Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 114 - I M Gonna Kill That Bastard

Liam gave his final instructions and Alec and Anaya returned to the combat ring with them.

Alec and Liam left privacy for the girls by stepping out of the combat ring first and Liam observed Gildas from a distance putting his arm around his man's shoulders, Celia had told them to stay as natural as possible so as not to arouse his suspicion, and as natural as possible was still flaunting their love to everyone.

Alec took him by the waist and rested his head against his, he said to him to relax the atmosphere : "Finally it was great to enjoy this short make love session earlier, don't you think so ?"

Liam chuckled and kissed him tenderly on his lips : "Ya, it was great but i still need more so stay focus babe, i still want to taste the wrath of my dragon later on tonight, okay ?"

Alec bit his lower lips and said to him : "Why would you want the wrath when you can have the love of your dragon, um ?"

They both laughed happily before focus back on their opponent.

Meanwhile, Anaya was giving to Celia her last words of encouragement : "My love, don't be afraid of The Living Nightmare, whatever you see don't forget it's not real, and if ever fear overwhelms you, never forget that whatever happens I'll always be there, I won't let anything happen to you, okay ?"

Celia felt completely reassured, it was exactly what she needed to hear, but she still preferred to warn her baby wife that she had a phobia : "Naya, sweetie, there is something that you don't know because we've never met one here before, but I have a spiders phobia, so I might freeze everything that is around me if he uses that fear on me."

Anaya looked at her curiously : "What's a spider ?"

Celia couldn't believe it she looked at her wife who looked really curious then she said to her : "Maybe you call it something else here, it's a disgusting black insect with eight hairy legs and plenty eyes, it's really creepy just to think of it I get goosebumps."

Anaya smiled at her : "Then don't be worry anymore i have never heard about that kind of insect, how big is it to make you fear it ?"

Celia prefered to tell her the truth after all phobia was phobia so she said : "Whatever the size of it, it can be small or bigger that one hand it's all the same for me, i can only scream, cry and fleed."

Anaya laughed because her wife that looked so strong and was fearless in front of devil people was scared to death by a tiny insect, she needed to tell this to the others, they will never believe it.

Celia said in a pitiful tine : "Don't laughed at me, my brothers used to do it too but it's not funny."

Anaya stopped to laugh because Celia was pouting and she looked so cute like that, she heard the head instructor announcing the beginning of the semi-final and that she has to leave.

She took Celia in her arms and kissed her passionately, she said to her before leaving : "I m right there, stay focus my love."

Celia nodded to her and looked at the thunderbird, he had a poker face, like everything was annoying for him.

Celia didn't want to test The Living Nightmare so she will strike fast and strong like with Liam training.

The countdown had begun and she was sweating for the first time, she needed to calm down or she will do mistakes that she can't afford to do in front of a level ten mage.

She manages to calm down before the end of the countdown and she had a clear mind to begin the fight.

She had put on her protective shield and at the end of the countdown she used all her spiritual energy coupled with the lightning element to rush right at him, she had prepared to strike him with her most powerful attack which was a fist of steel surrounded by lightning.

Indeed, after trying all the possible combinations with Liam, her strongest attack that she could use with her fist was to mix the element of water and wind to create a fist of steel and then add the paralysis effect due to her lightning element.

But then something she hadn't anticipated happened, this thunderbird dodged her attack, even with all her might in speed, he had managed to dodge it.

She felt a light tap on her left shoulder, the side he had ducked her to, and heard him say : "The Living Nightmare."

After that she found herself in a completely different place full of spiders.

Crap, she thought, she had been tricked by this asshole, she couldn't hold her fear and she did exactly what she had told Anaya, she froze everything around her till you could see only a sea of ​​ice, her breathing had returned to normal and a sigh of relief escaped her.

Only, that was just for a short break, other spiders were already arriving on the sea of ​​ice she had just created, so she decided to use another strategy, if she could not freeze them, so she will burned them until the last, Celia created a huge fire that filled the place she was in.

Celia knew that she should not continue like this to consume her spiritual energy and use her elements in any way possible, so she concentrated like never before, it was an illusion, it was just a fuc*king illusion, she had just to find the breach that will bring her back to the real world, if anyone was able to do it, it was her, she will break it and once back she will kill that bastard who liked playing with the fear of the others.

Celia after concentrating used her super perception to try and find a loophole, and soon she saw it, there was a ripple of energy right above her, she plunged her hand into it and found herself back to the reality on the combat ring, she had done it, she had broken that fuc*ing illusion.

She couldn't hold back her fury and she yelled like never before : "I m gonna kill that fuc*ing bastard."

Her situation was not that bad, when she looked around and at him apparently unconsciously she had grabbed the hands of this bastard and had frozen them, there were also serious burn marks on him, Celia did not know what had happened while she was stuck in this room full of spiders but he surely had underestimated her fear of spiders, the combat ring still had some ice on it and burns trace in some corners.

She didn't think too much and created her favorite attack spell the Thundering Fire.

Celia took advantage that he was too shocked to have seen her break his illusion and created not one but two Thundering Fires.

An arrow in each of her hands and with the lightning element still present in her feet she used all her speed to drive both arrows straight down to each of his shoulders, completely crippling him.

Celia just after severely wounding and paralyzing him with the lightning element was preparing to give him the final blow, she conjured up her icy sword and prepared to stab him right through his entire body, but he screamed before she could do anything : "I give up ! I give up !"

Celia stopped in her momentum when she heard him but then suddenly she remembered what she had just been through and with a howl of anger she prepared to stab him again.

Liam intervened and held her back, he gently pushed her into the arms of Anaya who had followed him and once in her baby wife's reassuring arms she finally calmed down, her icy sword disappeared and she heard her wife whisper to her that it was over and everything was okay.

Liam motioned for Gildas, or whoever he was, to come and take care of this disciple and started to turn on his heels to join the girls, it was then that he felt the uncoming danger, too late he thought, he had just the time to use his body to shield the girls and found himself expelled from the combat ring, he still had time to shout Alec's name before crashing to the ground.

Alec hadn't waited for him to intervene but he too was violently rejected from the combat ring.

When Celia saw how easily he had swept Liam and Alec aside, she grabbed Anaya and said "Sorry" to her before pushing her out of the ring as well.

She knew that this man or demon in front of her was only after her.

After having created an impassable force field around them, he stepped forward and put one of his hands on the thunderbird which was unfortunately for him, in the wrong place at the wrong time, black flames appeared and the poor boy disintegrated in seconds.

That devil then had a creepy smile on his face and said to her : "Finally we meet, you have greatly injured my little brother last time, i will make you pay for it."

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