Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 123 - How To Use The Red Papers Part 2

Anaya really wondered how her wife with just deduction could have found the key to decipher the scrolls filled with letters.

And on top of that she didn't see the message written with it, she decided to explain it to her and to show her : "My love, it's quite simple actually, everything is written backwards let me show you."

Anaya just below these letters string : .ygrenelautiripsdnaretawhtiwdellifdlrowyllufecaepasi578dlroweht.

wrote the sentence in the right way for Celia to understand it better : the world 875 is a peacefully world filled with water and spiritual energy.

Celia was shocked, she exclaimed : "Oh crap ! Naya, my beauty, you are the true genuis here, I really couldn't see it at all. I think you should do it, I'm really bad with letters, i will do the coordinates okay ? Let me show you the key, that's really easy you will see by yourself."

Anaya didn't mind at all and after that Celia showed her the key, she thought that without her wife they would have never found either of the two keys, she was sure of it.

Anaya asked everyone if some were more comfortable with the letters because there were really a lot of scrolls to translate, and after consultation they split into two equal groups with one writing the coordinates while the other were writing the descriptions of the worlds and other information that will be useful to make work the red papers.

Anaya was working with Liam, Alec, Tal and Caleb while Celia had team up with Aiden, Onyx, Sky, Snow and Lilac, it was easier to write down the worlds coordinates so once they were over, they came to help the others and Celia started to organize the coordinates they found with the worlds descriptions.

After all the last number of these coordinates was probably the number of the world.

Alec called her out with a smile and told her : "Cel come here, i think i found what you were looking for."

Celia came to him and he looked very excited so she was sure he had found something very interesting.

She took the parchment he gave to her, while she was reading it her smile got bigger and bigger, that was exactly what they needed.

On the parchment that Alec had given to her, it was written that a red paper was equal to one transdimensional portal, after its use the red paper will disintegrate by itself, to use it it was enough to inscribe with blood the coordinates of the world in which they wanted to go.

The blood would be absorbed by the red paper and the coordinates will appear as engraved in red ink on it, then below the coordinates will appear the symbols of darkness energy, light energy, lightning energy and spiritual energy.

The user will then have to introduce the requested energy and when the energy requirement will be satisfied the symbol will glow and turn silver.

When all the energies have turned silver, the red paper will be ready to be used, the passage of the transdimensional portal only allowed three people to pass through it, this was the only negative point to its use.

For the meaning of the coordinates, the explanation was quite simple, the first numbers were for the different planes of existence, 01 for the higher plane, 02 for the intermediate plane and 03 for the lower plane.

Then the next three digits allowed to know the exact number of worlds in this plane, and to finish the last four digits were the number of the world, 1000 being Stellar the one with the most spiritual energy, the more the number decreased the less there was spiritual energy in this world.

She exclaimed : "That's it ! We found it ! We finally found the way to use the red papers and make a transdimensional portal."

She hugged Alec, she was so happy then she came to Anaya and hugged her from behind, she said to her giving her the parchment that Alec had translated : "Looked at it my baby wife, i told you it will be okay !"

Anaya was so immersed in her translating that she didn't heard Alec called out Celia to show her something, so when she felt her wife hugging her for behind she was quite surprise, and once she heard her wife said that she found it, she took the parchment with trembled hands and began to read it.

The more she read, the more her heart was beating faster, they really found it, they found a way to use the transdimensional portals, they had still two months left to save her, a mad hope surged in her, Celia will be able to be saved.

After she read everything the parchment began to shake in her hands, and Celia felt that something was wrong with Anaya so she asked her while taking back the parchment from her hands : "My baby wife, what's wrong ?"

Anaya didn't answer her so Celia took her chin and turned her head in a way she will face her, she saw all the emotions into Anaya's eyes, and she instantly understood what was going on in her baby wife's head.

She embraced her wife and put her head on her shoulder near her neck, she said to everyone : "Hey guys, with my baby wife we're taking a break, we will be right back ... Alec you can share the good news with everyone."

She winked at them before waving her hands and vanishing with Anaya.

Once alone with Celia, Anaya tightened her embrace and inhaled the scent of her wife, it was too much emotion for her, she could not contain them anymore, she knew that she would have ended up cracking in front of everyone so she said to Celia : "Thank you my love."

Celia took her face in her hands and said to her : "We're alone here sweetie, so you can release all this frustration you have inside of you, come here, I'll tell you a story."

Celia had teleported them right outside their house and she led Anaya near a tree, she sat down and leaned against the tree, she motioned for Anaya to come and curl up in her arms.

Then Celia began her story : "You don't know much about my past so I'm going to tell you a little bit about it."

Anaya looked up surprised by this statement, she didn't think Celia's story would be about her own past.

Celia caressed her face and had a sad smile : "I lost my father four years ago, he was diagnosed with an incurable disease.

First of all the doctors, those who treat people in my world, gave us hope by telling us that with an operation he could surely save him, but the operation went badly and that worsened his state of health.

During six months, with my brothers we saw our father gradually wither away little by little and nothing could be done, his organs were failing one after the other, the only thing that kept him alive were wires filled with fluid connected to machines."

Celia paused, just talking about it still hurt her, there were pains that never healed, she saw the shocked look of her beloved baby wife and continued to tell her her own story.

Anaya needed to know that she was not alone and that she fully understood what she might be feeling right now.

Celia took the time to caress her lips with her thumb before smiling and continuing : "My dad was stranded in the hospital and he couldn't go out, so to change his depressing thought, before to go to see him, I watched all the football matches that were on television, to put it simply, I was getting informations about my father's favorite sport to be able to talk about it with him, we were commenting on the matches that he had also watched on television, we laughed and sometimes we cursed at the players, I ... "

Her voice broke, she had just been overwhelmed by these painful memories, she said to her : "Damn Naya, I'm sorry my baby wife, it was not really what I had planned by wanting to tell you this story ... Damn."

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