The ruler of the old, the great creator of the original life,

the god of flesh and blood who gave birth to thousands of heirs, this great being is exercising his power to produce life.

The huge and bloated flesh is constantly wriggling, like a piece of meat that is constantly wriggling, and countless eyeballs and tentacles are covered with the entire piece of flesh.

Just a glance at such a scene is enough to break the minds of ordinary mortals, or because the powerful power exuded by this piece of flesh is transformed into an unconscious monster on the spot.

This piece of flesh was laying eggs, and he had strange holes, and one by one he laid eggs with crimson scales, a total of ten eggs, and the spawning mouth was also slightly opened and closed at this time, spitting out hot air.

This piece of meat uses tentacles to arrange the laid eggs while cleaning the mucus from the eggs.


Xin Yu produced ten more dragon eggs, consuming a full 100,000 divine power, and after experiencing a slight discomfort in his lower abdomen, a magic array appeared on the ground, and ten dragon eggs appeared on the magic array out of thin air.

"It's good that these dragon eggs didn't come out of my stomach." Xin Yu couldn't help but feel lucky, each of these dragon eggs was about the same height as her, if she really gave birth herself, this size gap was simply...

Forget it, don't continue to imagine.

These dragon eggs are also red dragon eggs, and as long as they hatch, there can be ten more pure-blooded red dragons.

The preaching of the heart-grabbing demons has brought Xin Yu a lot of power of faith, for people without godhead, although the power of faith has huge power, direct absorption is equivalent to suicide, and the thoughts of living beings in a large number of power of faith are enough to damage the souls of powerful Saint Domain powerhouses.

Only true gods can use the power of faith, and through the godhead can purify all kinds of thoughts in the power of faith.

The power of faith provided by a large number of believers in the Starfall Kingdom has become the purest divine power under the transformation of the godhead.

In the past, it took Xin Yu a long time to accumulate so much divine power.

In order to create a group of dragon legions as soon as possible, Xin Yu decided to give birth to ten more dragon eggs.

These dragon eggs are left to the care of their older siblings.

At this time, Xin Yu suddenly felt that one of his heirs had died, a Hugus disguised as a nobleman.

Through this Hugus's soul, Xin Yu looked through its memories before his death.

This Hugus devoured the flesh and blood of the original Count of the Iron Tooth Castle, replaced this Count, and was originally operating the territory normally, when suddenly a group of barbarians from the northern mountains attacked its castle.

"Northern barbarians?"

Xin Yu recalled that there was indeed a group of barbarians in the northern mountains of the Starfall Kingdom, but when he invaded the Starfall Kingdom last time, the king awakened the red dragon corpse, eliminated all the invading barbarians, and even pushed back to the northern mountains.

I miscalculated, but I didn't expect that this group of barbarians had recovered from hundreds of years of recuperation, and actually wanted to invade the Starfall Kingdom again.

Now that the entire Starfall Kingdom has completely belonged to Xin Yu and has become her property, she naturally cannot let the barbarians plunder it.

Moreover, in Hugus's memory, these mountain barbarians had slaughtered all civilians indiscriminately, and those potential believers of Xin Yu were actually all killed like this.

The northern part of the Starfall Kingdom has just been controlled, and those nobles have only just been taken away by Hugus, and have not yet begun to officially send Heart Demon to preach.

Although the population density there is relatively low, there are still many civilians living on the vast land.

Xin Yu immediately used the spiritual link between himself and those heirs to make those Hugues in the north who replaced the nobles immediately evacuate the commoners, and Hugus in other places also immediately sent reinforcements.

Although Xin Yu can now completely let those heirs of his own fight, and at the same time, let the army of aberrant beasts created by the Flesh and Blood Holy See directly step on these barbarians.

But these creatures look so weird that they can recognize something is wrong at a glance.

Now that the corruption has completely subsided and the traffic of the entire Starfall Kingdom has been completely restored, if at this time, some bard or merchants running around see those monsters of the Flesh and Blood Holy See, they will inevitably suspect something.

What's more, now the powerful nobles of the Starfall Kingdom have basically been replaced by Xiugus, and those small nobles are also controlled by the Heart Grabber, as long as Xin Yu thinks, he can immediately pull out a huge army.

In the past, it was difficult for the king of the Starfall Kingdom to order the nobles everywhere, and the shortcomings of feudalism were undoubtedly revealed at this time, according to the law, the nobles were obliged to provide troops when the king went on a campaign, and the number of troops provided depended on the obedience of those nobles.

When the king had great power, the nobles would fully support the king and send all the troops, but when the king had little power, at most give the king a few peasants with dung forks to make a mockery.

But now most of the nobility has been replaced by Hugus, who are completely at the mercy of Xin Yu.

After Xin Yu conveyed the order through the spiritual link, these Hugus, who had replaced the nobility, immediately sent most of the soldiers in his territory, and at the same time personally led these soldiers to the north of the kingdom.

At this time, the news of the invasion of mountain barbarians in the north of the kingdom had just reached the royal capital through fast horses, which was far slower than the spiritual link between Xin Yu and his heirs.

At this time, the regent Joseph, who was tampered with by the heart demon, immediately wanted to organize an army to go north, and on the bright side, he was still the most powerful person in the entire Starfall Kingdom.

After learning that the northern part of the kingdom was invaded by mountain barbarians, his first reaction was to personally lead the troops over.

However, the Heart Snatcher who controlled the regent immediately stopped him, and by this time the nobles from all over the kingdom had organized their armies to go north.

In the past, if the northern part of the kingdom was invaded by mountain barbarians, the nobles elsewhere thought entirely, "What does this have to do with me?" "

As long as the mountain barbarians do not hit the territory of these nobles, they will definitely not care about the barbarian invasion.

But these nobles have now been replaced by Hugus, and they immediately gathered all the troops under their command.

The army under a nobleman came from many sources, farmers in his own domain, recruited militia, and even knights loyal to him.

The nobleman could give the knight a small piece of land, and the knight could give this field to his farmers or serfs to cultivate, and all the proceeds belonged to the knight.

In return, the knight swore allegiance to the nobility for life.

In addition to these, there are many mercenaries or mages who actively invest in the nobles for money and become the nobles' subordinates.

After those Hugus replaced these nobles, they naturally acquired all the subordinates and property of these nobles.

Without dragging its feet or being yang and yin, the entire Starfall Kingdom instantly erupted with powerful war potential.

A steady stream of troops headed for the north of the kingdom.

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