Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 172 - Need More Money

After fifty minutes, they found themselves in a big city, if Celia had to describe this city and its people, well, she would say that it is an elven city and that most of the elves were fighters.

The highest level she saw was a level ten which was really not bad for a world of the low plane of existence.

The city was built in a forest, the trees were so gigantic that they were carved into homes, buildings, shops, even hotels.

The element of earth was really very rich in this world, Celia could feel this energy vibrating through the ground and the trees, may be those trees weren't carved after all, it was may be just the use of the earth element that made that city.

She asked Liam : "What are we doing ? Do we have to disguise ourselves as elves, is it possible thanks to my bracelets, or do we go like this ?"

Aiden replied for Liam : "We are going like this without any disguises, it's probably not the first time they have seen humans, don't worry."

Alec nodded, finally to convince her he said : "To be able to create a good relationship with them and to trade, it is better to be honest and to show ourselves as we are.

Also being humans, and you a mage, we will have more choices to find something they would like to trade with us."

Liam nodded he said : "You have seen it, all the elves are either fighters or normal elves, the fact that you are a mage may really interest them."

Celia took Anaya's hand in hers and entwined her fingers with hers, she said to them : "Okay, guys here we go, Alec I'm counting on you to establish a good relationship with them, we really need it."

Liam put his arm around Alec's shoulders and said very confidently : "Don't worry Cel, my husband is the best when it comes to business."

Alec put his arm around his waist and said : "Let's move away a bit to remove our force fields, we shouldn't start with frightening them."

They moved away from the big city and withdrew their force fields.

Liam and Alec were the first to enter the city, followed by Celia and Anaya, Aiden had decided to stay hidden in the shadows just in case to secure their rear.

The elves didn't look surprised to see humans and they responded politely to Alec when he showed them some green papers and asked where they could buy them in bulk.

The elves seemed surprised at his request, but they showed them the way and gave them the name of the largest shop selling green papers in this city, the Magic Weapons and Talisman Papers shop.

After following the directions they found the shop and went straight inside.

The shop was divided into two parts, two-thirds was reserved for magic weapons, there were really all kinds of weapons and each of these weapons could use one natural element at will.

The earth, wind and water element represented at least ninty percent of the weapons while those using fire and lightning were very few and their prices if you compare them to the others seemed exorbitant.

For example, a sword using the wind element cost two thousand notes while the same sword with fire element cost twenty thousand notes.

Celia was curious to know how much the sale of her purple papers would bring her, she hoped that she could buy a good quantity of green papers thanks to them.

All four of them went to the space where the talisman papers were and on a large notice board were the value of all the different talisman papers listed.

The red paper was the most expensive and cost twenty thousand notes, the purple paper was worth ten thousand notes, the blue paper five thousand notes and the green paper was worth two thousand notes.

Alec was about to go to the salesman to negotiate the price of the purple papers when Celia took his arm to stop him.

She whispered to him in a very low voice so that he was the only one to hear her : "I have just remembered what Aiden told me when I wanted to go and sell my magic pills in my world.

First we have to go to look for an auction place, they will tell us what is the most wanted things here and it will be the shortest and easiest way to make the maximum of money."

She added to convince him : "We don't need to buy them today, it's better to make first money, then we will be able to buy as much as we want of those talisman papers."

Alec nodded to make her understand that he agreed, indeed what Celia had just said made sense, it would be much easier to buy talisman papers if they had a source of income in this world, they just needed to find this source.

Once outside they asked for directions again and after only a few minutes they found themselves in the place where all the auctions were taking place.

There was one auction every months and it is there that they learned something interesting.

The receptionist was really very warm and she was very happy that humans made the trip to the elven kingdom.

By asking innocent questions they learned that there were two distinct kingdom in this world, the elven kingdom and the human kingdom, the elves were open to trade with humans but not lot of humans were ready to do so, and apparently what the elves had to trade did not interest them.

Idiots, Celia thought, they weren't even able to recognize the true value of those talisman papers.

Celia thought quickly and decided that it would surely be more beneficial for them to go to the human kingdom to make money.

Apparently Alec had the same idea because he cleverly obtained the name of the main city of the human kingdom, that's all they needed to teleport them there using the teleportation portal spells of her world.

They thanked the receptionist for her help and after that they left the city.

Aiden was surprised that they were already leaving so he asked after joining them : "Didn't you find any ?"

Liam replied quickly : "Too expensive, we need more money, Celia continues to follow your advice to the letter, but I admit that going through an auction to make a lot of money quickly is rather a good idea."

Alec took out of his magic bag some evolved instant teleportation portal spells and gave one to each : "Aiden, we're changing of location, we got the name of the humans main city in this world, we're going to try our luck there to make money, we'll come back here to spend it."

Aiden nodded, they were sure to make money easily with humans, he told them that he hadn't detected anything suspicious yet, so they were safe for now on.

They teleported to their new destination and found themselves on a hill overlooking the city.

It was a beautiful city coming straight out of a fairy tale with armored knights and damsel in distress, at least that was Celia's impression of it.

The city was huge and seemed full of life, all the roads converged towards a castle which was surrounded by four towers, Celia was too curious to discover this city so she said to the others : "Let's go ! Let's go !"

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