Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 107 - That’s Enough !

Celia smiled wildy at her baby wife and said her : "Still trying to seduce me with your sweet words, ahem my beauty, my magnificent, my so smart baby wife, i would like to tell you that it's pointless as i m already fond of you but actually it felt wonderful so continue to seduce me again and again and again again ..."

Both of them laughed outloud and they kissed passionately before heading where everyone were.

That was a great night, everyone enjoyed it and after only few hours of rest they were all back to that building where the third trial of Celia will take place.

Celia had to go in a separated room from them, Anaya and the others will see every round of the ten participants while Celia will be waiting for her turn, as the head instructor said yesterday, it was rather quick.

She was in the last batch of participants and they were heading to take the first phase of this trial.

Once they arrived in the main room with bleachers for the public, in each of their spot there was a huge table with more or less twenty boxes, some small some big, they were all different, Celia could already see the silver halo around some of the boxes, exactly three of them had it, some others had a light halo around them but it was too light to be important, Celia was wondering what they will have to do, but she guessed that it will be quite easy for her.

The head instructor explained the rules with his clear and loud voice : "As all of you can see, there are plenty different boxes before you.

You will have to choose three boxes, the things inside the boxes are from three different levels, low level, intermediate level and high level.

You will fail if you take one boxes of low level, and you will fail if you take only boxes from intermediate level, you will have only three minutes to choose your boxes and then, five points will be giving for each boxes of high level you will have found, there will be no extra bonus points in this phase.

Please get ready, the first phase of the third trial begin now !"

He then turned his hourglass and Celia put aside the three boxes with the silver halo that she had seen before, it took her only few seconds to do it when all other participants where still trying hard to perceive something.

The three minutes passed quickly and most of the participants seemed to have picked the boxes by chance.

The examiners passed in the rows and Celia received her fifteen points, they were only three to pass this phase of selection.

The head instructor showed two exits, one for the eliminated participants and one for those who had passed this phase.

Celia found herself again in a large room and their number had really decreased significantly this time, Celia took the time to count and with her they were only twenty four participants left.

Nobody spoke to each other and you could feel the tension rising up. Celia was really pressed for all of this to end, she really didn't like this kind of atmosphere, and she was eager to see her wife crush all her opponents.

As for her all these eliminatory phases had made her waste so precious time, she could have studied her old scrolls and continue to decode them to understand how to use those red papers.

Only a few minutes after Celia arrived in this room they were all called again in the main room to take by this second phase of the third test.

Each participants were placed inside a circle on the ground about five meters large, and inside each of those circles were four balls of the same size.

Celia wondered this time what could be this test and it was then that she heard the head instructor give the rules : "As I told you before this test has no time limit, it will stop when we will have a winner.

Although you can all see the four balls in front of you, these balls are very special, all have different weights and every five minutes after the start of the test their weight will increase.

You will need to keep the balls above the ground with your spiritual energy, the weight changes every five minutes will be random so beware.

The winner will receive thirty points, the second twenty points and the third fifteen points, those who will finish in the first ten will receive ten points each and the others will receive five points each.

This phase was especially created to test your endurance and your management of your spiritual energy reserve, so give your best everyone.

Attention all participants, please keep your four balls above the ground."

Once the head instructor saw that all participants had lifted their balls he said : "The second phase of the third trial begins now, every five minutes the weight of your balls will increase, if one of your balls hits the ground, the magic circle drawn on the ground will turn red and this phase will be over for you, good luck everyone."

Celia was very impressed with this phase of this trial, the difficulty level was quite high, they had to distribute their spiritual energy in these four balls and maintain a steady flow to keep them above the ground.

Because of their weight difference, you had two options to do it, either distribute your spiritual energy in the same way in all the four balls but that will drain much more energy, or distribute the spiritual energy according to the amount needed for each ball but then the concentration needed fir this option will be very exhausting, so both options could not last long.

Celia for the first time did not see herself winning this round, even with her recycling loop her spiritual energy reserve was no match for level ten mages, at most she could have fought against level eight mages or maybe level nine mages, but the gap of the spiritual energy reserve between mages level six and level ten was far too big.

After an hour and a half Celia was at the end of her strength, sweat was flowing from her forehead till her cheeks to her neck, they were only three left, the other two participants also looked exhausted but not as much as her.

She was trying to hold out as long as possible when suddenly she heard Anaya's voice : "Cel, that's enough !"

Celia saw Anaya standing right at the edge of the platform where this phase was taking place, she saw the worry in her loving baby wife's eyes and decided to stop there.

She gently put the balls back on the ground and fell to her knees from exhaustion.

She was struggling to regain a normal breathing, maybe she had gone a little too far this time, suddenly she felt the reassuring warmth of Anaya's arms which embraced her and she let herself be carried by her wife.

Celia let Anaya taking care of her, her baby wife made her drink sips of the lake water, and said to her in a bossy tone : "What's wrong with you, why didn't you stop, you knew that you couldn't win this phase so why did you need to put you in that kind of state ?"

Celia chuckled : "Ah my baby wife you're way to sexy when you use that bossy tone on me, i felt like my body was set on fire ..."

Anaya sighed helplessly : "My love i was serious stop teasing me okay."

Celia said to her : "Sure sweetie and i m sorry, not for my words just now because i truly thought every words i said, but i m sorry to have gone too far fir this phase, i guess i m a little bit too stubborn to stop by myself."

Anaya kissed her tenderly and she said to her : "Right, i know you, i know how you can be stubborn but please don't do something like that next time.

I have to go back in the bleachers my love, will you be okay now ?"

Celia caressed her cheek with her finger and said to her : "I m okay now, thanks to you sweetie, what would i do without you, i love you so much."

Celia kissed her baby wife who was stunned by her words. Celia was not the type to confess her love, she prefered showing it by her actions but to see her baby wife reacting like that being so cute, may be she could try to confess more often, it was worth it.

Anaya helped Celia to stand up and she left just after.

This phase was finally over and they all received their points, Celia was still on the top with ninty points, the second one had eighty one points and the third one had sixty nine points.

The head instructor said to all the participants : "Well done ! Well done everyone, you can be proud to be still here, tomorrow the duels will begin so rest well and be ready to fight, you are all dismissed."

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