In the past, the mountain barbarians had killed the plain people countless times, and the plain people had killed the mountain barbarians countless times.

The only thing that upsets the fierce bone is that some tribes actually do not listen to the command at this time, and because they have grabbed enough resources, they feel that there is no need to fight and want to go home.

The people of this tribe were about to leave without even saying hello, but they were angrily stopped by the murderous bone, and then in front of the other tribes, the murderous bone killed everyone in this tribe.

Others don't dispute that, because they know that the war won't stop immediately because you've grabbed enough.

The next target of the fierce bones is the castle of Iron Teeth, which belongs to a family of historic counts.

As the first barrier of the Starfall Kingdom in the north, this iron tooth fortress was established to defend against the invasion of mountain barbarians, and has been destroyed many times and rebuilt many times.

The castle is very tall and has a moat, the castle's arrow tower can attack enemies in all directions, and hidden behind the arrow tower is the magic tower built by mages.

Seeing this castle, the fierce bone's face was very solemn, and he knew that a real tough battle was coming.

This Iron Tooth Fort was going to be taken anyway, so the fierce bone decided to take it himself.

A strong and tall castle can withstand a large army, but it can easily be defeated by a strong man if it is not garrisoned by a corresponding strong person.

"Send out the war beast to attack! "The fierce bone gave the order.

Huge monsters of various sizes came out of the army of mountain barbarians, these were monsters trained by those barbarian wizards, and they could only be trained from infancy.

For the mountain barbarians who lack food, the cost of training these war beasts is very high, but the Warcraft that is born with great power is indeed very powerful.

These war beasts have all kinds of Warcraft, the largest of which is a four-meter-tall giant bear, endemic to the Northern Mountain Range.

The tough fur of these giant bears can block many arrows, and then use their incredible force to force open the castle gates.

Riding on the body of one of the giant bears, the fierce bone led the barbarian army to storm the Iron Tooth Fort from the front.

The gold-level High Priest chanted the incantation aloud, the magic condensed on his staff, and the defenders of the Iron Tooth Fort immediately knew what this priest wanted to do and immediately shot arrows at the priest.

However, these arrows were invariably blocked by a transparent wall, and I saw the staff in the high priest's hand shoot out a blue light right in the moat.

The entire moat was instantly frozen and turned into a solid ice surface, which would not affect even if the giant bear stood on it.

The barbarian army immediately crossed the frozen moat and rushed under the walls of the Iron Tooth Castle.

Various war beasts are at the front, attracting a lot of firepower.

During this period, the archers above the Iron Tooth Fort shot countless arrows, each of which could easily kill barbarian soldiers who lacked armor.

But there were too many barbarians attacking the castle, and those archers could only say that what they killed was a drop in the bucket.

The fierce bone directly ignored any arrows with the powerful strength of the gold level, and rushed under the city gate, intending to break the city gate directly in one go.

But soon a scream around him caught his attention, and the defenders of the Iron Tooth Fort immediately poured the prepared boiling oil as soon as these barbarians rushed under the city walls.

The use of boiling oil is one of the methods of defending cities in this world, and once the enemy rushes under the city walls, the defenders can splash the boiling grease.

Unlike boiling water, the temperature of boiling oil is at least two hundred degrees Celsius, and even ordinary transcendent people will be hit hard if they are splashed on the head.

People who die from boiling oil often look very miserable, which is the best deterrent for those who attack the city.

Most of these barbarian warriors had no armor and tried to climb the wall with a hook when rushing under it, only to be drenched directly by boiling oil.

The almost boiling grease directly scalded these barbarians on the spot, and before dying, these barbarians also painfully scratched the scalded parts with their hands, often tearing off large areas of skin with a light touch.

Such a terrifying death naturally shocked many people, and being stabbed to death with a knife was not the same as being burned alive by boiling oil.

The fierce bone knew that he had to break through the city gate immediately, so he completely ignored the boiling oil poured on his head.

Just as the murderous bone was about to slash at the city gate with an axe, the boiling oil above his head fell on his body.

The fierce bone did not choose to dodge, and the boiling oil was no threat to him, a gold-level powerhouse.

But when this "boiling oil" fell on his body, the murderous bone found that it was not boiling oil at all.

This damn is boiling manure!

Although the temperature of boiling manure is not as high as boiling oil, the temperature of almost 100 degrees Celsius is enough to seriously injure people, and swollen manure can easily cause serious infection of the wound.

For a strong man like Fierce Bone, the heat and infection of one hundred degrees Celsius did not cause any harm, but it was extremely harmful to his soul.

The damage is not high, but it is extremely insulting.

The boiling feces that had been poured all over his body, and the fierce bone could feel this stench penetrating deep into his lungs.

At this time, the body of the fierce bone was covered with brown-yellow feces, mixed with some white maggots and undigested vegetable leaves.

"I'm !!"

The fierce bone felt that he was simply mad, and the leader of his dignified mountain barbarian tribe was actually splashed with dirty and foul-smelling dung.

Carrying endless anger, the giant axe in the hands of the fierce bone slashed through the afterimage in the air and slashed at the heavy city gate.

This gate is solid oak covered with an iron plate, enough to withstand the impact of many battering rams, but it is constantly torn apart by the giant axe in the hands of the murderer.

Seeing that the city gate was about to be completely destroyed, the defenders on the city wall immediately poured down a large pot of boiling dung.

"It's actually coming!"

The extremely angry fierce bone directly tore open the city gate with a giant axe, and stepped into the Iron Tooth Castle first.

"All the people in this castle, not a single one left!"

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