Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 126 - World 03-346-598

The coordinates of the world Anaya had chosen was 03-346-598, she didn't understand the gap in the numbers, if this world was the 346th, its number should be 654, right ? She would have to ask Liam for an explanation.

To fill in the symbols of this red paper, she only needed three green papers of darkness energy, six of lightning energy and ten of spiritual energy, the symbol of light energy had been completed when she had introduced the seventh green paper with her new spiritual energy.

Liam and Anaya had watched her finish filling out the red paper and when everything was ready she asked Liam : "Guess we can't start from the dimension ..."

Liam replied : "You're right, we need to find a quiet spot near Eclipse city first before to leave."

As everyone wanted to witness the first use of these red papers, they all followed them out of the dimension.

Tal led them to an open space in the middle of the forest, it was an isolated place that was in a dangerous area of ​​the forest, very few fighters and no mages would come to get so far into the forest because there were a lot of magic beasts level eight and nine here, so it was kind off the perfect place for them.

Alec gave to Liam a transdimensional communication stone saying : "Try to contact me as soon as you get there okay ?"

Liam took him in his arms and crushed his lips to his, after biting his lower lip he said : "Babe, we won't be long, don't worry I'll be back soon."

He kissed few more times Alec before to let him go and turned to the girls he said : "Okay, let's go girls !"

Celia used the same method as for the green papers and said "Disperse", the red paper then became multicolored and a swirl came out and formed a vortex of the same color in front of them, when all the energies were out of the red paper, red flames appeared on it and it disappeared, burnt to ashes.

In front of them was the transdimensional portal, it was a vortex of two meters high and one meter wide.

The passage was only large enough for one person at a time, so Liam decided to go first, followed by Anaya and finally Celia.

Once Celia stepped inside the transdimensional portal, this one immediately closed, Alec couldn't help but stare at his transdimensional communication stone, hoping Liam would contact him soon and tell him that everything was okay.

Alec didn't have to wait long, not even two minutes after they left Liam's face appeared above the communication stone, he said : "Hey babe, did you already miss me ?"

Alec smiled and just answered him with a "um".

On the other side of the vortex they had arrived in a world a little different from theirs, the grass was lavender color, while the trees in front of them had green trunks and yellow, fuchsia or even black foliage. The sky had several shades of blue and there were three different sun that shone more or less brightly, the temperature was pleasant and the air breathable, Anaya took out her dagger and turned it into a kind of round shield, she took Celia in her arms and climbed onto it.

She was using it as a means of transport and used the wind element to make it fly. They flew over the forest, Liam following them levitating beside them.

This world was peaceful as the description had said it, they traveled miles and miles and did not meet any magical creatures, maybe they had been scared by their arrival, after having flown over the forest, mountains and finally after having discovered a sea with a such pale blue color that it was almost transparent, they decided to go back home.

Celia felt unconfortable but she couldn't point out why, she asked Liam : "Don't you feel something weird in that world, i have a strange feeling, like something is wrong."

Actually it was Anaya who answered her : "I agree with you my love, i need lot of more chakra to use the dagger than usual, but i don't know why."

Liam suddenly looked at the sky and at one of the three suns and swore out loud : "Damn it, it's a black hole we need to get out of here, now !"

Celia didn't hesitate and threw out the red paper to return to Eben, she said "Disperse." and fortunately it had worked, the vortex appeared and Liam pushed Celia and Anaya first in and then he followed them.

Once Celia arrived in Eben she was in the same place that when they had left, Alec was the only one present here, and he looked anxious.

Celia came first and Anaya arrived five minutes after her, they had to wait ten more minutes for Liam to come out and then the Vortex disappeared.

Liam who was the last to arrive saw that the girls looked fine and walked straight to Alec and hugged him very tight, he said : "I really thought I could never see you again."

Liam kissed him again and again and Alec let him do it, no one had spoken while waiting for Liam but he saw their scared faces and he wondered what the hell had happened to scared them so much, even Liam looked like he was terrified.

When Liam managed to calm down he hugged Alec and asked the girls : "Are you okay ? Do you feel any side effects ?"

The girls nodded negatively to him and a sigh of relief escaped him, Alec finally asked him : "What the fu*k happened you left more than twelve hours, you told me you would come back quickly ..."

Liam looked at him in shock and said : "We haven't even left for an hour Babe."

Celia said to Alec : "There was a black hole, at the beginning we thought it was a sun ..."

Celia suddenly stopped and exclaimed : "But that's why there is a difference between the numbers for the coordinates it's because some worlds must no longer exist."

Alec could only repeat what Celia had just said : "A black hole ?"

And then he took Liam face in his hands and repeated again with a pale face : "A black hole, honey really ?"

Liam could see the shock in his face and replied : "Ya it was a black hole, we were lucky enough to escape it, I m here, the girls too, everyone is fine, okay Babe ?"

Anaya exclaimed : "Crap Alec, did you just said twelve hours, so the competition is about to begin ..."

All the three of them exclaimed in the same time "The competition ?"

Celia sighed internaly how could her wife thought at the competition when they just escaped a black hole, she was really a desesperate case when it came to fight.

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