Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 119 - The Blacklash

Celia looked at him with a tiny smile but she remained serious, she asked him : "Have we really put this world in danger ?"

She continued feeling so annoyed by the last words of this man that she needed to vent her anger : "Arrrrg I'm so disgusted, we didn't add a name to our enemy list, no, we just added a whole new category, the generals of this demon god, I can't believe it ... ."

It is Caleb who answered Celia : "You worry for nothing, this world is under the protection of the Lys Alliance, the field of action of this demon god remains very limited in my opinion, and she is still sealed in this prison for the moment so do not think about it too much.

Moreover, this general must not have the same importance for her as her brother because she did not intervene to save him."

Celia thought about what Caleb had just said and still said seriously : "I think you're right, and we'll take care of our enemies one by one if they come knocking to our door, well, everyone backed up."

Celia pulled out a stack of blank green papers and began to surround the Divine Dark Flames with it, then started to absorb them again.

She was shocked at the result she had obtained, the last time after she had used five hundred green papers and that the power of the attack had not even diminished, she had wondered why and today she was able to test her theory, and unfortunately she wasn't wrong.

She didn't know how, but now she was certain that those black flames were multiplying exponentially.

In all, the boys had only used four green papers filled with the Divine Dark Flames, but Celia to absorb them back had needed forty green papers and again it was because she had not let them develop too long. My god, this attack spell was really terrifying.

Celia saw everyone's astonished look when they saw her use so many green papers to absorb those black flames again, so she explained her theory to them and everyone fell silent in shock at the news.

Celia said to them : "I think now we should only use this spell as last resort, it's way too dangerous."

Liam nodded and said : "You're absolutely right, this spell is far too dangerous."

It was Anaya who finally suggested : "We should go back to the arena, the others are still waiting for us to come back, let's go through the dimension to teleport directly into the arena, it will be faster this way."

When they arrived to the arena the head instructor rushed over to them and told her that he was glad she was okay and that she had to hurry or he would have to forfeit her for the final match.

Celia didn't quite understand what was going on, but she suspected that Tal must have created a believable illusion for the disappearance of this young thunderbird.

She grabbed Liam's arm and said : "Let's go, I'm going to finish this quickly, I feel pretty tired after this fight, if this one lasts too long this level ten mage will beat me for sure !"

Liam said to her : "You've done enough, if you want to forfeit I have no problem with that, a level six mage who shone throughout the competition may well slack off for her last match, the honor of the Northern Academy is safe, don't worry."

Celia smiled at him and replied : "Liam, Liam, Liam, you forget an important point, no matter how many wins you have, people only remember your failures, it's a universal fact."

She patted him on the shoulder and stepped into the combat ring.

Celia looked at her opponent and greeted him, then she looked for Anaya in the bleachers, when she found her she saw that everyone was there, Onyx was supporting Tal who looked exhausted, other than this everything seemed normal, a sigh relief escaped her, she used their code to signal Anaya that everything would be fine and she sent her a kiss with her hand.

She returned her attention to her opponent when the countdown began, five ... Celia was calm and determined, four ... she decided not to waste time making a shield around her, three ... she concentrated all her spiritual energy in her hands and feet, two ... she decided to use only the lightning element, one ... the lightning element completely covered her body, Fight ... Ya right, she thought, it was time to finish this annoyed competition !

Celia wasted no time thinking, she rushed at this mage with all the speed and power she was capable of, with her fist she aimed at his head but he dodged it and grabbed her wrist, he said to her : "You don't really think that you can use the same attack several times on level ten mages, you are such a naive girl."

Celia replied : "And you, you talk too much."

She concentrated the fire energy in her wrist just where he had grabbed her and he withdrew his hand suddenly after burning himself.

Celia performed a self-defense gesture Alec had taught her to free herself from an opponent, and she ended up giving him a returned kick that hit him straight under his chin and made him fly through the whole combat ring, he crashed hard on the edge of the ring and because of the lightning element that paralyzed him he failed to slow down and fell out of the combat ring.

The fight was already over, it was the first time that a final from this competition had ended so quickly.

The crowd was a little perplexed and the applause to salute her triumph took a few seconds to arrive, the time for everybody to understand that the final was already finished.

Right after this mage fell out of the combat ring Celia fell to her knees, she was exhausted and struggling to breathe, her head was spinning and her ears hissing, black dots appeared in front of her eyes and the only word she pronounced before sinking into darkness was "Naya."

Liam rushed over to her and grabbed her before she hit the ground head-on, Alec appeared in front of him carrying an unconscious Anaya too, Liam swore : "Shit ! We lean too hard on both of them and here is the result, we forget all the time that they are just sixteen-year-old girls with a limited reserve of energy, piss off !"

Liam hugged Celia and looked at Alec with a distraught look, Alec said to him : "I blame myself too honey, but this is not the time for that, let's bring them to the dimension and put them in the lake water until they regain their strength, okay ?"

Caleb, Aiden and the others had joined them, Caleb told Liam and Alec : "Take care of the girls, with Aiden we will handle things here, Onyx you better take your man in the lake water too, he is also on the point of losing consciousness, the others do whatever you want, I am not a babysitter for magic beasts."

Liam chuckled then nodded to thank his brother for taking matters into his own hands, he immediately disappeared with Celia and found himself on the mark she had carved for them near the lake, he led her into the water and Alec immediately arrived afterwards with Anaya, followed by Onyx who supported an increasingly weak Tal.

Liam couldn't help but swear once more when he saw in what condition his friends were in, he was so frustrated that was his only way to vent his anger : "Damn it !"

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