Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 138 - The Last Fight Part 2

As soon as Anaya heard "Fight", she immediately took out twenty green papers of Celia's spiritual energy, to set up her shield.

With the boys they had tested several possibilities and twenty layers was the maximum she could put in place for her shield to be effective without costing her too much chakra.

Usually it was Celia who managed the shield and she was managing the attacks, the boys had decided that she had to stay focused on her attacks because that was her strong point, the shield would not last long but his opponent would have to consume a lot of chakra to destroy it, and in the meantime Anaya could attack him without worrying about being hurt.

He had seemed to be taken aback by the shield and he immediately threw a fireball at her, propably to test her shield, but Anaya easily stopped his fireball using three defense spells the Ice Wall, his fireball was not powerful enough to get through her wall of ice, she smiled when she saw him frown and cast ten spells in a row of Icy Pikes Rain.

A thousand of ice pikes swooped down all over the surface of the combat ring, he managed to dodge and counter them with a long fiery sword, but unfortunately for him Anaya liked to launch two attacks with just a few seconds apart, and so he barely had finished countering the first wave of ice pikes when a second one appeared not letting him get any rest and he didn't get any possibility to send another attack.

Daniel had no choice but to be pierced by some ice pikes, there were too many of them, luckily for him none were aimed at his vital points and thanks to the fire of the imperial phoenix his wounds always healed almost instantly.

After this deluge of ice pikes, this girl let him breathe a little, she looked at him with a look that told him that he rather had no interest in underestimating her.

He understood better why Caleb had told him that she had a peculiar way of fighting and that he was going to have to adapt quickly, a shield that served to defend and attack, he had never heard of such a thing.

And the spells she had cast mixed two elements together, water and wind, that was something all the level ten fighters couldn't do, and it seemed that it was something really easy for her, he also understood better how she got through all three floors from the fourth level, this shield and its spells explained a lot.

He removed the ice pikes that had pierced his body, most of them were in his arms and legs, but he couldn't avoid one that ended up in his stomach and another in his left shoulder just above his heart, this girl was about to understand why he had managed to finish the fourth level without a scratch.

His body had already started to regenerate and it didn't take more than ten seconds for all his wounds to close, the imperial phoenix fire was a very special fire, it was mixed with the chakra and allowed external and internal wounds to heal very fast, moreover this fire also continuously regenerated its reserve of chakra, overall it was its most powerful weapon.

He saw her frown at first then a beaming smile appeared on her face, this girl apparently was not afraid of the challenge he was, so much the better, he too felt the adrenaline rushing through his veins, she must have been thinking just like him, finally an opponent who was worth it.

If he wanted to have a chance to beat her he needed to break her shield first, too bad he did not control the earth element otherwise he would have tried to launch an underground attack on her, her shield surely did not protect her from the ground, so the most likely solution was to focus all of his attacks on a single point to have a chance to pierce through it.

Arthur had explained to them what was this orange-red chakra flames that Celia had seen, he had called it the imperial phoenix fire, he had told them about its regenerative abilities, not only on wounds but also on the chakra reserve.

The only problem was that Arthur told them it will take several hours for a wound to heal, so why for this guy it only took a few seconds, damn, it was getting more and more interestingly, this was the first time since the beginning of the competition that she was feeling so excited.

She was going to wait to see how he planned to get through her shield, according to what Liam and his brothers had explained during her training, the better way to pierce her shield was to focus all attacks on one point, she couldn't wait to see how he was going to achieve this feat.

Suddenly, Anaya saw him raise his hand, the one that was not holding his sword, palm open towards the sky she heard him say "Lightning Arrows Rain", Anaya followed the direction of his hands and hundreds of small arrows that looked like lightning appeared right above it, but that was not all, she could distinguish the wind element within these lightning arrows, the speed and the power of this attack was going to be overwhelming.

Anaya barely had time to use five Rocks Wall defense spells, after all the earth element was the most effective against the lightning element, but since those lightning arrows were all over her shield, she couldn't concentrating her Rocks Wall on the same spot which considerably reduced their defense.

Anaya was not really confident anymore, this attack if he combined it with another one could probably shatter her shield.

The lightning arrows fell on her shield, aiming at no specific point, so the damage once her Rocks Walls were destroyed was minimal.

However, she had just forgotten an important point, if this guy was able to regenerate his wounds in seconds, it probably meant that he had an unlimited chakra reserve.

Anaya's theory turned out to be correct, he just kept bombarding her with the same spell making a third of her shield vulnerable, she ended up replying with an attack spell they rarely used with Celia, it was the Thousands Pebbles.

This spell looked like a sea but made of lots of small pebbles, this spell was extremely powerful but since there were too many pebbles, it was impossible to direct them correctly and therefore it was not precise at all.

However in her current situation she didn't need precision, she needed to stop these waves of lightning arrows.

If she couldn't stop it, her shield won't last long, and then the fight will change dramatically.

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