Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 188 - An Extraordinary Family

Anaya turned to her wife and said to her : "Liam and Alec have gone to look for reinforcements, after this fight, we will finally be able to create some Alliances and protect the worlds from this demon god."

Celia walked up to her and looked at the army that was on the other side of the wall, behind the huge shield that was protecting them, she whispered in her ear : "Sweetie, you have already removed my marks, what a shame, you looked very sexy with them ..."

Anaya pinched her cheek and said : "Seriously my love, even looking at this army, that's the first thing that comes to your mind, so shameless."

Celia kissed her and said : "My baby wife, whatever the danger we will face, you will be always the first in my thoughts and my heart, never forgot that."

Anaya kissed her again and again and Tal decided to be the one who coughed to get their attention like Liam was not here to do it.

He said to Anaya when she looked at him blushing : "Nice to see you too, things haven't changed much as far as I can see."

Celia looked at them and said : "Hey guys, it is time for you to meet my brothers and babies, I will bring them here."

She kissed Anaya on the cheek and vanished to the dimension.

Onyx asked Anaya : "She has brought her brothers ? Isn't it too dangerous right now ? We can protect two babies but it will be hard to protect everyone ..."

Aiden rose his hand to stop Onyx and he said to him : "You should not be worried for them, her three brothers have all silver potential, in only one day two of her brothers have leveled up to level two when her big brother was already halfway to level three."

Everyone looked shocked, only Caleb who had witnessed them was not that surprised, Onyx stuttered : "One ... Only ... Only, one day ..."

Aiden continued, everyone needed to know the power of all the member of her family : "As for her babies, the older one Gabin, has three different energy reserves, one of a fighter, one of a mage and one of a warrior demon with fifty percent darkness energy.

Her second son Basile, who is my sacred bond, has two different energy reserves, one of a mage and one of a demon god, his flame is fully black, he has one hundred percent of darkness energy."

Anaya said when she saw that everyone were still stunned : "Her babies can already used their power, and her brothers will be of great help soon, they can already use green papers like her, her big brother even has a higher perception than her, it would have been a waste not to take them with us."

Sky who was usually rather discreet, said in an excited tone : "Wow, her family is really extraordinary, with them on our side it's sure that it will end up making a difference, I hope his brothers will continue to progress as fast as that."

Anaya nodded and said with a smile : "There's no doubt about it ... Since we're talking about power, we also got the Sword of Chaos, Aiden is its new master."

Tal said in disbelief : "When you said the Sword of Chaos, do you really talk about that legendary sword ?"

Aiden nodded and Tal said to him : "Wow, brother, that's so impressive, congrats."

Aiden waved his hand he didn't want to tell to everyone that he got it only because of his two years old sacred bond.

Anaya saw that he looked a little embarrassed so she continued : "We also discovered two new energies, the universe energy and the creation energy."

Aiden looked at her curiously and asked : "Are you talking about this green energy ?"

Anaya nodded and said : "After Celia absorbed the green energy of his shield inside the green papers, that's how this energy was named, too bad we only have a hundred green papers of it."

Celia reappeared just then with her brothers and said : "If we could manage to use this creation energy the way this man was using it by creating his clones, it would be great."

Anthony said, ruffling her hair : "Little sister, stay focused on what you have mastered, when we will have won this battle, you will have plenty of time to do experiments with this new energy."

Celia said to him : "Don't worry, I know what to do ... Now that you have a better understanding of how things works here don't hesitate to give your opinion."

She looked at her others brothers and said to them : "You too, sometimes we need a fresh eye to find a solution."

Her brothers nodded and she introduced them to everyone, Basile caught her attention by starting to wave his arms, Celia looked towards whom he was reaching out and of course Aiden was already coming forward to take him.

Celia said in an annoyed voice, handing him Basile : "Ungrateful little one, you don't even want to stay in your mommy's arms for a while when Aiden is around."

In response, Basile put his arms around Aiden's neck and put his little head on his shoulder, Aiden moved away from Celia a bit and said : "Cel, you know the effects of this bond, he doesn't do it on purpose, Okay ?"

Celia sighed and said : "Ya, ya, I know that, but he is and always will be my baby so I can't help but be jealous of your damn bond."

Gabin suddenly exclaimed : "Mommy, mommy, the bad guys are attacking, look !"

Celia concentrated on the battlefield and indeed a shower of spells fell on the shield.

The seals on the shield appeared immediately, they were made of different colors, some were blue, some were yellow and some were red.

Celia exclaimed for everyone to benefit from her discovery : "Inside the seals there is a rune, the rune inside the blue seals is the "Teleportation" one, the rune inside the yellow seals means "Protection", while the one inside the red seals is "Attack"."

Anaya asked her : "What does that mean ?"

Celia shook her head and said : "No idea."

Gabin looked at his mother and said to her : "It's easy mommy, red is to attack, look."

Gabin's eyes turned blue and he pulled out a level one magic pill from his sweatshirt pocket, he sent his magic pill at one red seal and he said excitedly : "Attack !"

Celia was staring at Gabin in disbelief, why her son had a level one magic pill in his pockets and why did he seem to have figured out something she was missing.

No matter what, soon enough she would figure out what Gabin wanted to do with his magic pill. He sent it right next to one of the red seals and he said in his little voice excitedly : "Attack !"

And what happened next rendered her speechless.

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