Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 207 - Let Them Know That We Have Arrived

Not only did the mage have to be able to use the universe energy but he also had to have a perfect mastery of his spiritual energy and a very great endurance.

While the mage was doing this operation both individuals must have been put in a deep sleep before that, if ever the mage failed to reconnect the two parts of the filaments together in each of the bodies again, then not only the bond would disappear forever, but the people would also die from this failure.

Celia wondered how Clara had been able to perform this operation on her and Anna and as soon as she wondered about it, the answer appeared in her mind.

Clara was a seals specialist, just like Celia was a spells specialist, she had used a very powerful seal which allowed her to make a perfect clone of herself, with the same reserve of spiritual energy, then through another seal she had sent her consciousness in this clone and after making sure to master the body of this clone she had performed this operation.

Everything was detailed down to the smallest detail, and Celia after taking everything into consideration, decided that at her current level it was too risky to attempt this operation.

So she let it go for the moment and concentrated on things relating to the mages.


Meanwhile, Tal was leading the others through Elementary, he was the only one of them who knew this place.

They had all completely changed their appearance thanks to the universal runes of Disguise and Transfiguration, it was thus safer and easier to spot where the demon god's spies were.

Anthony had asked Tal to bring them first to see the golden stone to see if it was guarded by the demons.

Tal had assured him that even if it was guarded by the demons, no one would stop them from going to pray in front of it.

This golden stone was after all in the most sacred place of Elementary and it was protected by an impassable force field, an entire city had been built around it as everyone wanted to worship it.

The legend said that only the golden dragon could take back this stone and that he would bring peace to their world thanks to it.

Now that Tal had spent quite some time with the girls, he knew that it wasn't so simple, and that there was a lot more at stake than peace in their world.

This golden stone would allow Anaya to acquire some of the power she needed to kill this demon god once and for all.

If they failed to kill her it wasn't just Elementary that would be in danger but all the worlds in this universe.

The trip to this city went smoothly, and Tal wasted no time in leading them to the main square, where the golden stone was located.

Jeremy, who didn't have a great perception as Anthony, had to concentrate to find if there were any demons around them.

If needed Sky, Snow and Lilac would go take care of them while Tal and Onyx would stay and protect Anthony, Jeremy and Arthur.

Anthony therefore concentrated on the force field and frowned immediately, Sky who was starting to know him well asked him : "What's wrong ?"

Anthony answered him right away : "There are two different force fields, the one surrounding the golden stone was made by universe energy and it is connected by different pentagrams to the golden stone.

If what I think is correct it is the golden stone itself that is sending energy to the pentagrams which in turn keep the shield in perfect condition."

Sky asked Anthony when he stopped in his explanation : "How about the second force field ?"

Anthony after thinking about it said to him : "The second was probably done by demons, there are seals on it made of pure darkness energy, and it has been made one meter away from the first one."

Jeremy, who was still watching the area, asked him : "Do you think that they have made one because they couldn't get the golden stone ?"

Anthony nodded : "Yes that's exactly what I think. Since they couldn't break through that force field, they made one too to make sure no one could ever get it back."

Sky was well aware of Celia's abilities so he asked Anthony to be sure : "Is that going to bother Cel ?"

Anthony chuckled and said to him : "Sky, if I wanted though I could very well get rid of the force field that the demons have set up.

It is the one with the pentagrams that is causing problems, Celia will have to come and see for herself to find out how to undo it."

Snow asked Jeremy : "Did you find any demons ?"

Jeremy smirked and said to him : "Ya, in fact there is one who have been following us since we arrived, and the two others have arrived not long after we settled here.

Considering their level, you can easily eliminate them all, what do we do ?"

Snow looked at Tal to wait for orders, and Tal had a creepy smile on his face before telling them : "Let's let them know that we've arrived, one each guys, take your pick."

Jeremy gave detailed descriptions of their targets and after agreeing, Sky, Snow and Lilac disappeared only to reappear right in front of their chosen target.

Of course they hadn't completely disappeared, it was just that Jeremy and Anthony were still too weak to be able to follow their movements.

Five minutes later, the three of them came back as if nothing had happened and Tal said : "Let's go watch what happens in the capital, where all the most powerful clans are normally found."

Jeremy smirked again and said : "Sound cool !"

Tal led them down an alley and they all pulled out an evolved instant teleportation portal spell, Tal told them : "I'm going first, meet me in five minutes, that's the time I need to find a safe place, Onyx they're all under your protection in the meantime."

Onyx nodded and Tal immediately disappeared into a portal, five minutes later they joined him and found themselves in a large hotel suite.

Tal said to them when he saw the surprised in their eyes : "This is the hotel closest to the royal palace where all the clans meet once a month to discuss the problems they encounter.

And well, Cel gave us the money that was in the Elementary chest, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it, right ?

Anthony smiled and said to him : "I didn't hear anyone complaining though."

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