Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 205 - The White Jade Disc

The days following this battle were rather calm, Celia let Aiden, Caleb and Daniel go to Inferno, only after being sure they had the support of the demons who had accompanied their uncle here.

Her mental exhaustion preventing her from having access to her reserve of spiritual energy, her brothers took it upon themselves to create enough red papers so that they could return to Inferno and return to Eben when they wanted.

Basile after waking up had acted normally, he continued to stick his big brother as usual, and Gabin complained all the time, but as soon as Basile chose to do something without him, it was Gabin who came to annoy him and Basile who was complaining, in short everything seemed normal on their side.

Celia took two full days to be able to reuse her reserve of spiritual energy normally, she had really pushed her limits a little too far this time.

And as for Anaya, she spent her time training alternately with Liam, Alec and her father who had decided to stay with them and leave the rebellion's command to his trustworthly man.

Losses on their side had been minimal, only three members of the Lys Alliance and four red dragons perished.

Credit went to the efficiency of her brothers in using the regeneration energy on the wounded ones on the various battlefields, and Celia was rather very proud of them.

Anthony and Jeremy had left with Tal, Onyx, Arthur, Sky, Snow and Lilac to do a first scout on Elementary.

Her brothers wanted to see how the golden stone was protected and Tal needed them to see exactly what position the infiltrated demons had on Elementary.

Yann had decided to stay here and continued to study the seals in the dimension, Flame had chosen to stay with him and the filaments mixed with their color did not seem to fade away.

Yann came to her when he saw that she had finished absorbing the power of the golden stone inside Anaya's daggers, it was Aiden who had given it to her after the battle.

He coughed to get her attention and handed her the white jade disc, he said to her : "Hey big sister, I completely forgot to bring it to you, I didn't look inside, I just removed all the seals that protected it."

Celia looked at him and her smile widened when she saw the white jade disc in his hand, she took it and told him : "You did it, wow you're really awesome, the information in that jade disk is very important."

Yann seemed to have other things to ask but he didn't say anything, it was rather not like him so she asked : "Is there something bothering you ?"

Yann sat down next to her and asked her seriously : "What exactly is this bond between soulmates ?"

Celia said to him : "Didn't have you asked Flame about it already ?"

Yann told her : "Yes, I asked him, but I had a hard time believing that neither of us will ever be attracted to someone else again, is it really possible ?"

Celia had a doubt so she asked him : "When you slept together, did you know he was your soulmate ?"

Yann shook his head : "I had no idea, I thought that since we had stopped to mix our energies, there would be no consequences."

Celia asked him again : "Did you feel like electric shock when you had contact with him ?"

Yann nodded and Celia said to him : "Do you know that Flame was aware that he was your soulmate ?"

Yann looked at her in astonishment : "Wait, you mean he knew that if we slept together, we would be bonded together forever ?"

Celia nodded and said smiling : "Anaya did the same to me ... If you're worried about this bond, I'm going to ask you few questions, don't answer me, just think about it."

Celia saw that she had her brother's attention so she began : "Even though you just left him do you miss him already ? If something would happen to him how would you feel ?"

Celia saw Yann turn pale and look in the direction where probably Flame was.

She finally told him : "Even if you were not ready to settled with someone, Flame will remain faithful to you, he will love you, will cherish you, and will protect you all his life.

Trust me on that one, the love that is borned from this bond is something everyone dreams of."

Yann had had the answers to his questions so he got up to let his sister work.

Celia saw him leave and she returned her attention to this white jade disc, if what Clara had told her was correct, then the information inside that jade disc was the one she needed the most right now.

Celia didn't know how long she would need to sort and assimilate the information inside that white jade disc so she decided to go tell Anaya about it.

Near the combat ring she saw Dan playing with Gabin and Basile and she waved her hand at them, her baby boys answered but continued to play with Dan as if she didn't exist.

Celia had come for a specific purpose, so she would punish her children later for daring to ignore her like that.

Celia used her spiritual energy to create a shield between Anaya and Alec, it was the only way to get their attention and she had no choice since Liam was no where in sight.

Anaya and Alec stopped dead in their tracks and Anaya rushed over to her, she asked her : "Is everything alright my love ?"

Celia smiled at her and showed her the daggers in her hands, she said : "I m done sweetie."

Anaya jumped out of the combat ring to join her and she took her in her arms, she pressed her against her body and pushed her towards the edge of the combat ring.

When Celia's back hit this surface, Anaya lifted her in her arms and placed her legs on either side of her waist.

Celia said smiling : "I didn't come for that, but if you want to take a little break I'm not against it."

Anaya chuckled and asked her : "Why did you come my love, I know it's not just for the daggers, I could have come and get them later, then what is it ?"

Celia who was pressed against the body of her baby wife, forget everything and started to kiss her and to rub against her.

Anaya moaned but they were quickly interrupted by Gabin who exclaimed : "Mommy but what are you doing ?"

Celia and Anaya looked in his direction and after Anaya reluctantly put her down to the ground, Celia told him : "We're playing, that's all honey. Mommy is going to go back to work now."

The kids looked satisfied with this answer because they royally ignored her once more.

Celia gave the daggers to Anaya and showed her the white jade disc, she said : "That's why I came, Yann has finished unsealing it, do you want us to look at it together ?"

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