Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 153 - A Little Break

Once the supervisor came out Celia started to sigh and look up to the ceiling, she was lost in thoughts when Aiden finally asked her : "What's wrong ? You looked really excited just a moment ago so why this change of mood ?"

Celia looked at him and said helplessly : "I miss Anaya, it's only been a few hours but I'm sure those few days are going to feel like an eternity without her, I hope it goes well for them."

Aiden ruffled her hair and said to her : "You're worrying about nothing, everyone is out there and they all have access to the dimension, if the situation escalates you will be the first person my brother will contact."

Celia had a sad smile : "It's all my fault, the strategy of my counterattack had two possible outcomes, either we frightened her enough for her to take the time to regroup her allies and lead the kind of attack that Anaya saw in her vision, or she decided to eliminate us on the spot, i guess she choose the second one."

Aiden shook his head and said : "You're wrong, but it was not that bad reasoning, you just forgot an important point in your equation.

She is the only demon god left, no one knows the exact location of her prison on Inferno nor what she is really capable of, you already knew that she had generals at her command who could roam freely and that she could open transdimensional portals, so tell me, what's stopping her from doing both of your options at the same time."

Celia looked at him and she realized what Aiden had just told her : "I have been so naive, you're right, she's going to try to get rid of us while preparing for the invasion."

Aiden nodded satisfied that Celia had understood so quickly, he told her what he had said to Caleb : "We cannot continue like this, we have to reduce her forces and for that we have to take back the power over Inferno and Stellar."

They heard the supervisor come back and Celia nodded at Aiden to tell him that she had understood his point.

Celia left those thoughts in the back of her head and focused on the present and so on what the supervisor had just brought to her, he came and sat down at his desk and handed her a green jade disc, he said : "I won't ask you any questions about your origins but if you ignore our basic enlargement spell, it is likely because you are not from our world ...

Inside this jade disc there are all the spells known to our world, I hope you will find it useful, there is also the information on the hardware to set them up, for the most part you can find them in any magic devices shop, and for others we have no way of providing ourselves with the necessary materials to make them because they are non-existent in our world."

Celia was not expecting this at all, she looked at the green jade disc in her hand and asked : "If what you just told me is the truth, then what is in this green jade disc is very valuable, what do you want in return ?"

The supervisor smiled at her and said : "I would just like you to continue to entrust your products to me, and if by any chance you know how to provide us with material that is non-existent in our world I will of course be happy to be your buyer."

Celia finally accepted and put the green jade disc in her magic bag, it was fair enough for her, she took out another magic bag which she gave to the supervisor and said to him : "Inside there are five hundred thousand gold coins would it be possible to immediately credit them to my account, i don't have any international currency right now and i need them quickly."

The supervisor nodded, he told her that there was no problem and that she will have the money in a few hours in her account.

Celia was very keen to visit one of these magic devices shop but it was Aiden who suggested that they should go back home, he reminded her that she had promised to be there when her children will be awake.

Celia knew that she could stay another hour or two here before leaving and that she would still be home before her children will wake up, but something in Aiden's gaze prevented her from arguing, he looked anxious, she wondered why but whatever, she would use that free time to contact Anaya.

Before leaving she asked him : "Do you know where to go ? And do you mind if I study the green jade disc the supervisor gave me during the trip ?"

Aiden took her in his arms to carry her and chose to hide a part of the truth from her by answering : "I can hunt down the energy of your family so I will find them without worries and you can study it, I am also curious to know what other spells are in that green jade disc."

Aiden hadn't really lied, the energy he could hunt down was Basile's one, their sacred bond was already in place so from now on he will be able to find him wherever he was.

He asked her : "Could you try to reach my brother while we are traveling, I would like to know how its going for them over there."

Celia looked at him and said : "Don't worry, I had planned to contact them as well."

Once Aiden's force field was in place, and when they were in the airs travelling back, Celia texted her brothers telling them they would be there in three hours, and immediately afterward she pulled out the transdimensional communication stone and tried to contact Liam.

Liam immediately replied : "Hey sweetheart how are you doing ?"

Celia wanted to answer that she was okay and that she was lazily carried by his brother, but if Anaya heard that it wouldn't be good for her so she said to him : "Everything is going perfectly well, your brother is taking his role very seriously, can you report back to us what's going on in Eben."

Liam replied with a smile : "As always your idea saved us lot of troubles, the Divine Dark Flames we used against the transdimensional portals really devoured them until they disappeared completely.

So we took this opportunity to send them little gifts through the transdimensional portals before they disappeared.

Anaya told us that you had made a fair amount of green papers with the black lightning energy inside so we sent some to them, two or three each time, I hope we did some damage on their side."

Celia asked again : "Is Anaya still in her dragon form ?"

Liam replied : "Yes sorry sweetheart, even though there are no more transdimensional portals, we still need the fiery breath of her dragon to destroy the rest of the Divine Dark Flames that this demon god so kindly sent us."

Celia sighed and said : "Okay Liam, let us know if the situation ever changes, and tell Anaya to contact me when she's done with these black flames."

Liam smiles and said to her : "I don't need to tell her, that's probably the first thing she'll do. See you later sweetheart, brother."

The communication was cut off and Celia said to Aiden : "The situation seems to be under control on Eben, so much the better, what do you think ?"

Aiden answered honestly : "I think she didn't expect the two of you to be this strong, you can already use black lightning and the divine door, and Anaya can already transform into a dragon and use her fiery breath generated by light energy to destroy probably one of her most powerful spells, I think she takes you seriously now and she will stop this kind of attack since they are useless against the both of you."

Celia said to him with a little hope in her voice : "So that means we're going to have a bit of a break before she puts another strategy in place ..."

Aiden nodded and said : "At least that's what I think."

Celia pulled out the green jade disc with the unknown spells inside and said to Aiden : "If you think so then I trust you ... I need to clear my mind before I get back to my family, wake me up when we arrive."

Aiden nodded, he had been surprised by the trust she seemed to have in him, and he really hoped that the bond that now united him to his son wouldn't destroy that trust.

Celia was completely unwared of the thoughts Aiden could have and she was focus on her own thing.

She was going to have to meditate to be able to absorb what was inside that disc, that was why she needed Aiden to wake her up, because she will be probably to immerse to know when they will be arrived.

She couldn't wait to discover the spells of her home world, it was so fascinating just to think about it.

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