Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 101 - One Full Hour …

Celia opened her eyes and Anaya was holding her tightly in her arms, she must have felt Celia move because she opened her eyes immediately, she asked her how she was doing and Celia told her everything that had happened after she passed out.

Anaya laughed triumphantly and after hearing everything Celia wanted to say to her she asked her : "My love, the competition will start in two hours, you don't have time to sleep anymore, do you want to go have a bath in the lake, at least that way you will be sure that your body and your spirit will be at their best conditions."

Celia nodded : "Good idea my baby wife, let's do this !"

Anaya said seriously : "Don't tell Liam what happened he would be able to separate us until the end of the competition."

Celia chuckled : "Ya, I also noticed that he takes this competition very seriously, but I don't know why, if I could use my green papers none of the competitors would be matched against me, it's annoying !"

Anaya smiled at her : "On the contrary, luckily you don't have the right to use them, otherwise this competition wouldn't have made any sense, maybe there will be some that will cause you some troubles."

Celia smiled back to her and said : "Ya, i wish that too, otherwise it won't be exciting at all."

Anaya teleported them to their little paradise, thanks to the blue papers found in the cave, the water in their pool was from the lake, which gave them more privacy than before.

Celia had just thought of something, she asked Anaya : "Sweetie have you been around the dimension, after all we both leveled up to level six, it must have got bigger again, don't you think so ?"

Anaya replied honestly : "Sorry my love, Alec took my training very seriously, I spent most of my time with Alec and Liam's brothers in the simulator, I didn't have time to check it out, why are you asking me that all of a sudden ?"

Celia told her : "Well, we've already created a private space for Liam and Alec in the dimension, I think we should create some more, Tal and Onyx will need it soon too and Liam's brothers would probably appreciate to have some space for themselves, what do you think about it ?"

Anaya said to her : "I think that's a really good idea, we spend most of our time in the dimension to train, so it would be really nice if everyone could have their privacy."

After their bath, Celia felt wonderful, they had all arranged to meet an hour before the start of the competition in front of the lake to be able to go there all together.

They arrived thirty minutes before the start of the competition and Celia had to separate from them to join the other level ten participants.

Celia couldn't figure out how many they were exactly, but there must have been at least two hundred participants, it was indeed very interesting.

The other participants were looking at her oddly, they were probably wondering why a teenager with only a level six was among them, and Celia didn't care much about what they could think of her.

Celia found a place from which she had a view of the whole room and apart from black color mages, there were twelve sapphire color and one turquoise color mages.

Celia smiled, those who weren't level ten really had to be geniuses to dare to come and face them, those ones were more attractive for her.

The instructors arrived and motioned to everybody to follow them, the first test was about to start.

They found themselves in a huge open-air hall, there were bleachers all around for the spectators to enjoy the show, and in the center of the hall there were plenty of places with a cauldron and a table for each participant.

The instructors asked them to settle in a location and explained that today's two trials will be held here, the first trial will be to remove the most impurities from a level twelve magic herb while the second trial will be to make a magic pill of level ten of their choice.

The head instructor motioned for the other instructors to distribute the level twelve magic herb to all the participants.

When that was done he explained the rules of this trial : "As you can all see, you will only have one try for this test, the rules are simple, the time allotted for this trial is one hour, all the participants who will not have returned their magic herb in time will be eliminated, all those who will have a purity rate lower than 75 percent will be eliminated."

Celia saw the other participants start to get agitated but she did not quite understand why.

The head instructor continued as if he had not noticed the commotion he had just done : "The points will be awarded like that, from 76 to 80 percent 1 point, 81 to 85 percent 5 points, 86 to 90 percent 10 points, for those of you who will achieve a purity level greater than 90 percent you will receive 2 extra bonus points for each percentage above."

The chief instructor brought up a large hourglass and said to everyone : "When the hourglass is empty the trial will be over, good luck everyone, the first trial start now."

He turned the hourglass over and the sand slowly began to flow, it was such an old fashion way to do the countdown, thought Celia, she saw that all the participants were rushing to start the trial, again she was having trouble understanding them, they had a hour to do this test, one full hour ...

What was she going to do to occupy herself the rest of the time, she searched the bleachers for her baby wife and friends and found them easily.

Anaya waved her hand, she seemed to be having a good time, she was sure that her baby wife hadn't failed to see her annoyed face after the announcement of the time of the trial.

What a waste of time seriously, an hour to remove impurities from a level twelve magic herb, even though she had never tried to do it before, she was sure it couldn't take that long.

Celia finally decided to start the test, with her spiritual energy she put the magic herb level twelve at her eyes level, just above her cauldron so as not to disturb the other participants around her, and she had to use about 10 percent of her spiritual energy to dissolve it.

Celia smirked, a level twelve magic herb was indeed very potent, now that she had been reduced to powder Celia could see the impurities clearly and frankly she had rarely seen so many of them.

She frowned, she was probably going to spend more time there than she initially thought.

She created as usual a small force field around the powder of her magic herb and started to remove the impurities thanks to her spiritual energy.

Unexpected she had spent fifteen minutes to remove all the impurities from the magic herb, that was tough, the impurities were very hard to remove and that was quite exhausting.

She put her magic herb powder in a vial tub and hand it over to one instructor who were near her.

He looked at her doubtfully but when he checked her level and saw that she was only a level six mage he wrote down the time on the vial tub and her number and went to give it to the examiners for them to check it.

He thought that was quite pitiful to be eliminated from the first trial but who said that she had to register along with the level ten mages.

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