Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 178 - The Hidden Simulation

That silver glint in Celia's eyes had driven her completely crazy with desire for her wife, she felt her eyes turn golden too and just when she was about to teleport them to a quieter place, Liam coughed and told them that they would have to wait until later, he remainded her that they had a lot to prepare and not a lot of time to do it.

A low growl escaped Anaya's throat which proved that not only her but her dragon was also unhappy at being interrupted.

Celia laughed and slide along the body of her baby wife, she said to her : "Don't worry my baby wife, it's just a postponement, we will play later."

She kissed her tenderly and winked at the boys before leaving.

Anaya watched her go and finally turned to them, seeing the glares they were exchanging between each other she finally asked them : "What ? What is it ?"

It was Liam who ended up asking the question they had all been pondering for a while : "Between you and Celia, who is the dominate one ?"

Anaya looked at them in astonishment, she didn't know they were wondering these kinds of questions so she answered them honestly and without any embarrassment : "It's me."

Liam and Alec glared at Aiden like this one must have lost a bet, so Anaya added with a sly smile : "It's me only because Celia prefers to be the submissive one, she said it's much more exciting for her, but if she decides to take the commands even my dragon can't do anything against it."

Aiden laughed out loud at Liam and Alec's crestfallen faces, and he came and put his arm around Anaya's shoulders saying : "Come with me little girl, let your dragon fight against my sword, let's have some fun testing its power."

Two hours later Celia had just finished those six level nine magic pills when Anaya joined her.

Anaya looked like she had come out of a steamroller, she had bruises and scratches all over her body, at least on the parts Celia could see, but the worst thing was that her beloved baby wife had a beaming smile on her face.

She said to her excitedly : "Have you finished my love ?"

Celia nodded and asked : "Why do you look so radiant when I rather feel like you just got a beating ?"

Anaya laughed out loud and said to her : "The Sword of Chaos is just too awesome, it even manages to counter my fiery breath, and it also created a shield around Aiden that neither my golden flames nor the Divine Dark Flames could break."

Celia was quite stunned and said : "You used the Divine Dark Flames on Aiden's shield and what if something had gone wrong ?"

Anaya shook her head still smiling : "Don't worry, I was ready to act right away if something went wrong."

Celia looked at her again and asked : "How come you're covered in wounds ?"

Anaya still had her eyes shining with excitement, she told Celia how they had ended up fighting using the daggers against the sword and that although the sword did not change shape, the energy inside it was so powerful that it could match up with the power of the daggers, no matter what energy Anaya used on them, the sword had managed to protect Aiden from all injures.

Celia was really reassured that such a weapon was in their possession, it would have been a big problem otherwise.

She too would have to take the time to try this new dagger they had found in the Abyss, but that would have to wait, she had other priorities for the moment.

She said to Anaya : "Okay sweetie, we will just do as usual when we try to mix two new energies."

Anaya nodded and hugged her, she kissed her tenderly and she teleported them on the combat ring.

Celia called AVA and asked her to bring them into the hidden simulation that had been created for exactly this purpose.

Celia chose to let the magic pills here just in case they forgot about the time, and she told AVA to warn the guys about it.

The hidden simulation was a large space that was surrounded by protection seals and they still had no idea of the true powers of those seals but according to AVA it was the safest place to try their experiment.

So the girls found themselves in this space and Celia began to open her divine door and focus on this new energy inside her, a small silver ball that had the reflections of the rainbow had formed above her right hand.

Anaya did the same with her light energy and a ball that looked like a small sun immediately formed.

Now that was the more technical part, because they had to find exactly the right concentration for both of their energies so that they could mix without destroying each other.

Only, unlike the other times when Celia and Anaya needed to do dozens of tries before finding the perfect concentration, this time the universe energy changed shape and surrounded itself the light energy ball of Anaya.

Celia said to Anaya : "That universe energy is completely different from the others, it really have its own intelligence."

Once the two energies mixed together seemed to have stabilized, Celia pulled out some blank green papers and began to absorb that new ball of energy inside.

Celia needed forty green papers to absorb this new ball of energy, and when she looked on one of them to see what will be the new symbol that should have appeared, she was disappointed to see that it still had universe energy written on it.

She showed the green paper to Anaya and said to her : "I don't understand, the two energies were mixed with each other, why the symbol hasn't changed."

Anaya looked at Celia and said : "My love, the symbol has changed, usually the symbols are written in black ink but this ink is gold, try one to see if this energy is easily malleable."

Celia took another green paper and handed it to Anaya telling her to try it too.

The girls continued to train like this for several hours and really forgot about the time, so Aiden chose to go to pick up their order of magic herbs and instant teleportation portal spells from the supervisor.

While Liam and Alec took care of delivering the six magic pills level nine, that Celia had let on the combat ring, to the manager.

After that, they went to sell the purple papers in the shop they found the first time in order to buy more red and green papers.

Thanks to this sale they mainly bought red papers, after all the red papers were destroyed after being used, and a red paper could only allow three people to pass, their stock was therefore diminishing very quickly.

As for the green papers, once the energy was dispersed they could be reused at will, Liam and Alec really wondered why these green papers had so little value.

Alec asked the seller if the owner of the shop was there and it turned out that the seller was the owner so he said to him : "Have you heard of the tournament that is going to take place in the human Kingdom ?"

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