Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 168 - Best Trick To Distract Him

Alec was very excited, he couldn't wait to show to Liam how awesome those instant teleportation portal spells were, he replied with his eyes shining like a kid who would want to show it's new toys : "Okay I'm coming, you'll see those teleportation spells are so cool."

Celia didn't even have time to tell him to give her back Basile, that he was already jumping into a vortex that had just formed.

Shit, thought Celia, luckily children under the age of twelve didn't count as a person for the use of a instant teleportation portal, otherwise Basile might have been lost she doesn't know where.

The first time they had used the instant teleportation portal spells, they had explained to them how it worked.

It was only one person by instant teleportation portal, except children under twelve who did not count and could be accompanied by an adult, and to teleport as precisely as possible, you just had to think either of the place or of the person that you wanted to join.

They have warned them that if two people took the same instant teleportation portal, they would be both lost in different place.

Anaya appeared a moment later followed by Liam and Alec and finally Aiden who was holding Basile still asleep in his arms.

Aiden immediately asked her with some panic in his voice : "Is it normal that he is still sleeping ?"

Celia had a bitter laugh and said : "How could i know, my son was able to break a shield made of this new energy ..."

Celia was a little worried too, but it had only been a few hours since he was asleep so she answered him, to reassure him and reassure herself : "Basile is only two years old and he is still taking a nap, and if during those three months he hasn't changed much, he was able to take a three hours nap, so for now we let him sleep."

Anaya joined her and saw that Gabin was having fun a little further climbing on the mannequins, so her wife was all hers, with a flirtatious smile on her lips she grabbed her waist and pressed her against her body.

Anaya put her other hand behind her neck and began to brush her lips with hers, with the tip of her tongue she licked her wife's lips and she whispered right against her lips, kissing her passionately after each of her statements : "My love, I want you so much ... You are so beautiful ... So sexy ... So strong ... I never want to be apart from you again ... You're mine ... Forever."

Celia wanted to laugh but she had really missed her baby wife too, and after all they went through together, they hadn't taken the time to celebrate this victory yet.

Celia was now in good health and there was no more countdown to fear.

Celia eagerly responded to Anaya's fiery kisses and they forgot where they were.

Liam has had to cough few times to get their attention, and when they finally pulled away from each other a bit, Gabin was right next to them, looking at them in fascination.

Celia could already forseen Gabin's awkward questions coming, so she used the best trick she knew and quickly said to distract him from what he had just seen : "Are you ready to see mommy to do magic ?"

As expected Gabin's attention was brilliantly diverted, and he asked excitedly : "Can i do it with you ? Mommy, can I do it with you ? Please, please, please ..."

Celia laughed and she said, ruffling his hair : "It will be up to you, if you can see what mommy is doing, I will let you try on something easier, okay ?"

Gabin was jumping in place even more excited after what his mother had told him : "Yes, yes, yes !"

Anaya looked at her curiously and asked her : "What are you planning to do ?"

Celia remembered then that she hadn't made the introductions yet, so she looked around for the supervisor, when she saw him she motioned for him to come to join them and she introduced him to Anaya as her baby wife, and she explained to Anaya that this man had agreed to take care of her family here.

Celia explained to them that she intended to make a level seven energy magic pill so that the supervisor could level up to level eight without difficulty.

The supervisor wanted to refuse but Celia insisted saying that she found his level a little low and that she would be more reassured if he got stronger.

He didn't have heart to refuse for too long and ended up accepting with gratitude, after all, no one in this world was able to do that kind of magic pill, it was totally unexpected but who didn't dream of getting stronger.

Celia took Gabin with her to the dimension and told him to don't move while she was preparing all the magic herbs she needed to make this magic pill.

Gabin was so amazed by what he saw that he stayed where he was and didn't do anything stupid for fear that his mother would forbid him to come back here.

Once ready Celia went back to the training ground and said to Gabin : "You remember when you saw the star on the water, well you must try to see what mommy is doing with these magic herbs like when you have seen this star.

It's going to be like lots of little blue strings who are going to be linked between my hands and these magic herbs, do you understand ?"

Gabin nodded, he had suddenly become very serious, which surprised Celia.

Gabin had always found it difficult to stay still, he never sat for more than two minutes, except for meals, he jumped everywhere, he climbed everything that is within his reach and ran as soon as he had the opportunity to do it.

Well, Celia decided to start since her son had become so obedient, the level seven energy magic pill consisted of thirty four level seven magic herbs and sixteen level six magic herbs.

Celia started by lifting the sixteen level six magic herbs into the air, she surrounded them all with her spiritual energy and dissolved them into powder easily, she paused and asked Gabin curiously : "Can you see the shadows around the powder of the magic herbs ?"

Gabin answered her seriously : "Yes mommy, I can !"

Anaya decided to intervene since Celia had chosen to stop by herself : "My love, I'm sure Gabin is able to see everything you are doing, his eyes have turned blue, the same blue as the color of the spiritual energy."

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