Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 157 - Problems And Mysteries

Anaya looked at her confused : "What are you trying to tell us my love ?"

Celia looked at her, then at Liam and Alec, and sighed helplessly, she said to them : "Basile has two energy reserves, one is a reserve of spiritual energy and the other is a fully black flame, pure darkness energy."

Celia saw the shock in their eyes so she preferred to continue the momentum and said : "As for Gabin he has three energy reserves, a reserve of spiritual energy, a reserve of chakra with the typical blue flame of fighters, and his demonic energy flame is composed of fifty percent darkness energy and fifty percent demonic energy."

No one spoke anymore, this news was as Celia had warned them, surprising and terrifying.

Celia looked at Liam and said : "Have you ever heard of people who can have both spiritual energy and chakra reserve."

Liam shook his head negatively but Alec answered her in his place : "This is not the first time that I heard about it, it has already happened on Stellar in very powerful families.

Usually these children end up specializing either to be a mage or either to be fighters, those who have tried to develop their two energy reserves have never succeeded to my knowledge."

Celia was relieved, finally her children were not mutants, however she was disillusioned when Alec added : "On the other hand I never heard of a person who had three different reserves of energies."

Celia ended up taking a few seconds to think about it and after looking at Liam she smiled : "Gabin's demonic flame is not a problem, he will be able to mix it with his chakra like what happened to Liam when he has released his demonic energy.

However, I don't know if it is possible to do it with spiritual energy, Basile remains the most problematic one and the most dangerous one with his reserve of pure darkness energy."

Aiden wasn't too happy with what Celia had just said about Basile, and at the same time he didn't know how to argue because he had no idea what Basile would be able to do with his powers.

Liam finally said to Celia : "Don't worry too much right now, they're just babies, they shouldn't be able to use their power for a while ...

So if that news was the problem, what about the mysteries that you wanted to tell us ?"

Celia looked at him and replied seriously : "For the mysteries, let's talk about it with my family, I need my brothers' opinion on this matter."

Anaya took her in her arms to carry her to her parents' house and during those few minutes that separated them from her parents house, Liam explained to her that they would probably have to go to the world that provided the green papers.

He said to her that they needed more green papers with light energy, because it was the only way to fight the Divine Dark Flames, but at the same time they could not reduce their attack strength by using the green papers only to fight against the Divine Dark Flames.

Celia understood the problem and she agreed with Liam, the green papers were their greatest offensive and defensive force.

She too had planned to go in this world to buy more of those and to see if they could find other things useful for them.

Once there, Celia asked them to wait in the living room while she woke up her brothers.

Her brothers weren't too happy to be woken up so early but they changed their attitude when Celia explained to them what she wanted to talk to them about.

Once they were all settled in the living room, Liam surrounded them with a force field so that they could speak freely without waking up those who were still asleep.

Celia began : "I am pretty much one hundred percent sure, that the spells they are using in this world are the same ones that I have learned to use with the runes.

Only they have been modified to adapted to this world and its needs."

Aiden looked at them and said : "Celia told me about several similar spells and even the way to do and use them is strangely like using the runes, if a person has been able to divate the power of the runes, that's means this person was really very powerful."

Celia looked at her brothers and said to them : "There is a strong possibility that it was one of our ancestors who did this, Aiden said to me very clearly that our family has nothing to do in a world of the low plane of existence, we should have come from Stellar.

Stellar being the only world in the higher plane of existence, where the spiritual energy is denser and where there is the most mages and fighters with a potential silver."

Jeremy who was his brother most addicted to mysteries in their world said to her : "And if all of you go to check this forbidden zone which they call now the Abyss, you know this circular zone on the sea that nothing can cross, the engines of boats and planes stop when they approach this area and no devices has ever been able to register any activity out there."

Celia looked at him and exclaimed : "You're right, I completely forgot about the forbidden zone thing."

She looked at her baby wife and her friends and asked them : "So that sounds like another treasure hunt or a monster hunt I really don't know what we'll find out there, but the more I think about it and the more this forbidden zone appears to be surrounded by a force field."

Liam and Anaya exclaimed at the same : "Of course we're going !"

Anthony said to her : "It would have been cool to come with you but we have to take care of organizing your funeral, and of receiving family and friends who want to say a last goodbye to you ... That's really weird to say it out loud, anyway, if you could take the kids with you it would be better, because they won't understand what's going on here otherwise."

Aiden replied before Celia : "No worries we're taking them with us."

Celia couldn't help but hit him on the back of his head and said to her brothers : "Of course we're going to take them, I don't want to traumatize them any further."

Celia said to her brothers : "Before going back i will bring you the magic pill you need to open your spiritual energy, and after that everything will be different ... forever."

Celia added : "That's a huge decision so take your time to think carefully about it."

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