Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 104 - Without Wanting To Offend You

Celia made the introductions : "Head instructor this is my wife Anaya, she is also the second disciple of Great Master Liam and she is a fighter."

The head instructor bow his head to greet her and he asked Celia : "Celia, what do you want to show me by drawing ?"

Celia answered cheerfully : "I think it will be better if i show you what i see when i look to the magic herb and what i do to get ride of the impurities, just talking about it might stay too abstract and may be it won't be able to help you that much, that why i prefer to do it that way, do you want to give it a try ?"

The head instructor chooses to trust her, after all he had never been able to get a rate more than 89 percent purity, so even if she will be able just to help him gain a few percent, he will already be more than satisfied.

Celia asked Anaya to draw a stalk of magic herb, then to draw the magic herb powder once she had dissolved it, after that she herself took a pencil and drew the shadows she saw around the stalk of the magic herb and the ones she saw when the magic herb was in powder state, the difference was subtle but Celia had to know if the head instructor was seeing the same thing as her.

Once she had finished drawing the shadows she asked him : "This is what I see when I remove the impurities, is it the same for you ?"

The head instructor was a little surprised, he told her : "I see the same shadows as you around the stalk of the magic herb, but for me the shadows around the magic herb powder remain the same, the ones that you have drawn appear more distinct, i have never seen something like this before."

Celia nodded after hearing this and explained to the head instructor : "Without wanting to offend you I think your perception through spiritual energy is not developed enough, I have a question though, when you finish to clean the powder off all its impurities, are they all gone or do you still see some but you can't get ride off them ?"

The head instructor answered honestly : "They all disappeared that's why I never understood why I couldn't improve my purity rate, but seeing your drawings I begin to understand, the rest of the impurities are invisible for my level of perception is that right ?"

Celia nodded and said : "Don't worry it's easy to fix it, just use a force field around the powder, like you saw me do it, then you have to use your spiritual energy to create a shield around the powder, as close as possible so that you will be able to remove much of the impurities.

Once the shield is in place release a great quantity of spiritual energy and condensed it to destroy whatever is in the force field.

I cannot guarantee you will get one hundred percent purity but I am sure that your result will be different from the one before."

To be sure that the head instructor understood what she had explained to him, she showed him on the drawing what she had just told him.

The head instructor seemed speechless, he said to her : "Thank you very much for enlightening me on this subject, I will try right away and tell you if it worked, you can go now, and again thank you very much for your time."

The girls returned to the others and Celia asked Alec : "Can you come with me and Anaya to the dimension so that we can decide which magic pill I'm going to do in the second trial, I would like to stay on my decision to make magic pill to help the magic beasts, no matter which level of difficulty the magic pill is because I'll be one of the few to get all the bonus points anyway."

Alec nodded and explained : "The level ten magic pills that will help the magic beasts stabilize their level are the consolidation magic pill which is intermediate level and the energy magic pill which is high level, but before that they will need a level nine magic pill named the power up magic pill, this is a high level one, you still have an hour and a half left before the next trial do you want to try doing it now ?"

Celia was really excited now that she had an hour and a half to make three level nine magic pills, according to her it was more than enough so they went straight to the dimension and with AVA's help, Alec prepared everything she will need to make the three magic pills of level nine and the six magic pills of level ten, without forgetting to transcribe on parchments the three formulas to her to make these magic pills.

Celia immediately began to make the power up magic pill, for this magic pill Celia needed eighty four magic herbs of three different levels.

Celia took care of removing the impurities from the magic herbs by level, once that all the magic herbs were cleaned from all these impurities, she gathered all these powders together in the same force field and condensed her spiritual energy inside.

It took Celia forty minutes in total to make a power up magic pill, thirty minutes to remove the impurities and ten minutes for the magic pill to form.

Celia was a little taken aback, forty minutes just to make one magic pill, she would have never expected that, well she was only a level six mage right now so it was probably alright, she will improve when she will level up.

Celia had just the time to make another power up magic pill, and before leaving the dimension she said to their magic beasts : "I will work hard for you my friends, i promise that tonight you will all be able to turn into humans, Flame i m sorry you still have to level up to level nine before i could help though ..."

Anaya took her in her arms and said to her before disappearing : "If you continue to speak you will be late for your trial and Liam will skin you alive, come one quick !"

Anaya brought her right on her spot and after giving her a fiery kiss she left for the bleachers where the others were waiting to watch the show.

The head instructor saw that Celia who was the last one had finally arrived and after he has cleared his throat he said in a loud voice : "Participants, I don't need to remind you of the rules, so the second trial begins now !"

He turned the hourglass over and everyone started to get busy.

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