Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 181 - Special Ability

Anaya's second fight was about to start and Celia and Alec had returned to the bleachers, oddly enough the people who were around them before had changed of place, she had surely scared them with her wings made of spiritual energy.

Celia felt a familiar presence and saw Aiden standing in front of the entrance, he was staring at this man that she couldn't scan with a look full of defiance. 

She had gotten use to Aiden and that behaviour was really not like him, she felt something was wrong.

She told Alec : "Aiden is there, but there is something weird in his behavior, go get him, this man over there has no intention of moving, not yet at least ..."

She didn't have time to finish her sentence that Aiden had joined them by himself, she asked him curious : "What's wrong, why isn't Daniel with Caleb ?"

Alec and Aiden looked at her surprised, she explained : "I don't need to see you guys to feel your energy, and although I haven't had much time to interact with Daniel, I can still recognize his energy, and I can't feel him right now, while I know that Caleb is very close to us, same if I can't see him."

Aiden never ceased to be amazed by Celia's abilities, he asked her : "Do we have like our own energy signature for you ?"

Celia tought about it before answering him, this feeling was difficult to explain in words : "It is not only an energy signature, it is also a feeling of familiarity that makes me recognize you, let's say that I am used to be with all of you and that even if you were in disguise I could recognize you easily."

Aiden smiled at her and ruffled her hair affectionately, that was exactly what they needed to counter this psychopath.

Celia still felt like something was wrong with Aiden so she asked him : "What the hell happened ? Do you know this man with Caleb, that's why Daniel is not around anymore ?"

Aiden said to her : "Anaya's fight is about to start, we'll talk afterwards, I guess it won't last for long anyway."

Celia let him go for the moment and concentrated on her baby wife, Anaya was looking at her, frowning, so she made two hand signals for her.

The first signal to tell her that everything was fine, she saw her relax immediately, and the second signal to tell her to get it over as soon as possible. 

She saw Anaya's smile widen and mentally apologized to her opponent who will probably not have time to understand what is happening to him.

Anaya was happy with her wife's signals, she would quickly end this fight and join her right after.

The second she heard the word "Fight", she dispersed the energy of a green paper which transformed into a gigantic lightning tornado. 

Her poor opponent have been kicked out of the combat ring immediately by the power of the tornado and was completely paralyzed because of the lightning.

The fight had lasted only nine seconds and Anaya set a new record despite of herself, because the only thing she wanted was to please her wife who had asked her to finish this fight quickly.

Liam and Anaya joined them in the bleachers, and Celia asked Aiden again : "We are all here, tell us, what's the matter ?"

Aiden nodded and said : "You were right Cel, we know this man with Caleb, he's the one who captured and tortured us."

Liam turned his head to this man who continued to watch them openly, as if they weren't a threat to him at all. 

He was even smiling at them, a smile that said that they were his prey and that he was looking forward to playing with them.

Liam clenched his fists and felt Alec's hand around his waist, he looked at his man who motioned to him to focus on the conversation rather than this man.

Aiden went on and address to Celia : "If you can't feel Daniel's energy it's because Caleb, after having recognized the two men who had been sent to find me, ordered him to stay in the dimension."

Liam asked him : "You never told us how you got captured ?"

Aiden explained : "This man has a special ability, he can duplicate himself at will, not only his clones are evenly matched with him, but they all have the same energy signature, which makes them indistinguishable.

However, while he was torturing us, he confessed to me the weakness of his technique. I think he probably thought we wouldn't survive anyway."

He paused and looked at Celia, he told her : "To undo his technique we just have to hurt his real body, and all his clones will disappear."

Celia asked him : "How many can he do at the same time ?"

Aiden sighed feeling helpless, he said to her : "As I told you earlier, he can duplicate himself at will, he starts with one clone, from the two of them he goes to four, from four to eight, and so on.

Each of his clones can use this technique, which is why he is so dangerous."

Celia looked at this man with a creepy smile on her face, she said : "Interesting, let me deal with this, all technics have their weak point, I'll find it, no worry ...

Aiden are you gonna be okay with Caleb ? I mean psychologically speaking, are you going to be able to keep a clear mind enough to fight him ?"

Aiden replied : "Don't worry about us, we have more people to protect now, we won't let him mess up with our mind ... Caleb has Daniel's sword, I sent him to kill his men, he knows though that you want to wait until the end of the tournament, I m sure he will wait until the final to act, I just hope that asshole will wait too."

Celia patted him on the shoulder and said : "He doesn't seem in a rush to act, so it should be fine ...

My baby wife, just in case, use more spells in the next fight to prove the effectiveness of green papers."

Anaya looked at her annoyed, her wife had just asked her to play with these fighters without interest, when she could fight against the man who had tortured people that she liked as her own brothers, she ended up saying to her anyway : "Alright my love, but I hope we will get the chance to test our new spells on this asshole."

Celia reassured her : "I will let you try them out later my baby wife, as I said before, there is no way we will let a single one of them make it out alive, let alone now that we know what this bastard did to Caleb and Aiden, eye for eye and tooth for tooth."

Aiden reminded her : "Cel, if you can't find a flaw in his technic, then everyone will have to go back into the dimension, do you understood ? It's not the time to be recklessness, we'll have another opportunity in the future."

Celia shook her head and said to him : "No Aiden, if we ever run away this time, then we can forget about the talisman papers, and there's no way I'm giving up those talisman papers."

She looked Aiden in the eye and said : "When are you going to stop underestimating me, underestimating us my baby wife and me, trust us okay ?"

Celia changed her mind and said to Anaya : "We're going to send him an invitation, keep using the green papers until the semifinals, and for the final use the daggers directly."

She asked Aiden : "Are you sure Caleb will wait until the final to act ?"

Aiden nodded : "He will wait, I know my brother well, he knows that if he acts too fast he will be spotted."

He looked at Anaya and said : "You'll have to give Caleb a little more time to act, try to drag the fight for at least a minute, that should be enough, his men aren't powerful enough to counter your golden flames, but he's a whole different story, they won't be able to kill him."

Anaya looked at him and smiled to tell him that she understood, then she turned to her wife and asked her : "My love, do you want me to use it on the daggers, is it your invitation to him ?"

Celia winked at her and said : "That's it my beloved baby wife, choose your favorite one and give him just a little taste, just after the end of your fight, you won't have too much time in case Caleb gets spotted, that will also serve as a diversion."

Anaya needed to go back to fight, but something was still bothering her so she asked Aiden : "If this man is really capable of duplicating himself at will, and even his clones are capable of doing it, how can we be sure that the one in front of us, looking at us, is the original one ?"

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