Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 190 - Reinforcements Part 1

Celia replied : "If that's their condition then I hope they're ready to go to war."

Liam was still smiling : "Not only are they ready, but they have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, they cannot withdraw all their strength because it would endanger some worlds that are under their protection, but they have promised to send twenty of their best mages and fighters to help us."

Anaya looked at him surprised and asked him : "Only twenty of them will come ? Did you tell them that we were going to have to face a thousand of our enemies, including three generals of the demon god, and that is only if they wouldn't call more of them."

Liam said to her to reassure her : "Don't worry sweetheart, each of these people have extraordinary abilities and they are all able to fight against the generals of the demon god."

Celia sighed : "We'll have to do with it, we have no other choice, it is still better than nothing, maybe Alec would have better luck and would have convince more people."

Just then Celia immediately stood up and scattered green papers all around them, a shield immediately appeared and she said : "A transdimensional portal is about to appear in the courtyard."


During this time, Yann with Flame had arrived at the library and after presenting Liam's badge, he asked the one who seemed to take care of this place where he could find all the possible information on the seals, whatever their levels, he wanted to study as much as possible.

The librarian was a little surprised but this badge was Grand Master Liam's personal badge so she called several students and asked them to get all the information they could about seals of all kinds and all levels.

She asked Yann and Flame to be patient because there were some that the students of the academy did not have access to and that she had to go and get them herself.

When she returned all her students had brought back everything they had found and she put everything inside a magic bag which she handed to Yann, she asked him : "Are you one of those who are going to fight against the demons' army ?"

Yann replied : "I wish i could, but my sister will never let me fight, not until I become strong enough or useful to her, that's why I need to study all this, I need to be useful for her, on the other hand my friend here will fight against the demons at their side."

Yann was about to leave when the librarian asked him again : "Who is your sister ?"

Yann had put his arm around Flame shoulders to direct him towards the exit, however he turned his head and said proudly and without a hesitation : "My sister will become the most powerful mage that has ever existed."

Once outside Yann withdrew his arm from Flame's shoulders and said to him : "I'm going to study in the dimension, you can go back to the others, thank you for having accompanied me."

Flame asked him : "Are you sure you will understand everything, I can help you if you want ..."

Yann looked at him surprised, if it was him he wouldn't waste his time helping a stranger when he could help prepare for war, he said to him : "Don't you prefer to join the others ?"

Flame honestly told him : "The others will tell me what to do, and then it's always your sister with Liam and his brothers who organizes our attack plans, even Tal, Alec and Anaya are only making suggestions, I would feel more useful if I stayed with you, but if you prefer stay alone it's fine, I won't disturbing you."

Yann understood his point of view too well, after all he was always the little brother, their baby, and even if everyone gave their opinion freely in his family, if there were decisions to be made, it was always Anthony or Celia who made them.

He ended up telling him : "Okay stay with me then, I hope you are aware that I might ask stupid questions for you, so don't laugh too much, and I like men so I can't promise that I won't try to seduce you."

Flame smiled at him and said : "I'm going to pretend that I haven't heard the last part of your sentence.

Go on ! I'll tell your sister we're going to the dimension and I'll join you right after."


Liam put a hand on Celia's shoulder and said to her : "Cel, it's surely either members of the Lys Alliance or Alec coming back with reinforcements."

Celia had heard Liam but she didn't want to take any chances, she said to Anaya : "Sweetie, just in case, get ready."

Anaya had moved closer to the edge of the shield and she said to her without turning her head : "I am always ready to fight my love."

But it turned out that Liam was right and Alec appeared first, followed by about fifty men and women.

Celia dissipated the energy from the shield and Alec asked her surprised : "Why did you use a shield, was there a problem ?"

Celia looked at him and shook her head, she said to him : "Next time just warn me that it's you who is coming, thanks to my perception I can sense when a transdimensional portal is going to open, but I can't guess if it will be friends or ennemies."

Alec wanted to answer her but Dan stepped forward and walked straight to Anaya and started to lift his hand like he wanted to touch his face, Anaya stepped back and a rainbow-colored shield immediately appeared in front of her, making her smile, well her wife could get jealous too.

She said to the man who seemed surprised and a little disappointed by this reaction : "I don't know who you are, but if you want to stay alive don't come near me, my wife won't be that kind the next time."

Dan smiled bitterly and said : "You look like your mother, I m sorry, you probably don't like physical contact as her."

Celia had just joined Anaya and put her hand around her baby wife's waist, she dispelled the shield and said to this man : "It depends who wants to touch her ... Who are you and how do you know her mother ?"

Dan kept looking at Anaya and said : "I am Dan, the rebel leader of the red dragons, and I am Anaya's father as well."

Celia looked at Anaya who were looking at her as well, as confused as her so Celia just said : "Oh, really ?"

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